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Wine. Andrew Jefford's course

Вино. Курс Ендрю Джеффорда

Ендрю Джеффорд

Andrew Jefford

Wine. Andrew Jefford’s course

Benjamin Franklin said: “Wine is a constant reminder that God wants us to be happy.” Vivat publishing house releases a gift edition for happy people – a book by one of the best wine experts, multiple winner of the world’s most prominent awards – Glenfiddich Award, Louis Roederer Champagne International Wine, World Food Media Award – Andrew Jefford. Andrew Jefford’s short course “Wine” will allow the reader to take a walk through wine regions and get acquainted with the “star” varieties of the wine world, learn more about tasting and taste of quality wine, its texture, aroma and cooking secrets in different parts of the world.

Чому варто купити "Вино. Курс Ендрю Джеффорда"?

"Вино. Курс Ендрю Джеффорда" — це не просто книга, а справжній путівник у світ вина. Ця книга стане незамінним джерелом знань для початківців та досвідчених винолюбів. Якщо ви хочете купити "Вино. Курс Ендрю Джеффорда" українською мовою, нижче наведені основні моменти, чому це варто зробити:
  • Доступність інформації: Книга надає детальні описи різних сортів вин.
  • Освітній аспект: Пояснення про технології виробництва та терміни дегустації.
  • Практичні поради: Рекомендації щодо вибору вина для різних випадків.
  • Історії виноробства: Цікаві факти про винодельні з усього світу.
  • Культурний контекст: Вино у різних культурах та традиціях.

Основні теми книги

Кожен розділ книги пронизаний знаннями і пристрастю автора. Основні теми включають:
  • Сорт винограду та їх характеристика.
  • Технології вирощування та збору винограду.
  • Процес виготовлення віні та його етапи.
  • Тонкощі дегустації та споживання вина.
  • Розуміння аромату й смаку вина.

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Discover the World of Wine with "Wine. An Andrew Jefford Course"

If you're a wine enthusiast in the US or Canada, you won't want to miss the chance to buy "Wine. An Andrew Jefford Course" by Andrew Jefford. This book offers an engaging journey into the world of wine, filled with insights and knowledge that every sommelier and wine lover should possess.

Key Reasons to Read "Wine. An Andrew Jefford Course"

  • Comprehensive Guide: The book provides an in-depth exploration of wine regions, grape varieties, and tasting techniques.
  • Expert Insights: Andrew Jefford shares his extensive knowledge and personal experiences, making it both informative and enjoyable.
  • Perfect for All Levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced connoisseur, this book caters to every level of expertise.
  • Engaging Style: The writing is approachable and filled with anecdotes that bring the subject to life.
  • Cultural Context: Understand the history and significance of wine in different cultures around the world.
  • Practical Tips: Gain valuable tips on wine pairing, storage, and selection.

Why Purchase From Us?

  • Best prices on the market for buying "Wine. An Andrew Jefford Course" in Ukrainian.
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  • Fast shipping options directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in finding and purchasing rare books from Ukraine.
  • A portion of each sale goes to supporting the Ukrainian army.

We accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping through trusted carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enrich your wine knowledge with "Wine. An Andrew Jefford Course". Order today!


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Вино. Курс Ендрю Джеффорда


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    Volodymyr Bohun

    When a book is said to be a guide, it is probably true. Especially when the book contains some special information that may be of interest to the reader. It is clear that Andrew Jefford wrote his book with love, and tried to convey his knowledge to the interested reader in a concise but complete manner. And it is very disappointing to read information that distorts the author’s opinion and reflects the unprofessional attitude of Vivat Publishing House to its work. The first opening of the book on page 58 immediately makes even a reader with little knowledge of the subject see the nonsense of what is written. The people who published the book call a well-known Austrian white grape variety “an Australian variety that produces dry red wines,” and a couple of paragraphs later they report that Zinfandel has been successful, in particular, in Northern Italy. It should be noted that Zinfandel (also known as Primitivo) is not grown in northern Italy. However, the entire Southern (!) Italy is proud of the Primitivo variety. I am sure that E. Jefford wrote everything correctly. But when a professionally produced book falls into the hands of people who are not even educated in their field, the result can be terrible. Yes, there are mistakes or typos. But when they follow one after another, it becomes frustrating and you want to close the book. This is definitely not a guidebook, and E. Jefford certainly has nothing to do with it.

    July 13, 2020
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    The world of wine is a world of tradition and innovation, where well-known names coexist with new and unusual varieties that are either going to win the love of gourmets or sink into oblivion. It’s easy to get lost in the complex and diverse world of wine, even if you’re just picking up a bottle of wine for a family dinner.

    Learning to understand the characteristics of wine, navigating its varieties produced around the world – Andrew Jefford’s book Wine is dedicated to all this special art. From this book you will learn how to taste wine, what is the philosophy of wine consumption in general, how wine is born, what determines its taste, texture and aroma, what grape varieties are used in the production of certain types of wine. The author examines in detail the characteristics of different grape varieties, explores the process of growing grapes and the stages of wine production, and then proceeds to review wines on the world map. The book covers wines produced in Italy, Spain, France, North and South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Portugal, and Germany.

    The author of the beautifully illustrated gift edition offers a twenty-lesson course in wine study that will provide important guidelines for a world-wide journey in search of not only taste enjoyment, but also understanding of the geographical and cultural characteristics of different wines. After reading the book, you will buy and taste wine like a true connoisseur!

    “Wine. Andrew Jefford’s Course” is a wonderful gift edition: large illustrations printed on high-quality glossy paper, deep and pulling text, as the wine itself, charming in itself, is very fascinating!!! It’s like a good quality glossy magazine, but much more voluminous.

    Special thanks for the translation – very subtle, exquisite. It was easy to read and relaxed. I believe that everyone who is in any way related to the wine business or is simply a fan of this exquisite drink should have such literature in their library.

    December 18, 2018
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    Today, wine knowledge is a very relevant and important skill.

    In today’s world, such interesting hobbies look very favorable in the context of cultural recreation.

    The book “Wine. The Andrew Jefford Course” is not just a book, but a guide. Exactly a guide. Because here the author gives a lot of basic information that creates the basis for a comprehensive study of alcohol. Actually, wine, but the book often deals with alcohol in general.

    What is the advantage of the book:

    First, geography, a description of the locations where the best wines are grown and sold.

    Secondly, the breadth of the set of wines covered.

    Third, the advice that makes a wine taster an expert.

    Fourth, a collection of descriptions of the aromas and flavors of the most popular wines.

    As for me, these advantages are a gold mine.

    I also liked the fact that the author is engaged in a dialog with the reader. He speaks delicately and meaningfully.

    I learned many techniques for recognizing quality wine from any other. I learned how to feel the flavors and describe them correctly. You don’t need to go on any trips or work with a sommelier taster. You just need to have a book like this and become an expert at home.

    July 18, 2018
    Verified Purchase


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