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Buy "Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boikivshchyna" in Ukrainian

Українські народні казки. Книга 14. Казки Бойківщини

Автор української книги.

Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boikivshchyna

From the publisher: “Tales of Boykivshchyna” is the fourteenth book in a unique 24-volume series of Ukrainian folk tales, to the collection, arrangement, and literary adaptation of which the author has dedicated over 25 years. During this time, approximately 3,500 tales were recorded. The proposed book includes tales from the distinctive ethnographic region of Ukraine—Boykivshchyna—recorded in the late 1980s. The author aimed to bring the language of the tales as close to literary as possible. However, the most characteristic dialectisms and syntactic constructions have been preserved and explained in a glossary at the end of the volume.

Чому варто купити "Українські народні казки. Книга 14. Казки Бойківщини"?

Купити "Українські народні казки. Книга 14. Казки Бойківщини" українською мовою - це чудова можливість поринути у світ традиційної української культури. Ця книга є частиною серії, яка досліджує унікальні історії та легенди з різних регіонів України.
  • Яскраві персонажі: Читачі знайдуть у книзі незабутніх героїв, що впливають на сюжет.
  • Моральні уроки: Казки передають важливі життєві цінності та мудрість.
  • Багатство фольклору: Слухачі насолодяться кольоровими описами природи та традицій.
  • Цікаві повороти сюжету: Несподівані повороти захоплюють увагу і залишають враження.

Основні моменти книги

  • Сказання про добрих героїв, що борються зі злом.
  • Легенди про непереможність людського духу.
  • Захоплюючі пригоди в чарівному світі.
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Discover "Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boykivshchyna"

Buy Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boykivshchyna in Ukrainian to explore a rich tapestry of stories from the heart of Ukraine. This enchanting collection offers readers a glimpse into the traditional narratives that have shaped Ukrainian culture. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase and enjoy this book:
  • Authentic Stories: Dive into the essence of Ukrainian folklore with captivating tales unique to the Boykivshchyna region.
  • Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of Ukrainian traditions, values, and beliefs through these timeless stories.
  • Rich Vocabulary: Enhance your language skills with beautiful Ukrainian prose, suitable for both young readers and adults.
  • Illustrative Art: Enjoy stunning illustrations that bring the stories to life and engage readers of all ages.
  • Educational Value: Teach children about heritage and morals found within folk tales while entertaining them.
  • Perfect Gift: An ideal present for friends and family who appreciate literature and cultural diversity.

Why You Should Buy This Book

Buy Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boykivshchyna by a renowned author and immerse yourself in the world of Ukrainian mythology. This book not only entertains but also preserves a crucial part of Ukraine’s cultural history.
  • Engaging Narratives: Each story is crafted to captivate and inspire the imagination of readers.
  • Community Connection: Connect with fellow Ukrainians in the diaspora through shared stories from the homeland.
  • Support Ukraine: A portion of each purchase goes directly to support the Ukrainian army.

We pride ourselves on our competitive prices, offering great discounts on your purchases. With fast shipping options available directly from Kyiv and Lviv, you can expect your order to arrive promptly. We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy global shipping with trusted services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.


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Additional info

Weight 0.45 kg



Pages count


Page size

70×100/16 (~170×240 mm)

Original title

Українські народні казки. Книга 14. Казки Бойківщини

Original Publisher

Навчальна книга – Богдан


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Buy "Ukrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boikivshchyna" in UkrainianUkrainian Folk Tales. Book 14. Tales of Boikivshchyna