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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Large illustrated edition

Гаррі Поттер і Орден Фенікса. Велике ілюстроване видання

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Large illustrated edition

Synopsys by J.K. Rowling
Amidst the decaying grandeur of Sirius Black’s ancestral nest, over which hangs the shadow of imminent war, the Order of the Phoenix gathers. Lord Voldemort is growing stronger and stronger, and now his thoughts are penetrating Harry Potter’s dreams, threatening them and demonstrating his obsession with the powerful spells that lie deep within the bowels of the Department of Mysteries… During a year full of mystery and intrigue, every detail of school life is scrutinized by the frog-like Dolores Umbridge, the High Inquisitor appointed by the Ministry of Magic to spy on Dumbledore and his famous student. However, brave and loyal students gather Dumbledore’s army, determined to fight back against Professor Umbridge and learn the magic that will help them to confront the forces of Darkness. This breathtakingly illustrated edition combines the talents of Kate Greenaway Medal winner Jim Kay and 2021 Bologna Children’s Book Fair winner Neil Packer in a stunning feast for the eyes, featuring iconic scenes and beloved characters like Tonks, Luna Lovegood, and more as the Order of the Phoenix closely follows Harry Potter’s fifth year at Hogwarts.

Buy Bjarne Mastenbroek. Dig it! Building Bound to the Ground by Bjarne Mastenbroek in Ukrainian

Looking for a captivating read? Discover the architectural marvel “Bjarne Mastenbroek. Dig it! Building Bound to the Ground” by Bjarne Mastenbroek, now available in Ukrainian. This book is perfect for readers in the US and Canada who appreciate innovative architecture rooted in nature.

Reasons to Buy and Read “Bjarne Mastenbroek. Dig it! Building Bound to the Ground” in Ukrainian

  • Award-winning Architect: Bjarne Mastenbroek is known for his groundbreaking work in architecture. His projects seamlessly blend with the environment.
  • Educational Value: The book offers deep insights into sustainable building practices and eco-friendly designs.
  • Visually Stunning: Packed with high-quality images, this book showcases spectacular architectural achievements that are bound to inspire.
  • Global Influence: Learn about international projects that have set new standards in the world of architecture.
  • Comprehensive Guide: Covering detailed methodologies and philosophies, this book is a must-read for aspiring architects and design enthusiasts.
  • First Edition in Ukrainian: Specially translated for the Ukrainian-speaking audience, ensuring you can enjoy it in your native language.

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  • Accepted Payments: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards.
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Don’t miss out! Buy “Bjarne Mastenbroek. Dig it! Building Bound to the Ground” by Bjarne Mastenbroek today and dive into the world of innovative architecture.


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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Large illustrated editionHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Large illustrated edition
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