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Wine Folly. Everything you need to know about wine

Wine Folly. Усе, що треба знати про вино

Джастін Геммек

Justin Gemmek

Wine Folly. Everything you need to know about wine

How many secrets are hidden in a bottle of wine? How to handle it, serve it, tasting it, and what is the best way to taste it? How does the taste depend on the climate of the country? How many shades of colors and flavors does wine hide? And did you know that Sauvignon Blanc can smell like freshly cut grass and why Chardonnay has notes of butter? All this in the book “Wine Folly. Everything You Need to Know About Wine” is concise, stylish, and in pictures. This is the perfect practical guide for those who want to know more about wine than what is written on the label: tips for all “wine” occasions, descriptions of 55 major wines in infographics, and 20 geographical maps of the world’s major wine regions. The book was created on the basis of WINEFOLLY.COM, one of the most popular online wine resources, uniting hundreds of thousands of amateurs and professionals around the world.

Купити "Wine Folly. Усе, що треба знати про вино" українською мовою

Wine Folly. Усе, що треба знати про вино – це незамінний посібник для всіх шанувальників вина. Автор Джастін Геммек пропонує прості та зрозумілі пояснення, які допоможуть вам розширити свої знання про цей напій. В Україні та Канаді ви можете легко купити "Wine Folly. Усе, що треба знати про вино українською мовою".

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Доступність інформації: книгу написано простою мовою, що дозволяє зрозуміти тонкощі виноробства.
  • Чудова ілюстрація: в книзі представлені інфографіки та малюнки, що роблять навчання ще більш інтерактивним.
  • Корисні поради: автор пропонує рекомендації щодо підбору вин до різних страв.
  • Актуальні тренди: ви дізнаєтеся про останні новинки у світі вина та його виробництва.
  • Відкриття нового: книга допомагає зрозуміти та оцінити різноманіття смакових профілів.

Основні моменти книги

  • Історія вина: від давніх часів до сучасності.
  • Типи вин: червоні, білі, сухі та солодкі.
  • Техніки дегустації: як правильно оцінювати вино.
  • Географія вина: найвідоміші виноробні регіони світу.
  • Винні пари: як вибрати ідеальне поєднання вина з їжею.

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Buy Wine Folly: Everything You Need to Know About Wine by Justin Hemmick

Wine Folly: Everything You Need to Know About Wine is an essential guide for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of wine. If you’re looking to buy Wine Folly: Everything You Need to Know About Wine in Ukrainian, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s why this book should be on your shelf:

  • Comprehensive Overview: It covers all aspects of wine, from grape varieties to tasting techniques.
  • Beautiful Visuals: The book is filled with stunning infographics that make learning about wine enjoyable.
  • Easy to Understand: Written in a straightforward manner, perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike.
  • Expert Advice: Compiled by renowned wine educators, ensuring you receive top-notch information.
  • Discover Pairing Techniques: Learn how to pair wines with foods for the best dining experience.

Key Milestones in the Book

  • Understanding Wine Regions: Explore various wine-producing regions around the world.
  • Learning Tasting Skills: Master the art of tasting wine like a pro.
  • Identifying Quality: Develop skills to recognize good quality wines.
  • Advanced Wine Knowledge: Move beyond basics to advanced topics like viticulture and vinification.

If you are ready to buy Wine Folly: Everything You Need to Know About Wine by Justin Hemmick, we are here for you. Enjoy our strong sides:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing and great discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Your orders ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
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  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support Ukrainian Army: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept payments through PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options for your convenience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your wine knowledge!


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Wine Folly. Усе, що треба знати про вино


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    I bought this book as a gift. First of all I was fascinated by the cover and the design of the book. It’s quite a big format, beautiful pictures, and I really liked that the content of the book reminds me of a real encyclopedia. The book not only has the text but also has color images, diagrams and formulas, thanks to this book you can become a true connoisseur of wine products. This format of the book is best suited for people who know absolutely nothing about wine as well as for those who already have some basic knowledge. Initially I hoped that with the help of this information it would be possible to learn to understand wine varieties and to choose to one’s taste which is better suited to one’s own desires. But in this book there’s a lot of other, no less useful information, for example about how to make wine, how to taste it correctly, and information about what countries the wine comes from and what their main differences are. I also liked the fact that thanks to this book you can immerse yourself in history, reading can become quite fascinating for the next couple of hours.

    January 21, 2021
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    Wine is not just an alcoholic beverage, it is an amazing combination of different, sometimes very unexpected, flavors and aromas in a glass!

    The book is for those who want to learn to understand wine, it is very systematic and that is a huge plus! When you read it you realize what a tremendous job the authors did to create it!

    Thanks to the publisher for the new and such a beautiful edition of this book! It is just tactile pleasant to hold in your hands. The quality of the translation is also top notch!

    The book as a gift is just perfect! Looking through the “map” of each wine presented in the book already makes you want to run to the wine market for a bottle of a new discovery for yourself! To open the book to look at the page with his “map” and check yourself and your taste perception!) Even the familiar wines “sounded” different!) So I definitely recommend it!)

    The book is not for connoisseurs, for those who are just starting their way to the taste of wine. The book provides basic information that is very well organized! The information is more designed for visual perception – a lot of pictures, a lot of schemes, but it’s clear and easy to read!

    May 10, 2020
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    Zakharchenko Kateryna

    If there are wine connoisseurs among your loved ones, you can safely give them this guide. The edition is very good, large format and with good coated paper. Staryi Lev Publishing House, bravo, you did a great job.

    The book begins with the basics – we are told what drinks are called wines, their main characteristics, labeling and proper tasting, as well as detailed recommendations on wine and food pairings.

    This is followed by a description of specific types of wine, including notes, regions of production, price, proper serving temperature, and other information.

    The last section is devoted to the most popular and largest wine regions. As the authors note, they chose only twelve wine-producing countries because they account for 80% of all wine produced in the world.

    The book consists mainly of diagrams, charts, and maps, with almost no dry text. This makes the book very visual and easy to understand. And with its help, the reader can discover new facets of the taste of a perhaps long-known drink, just by serving it at a different temperature or with different food. I definitely recommend it.

    October 1, 2019
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    Alyona Fedorenko

    “Life is too short to drink bad wine.” A favorite saying about wine that has quietly become my little rule of life.

    This book will definitely not make you a sommelier, but it will tell you about the basics of food and wine pairing, the main wine regions, what and how to serve and taste wine correctly. It will open the door to a new, wonderful world of wine lovers

    With her help, you will know the difference between Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc, the difference between Chardonnay from California and New Zealand, learn that Germany is known for the world’s best Riesling wines, and Sangiovese is considered one of the most important grape varieties in Italy. And that good wine doesn’t have to be very expensive. And that the largest bottle, with a volume of 15 liters, is called Nebuchadnezzar. And more… and many more interesting things about this wonderful drink. The only downside after reading this is that you will most likely have an irresistible desire to choose and taste more and more new flavors, so be careful!)

    I would also like to say a few words about the book itself and its design. The information is presented concisely, interestingly, in the form of clear infographics, without unnecessary information and “water”. Everything is clear, visual and very beautiful.

    The authors give great advice to taste at least 34 of the 55 wines described in the book. You’ll agree that this is the best advice you can get!)

    August 15, 2019
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    Igor Igor

    If wine is not just one of the alcoholic beverages for you, and your tastes crave more variety, then this is the book for you. In it you will find, of course, various types of wine. Each type is accompanied by a very informative card: characteristics, styles, regions of production, what to taste with in terms of food, wine pricing, what to serve, and so on. It is both informative and interesting. Part of the book describes wine regions. The geographical maps are very interesting, from which you can learn the geography of wine types and their production. As you can see, the book is a perfect gift for friends, and if one of them is also a wine connoisseur, it will be a double success. The quality of the book is top notch: photo paper, landscape size, and a hefty weight that adds to the look.

    In general, I can say that the content is not full of boring information and will be interesting to a wide range of people. Although it is still presented as encyclopedic content, but in the form of a guide. This makes the book unique.

    March 3, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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