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What is Ukrainian literature?

Що таке українська література

Леонід Ушкалов

Leonid Ushkalov

What is Ukrainian literature?

The book includes 45 essays that were first published in 2012-2013 in the Ukraina Moloda newspaper in the section “Literature Lessons from Leonid Ushkalov.” In them, the author raises a number of issues that are important for every person: happiness, freedom, love, truth, poetry, loneliness… The heroes of the essays are well-known classics, including Skovoroda, Kvitka-Osnovianenko, Shevchenko, Gogol, Drahomanov, Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, Kobylianska, Vynnychenko, Khvylovyi, Johansen, Malaniuk, Dovzhenko, Yanovskyi, and much lesser-known authors: Krymsky, Shpol, Bureviy, Chernov, Teliha, Livytska-Kholodna, and others. Written in a vivid journalistic style, these “lessons” undeniably testify to one thing: the Ukrainian literary tradition from antiquity to the present is rich, colorful, and extremely interesting.

Купити "Що таке українська література" автора Леонід Ушкалов в США та Канаді

Книга "Що таке українська література" від Леоніда Ушкалова – це унікальний путівник у світ української літератури. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити цю книгу українською мовою в США або Канаді, ви потрапили за адресою!

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Глибокий аналіз українських письменників і їх творів.
  • Відкриття невідомих аспектів літературних шедеврів.
  • Історичний контекст розвитку української літератури.
  • Цікаві факти про життя та творчість видатних авторів.
  • Вклад української літератури у світову культуру.

Основні моменти книги

  • Вступ до української літератури: Основні течії та стилі.
  • Визначні постаті: Творчість Тараса Шевченка, Лесі Українки та інших.
  • Література в контексті історії: Як війни і політичні зміни вплинули на літературу.
  • Сучасна українська література: Нові імена та тенденції.

Якщо ви хочете купити "Що таке українська література" українською мовою, ця книга стане чудовим доповненням до вашої бібліотеки. Її читання не лише розширить ваші знання, але й дозволить краще зрозуміти культуру України.

Наші сильні сторони

  • Найкращі ціни та регулярні знижки на літературу.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку рідкісних книг з України.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

Ми приймаємо різні способи оплати, включаючи PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка виконується по всьому світу через Укрпошту, USPS, UPS та DHL.

Не втрачайте можливість доторкнутися до української літератури! Замовте книгу "Що таке українська література" сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "What is Ukrainian Literature" by Leonid Ushkalov

"What is Ukrainian Literature" is a must-read for anyone interested in the nuances of Ukrainian culture and its rich literary tradition. This insightful book provides an in-depth exploration of the elements that define Ukrainian literature, making it an essential addition to your library.
  • Comprehensive Overview: The book outlines the key themes and historical contexts that shape Ukrainian literature, providing you with a solid foundation.
  • Authoritative Perspective: Written by Leonid Ushkalov, the book offers a unique viewpoint from one of Ukraine's leading literary critics.
  • Engaging Narrative: Ushkalov's writing style is both informative and captivating, making complex ideas accessible to all readers.
  • Rich Illustrations: Featuring various literary examples, the book enhances your understanding of significant works and authors.
  • Cultural Significance: An exploration of how Ukrainian literature reflects the nation’s history and identity throughout the ages.

How to Purchase

If you're in the US or Canada and want to expand your literary horizons, buy "What is Ukrainian Literature" in Ukrainian today. Our website offers the best prices and great discounts.
  • Secure Payments: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards for your convenience.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv to your doorstep.
  • Worldwide Shipping: We use trusted services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
  • Support for Ukraine: A percentage of each purchase goes towards supporting the Ukrainian army.
  • Rare Finds: We assist in searching for and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.

Final Thoughts

Purchasing "What is Ukrainian Literature" by Leonid Ushkalov is more than just acquiring a book; it's about embracing and understanding a culture. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


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    “What is Ukrainian literature” is a collection of essays by Leonid Ushkalov, which, before being included in this book, were articles by this author for one of the literary newspapers of our country. This book made me look differently at some phenomena and personalities in Ukrainian literature, get interested in some personalities about whom I previously knew only the bare minimum. “What is Ukrainian literature” inspired me to look differently at Kharkiv, its architecture, atmosphere, streets. This city was the real capital of Ukrainian literary life in the first half of the twentieth century.

    In his essays, Leonid Ushkalov talks about Skovoroda, Shevelev and Zhadan, Lesa Ukrainka and Aleksandr Dovzhenko, covers a huge layer of time from the Baroque to modern literature. I must say that I did not find all the articles in “What is Ukrainian Literature” equally successful and fascinating: some I wanted to skip, but most of them I will re-read more than once, and I recommend you do the same.

    October 20, 2017
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    Do you want to fall in love with Kharkiv, its streets and architecture in absentia? Read Leonid Ushkalov’s collection of essays “What is Ukrainian Literature”! If you want to learn the secrets of Ukrainian writers, from Dmytro Tuptal and Meletiy Smotrytsky, Hryhoriy Skovoroda and Volodymyr Vynnychenko to Serhiy Zhadan, this is the place for you! This book is a collection of 45 articles by the author on various topics related to the literature of our country, which were once published in the pages of the Young Ukraine. There are especially many articles on Skovoroda, Shevchenko, Dovzhenko, and Khvylovy. Ushkalov also pays a lot of attention to Kharkiv, the city where he has lived for many years.

    The sketches are heterogeneous – there are those that you want to turn over as soon as possible to start reading the incredibly interesting essays, which are also numerous in this book. One of the articles is devoted to an introduction to the philosophy of Ukrainian feminism: Ushkalov talks here about Olha Kobylianska, her “Tsarivna,” and her fascination with Nietzsche’s philosophy. In short, What is Ukrainian Literature is a real masterpiece for anyone who reads Ukrainian.

    July 21, 2017
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    A very interesting and informative book. Ukrainian literature is really fascinating, although some authors are difficult to read. A number of topics have been chosen that can be written about forever, and read forever. Each of the classics has his or her own understanding of a given topic, and that’s what makes it so interesting. The journalistic style that the author has chosen for this book adds to its vibrancy.

    The book opened up a lot of new things for me personally, because usually, apart from the works required for reading at school, we are not interested in Ukrainian classics. But this book made me take a closer look at some writers and familiarize myself with their works.

    I also discovered authors who were not so well known. I have marked them for myself. I wish there were more books like this. Because many worthy authors of the past remain unknown. Ukrainian literature really impresses with its versatility, color and depth.

    This is a very informative book. It’s great that books of this genre and subject matter are being written, because it also allows us to understand the classics in a “modern way.” I advise everyone to pay attention to it.

    February 18, 2017
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