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Ukrainian cuisine. The best dishes

Українська кухня. Кращі страви

Юлія Карпенко

Yulia Karpenko

Ukrainian cuisine. The best dishes

The book “Ukrainian Cuisine” is built in a very convenient form: it consists of three parts, each of which is a separate topic, but if you combine these topics, you will get a wonderful menu, and not just for every day! And the detailed description and colorful illustrations will help you prepare the dish without any problems and unnecessary worries.

Купіть "Українська кухня. Кращі страви" українською мовою

"Українська кухня. Кращі страви" авторства Юлії Карпенко — це не просто кулінарна книга, а справжня подорож в світ смаків та традицій України. Ця книга ідеально підходить для тих, хто хоче зануритися в українську гастрономію, живучи в США чи Канаді.

Чому варто купити цю книгу:

  • Різноманітність рецептів, які відображають багатство української кухні.
  • Доступність інгредієнтів, що дозволяє легко готувати вдома.
  • Опис традиційних святкових страв, які додадуть особливого настрою вашій родині.
  • Легкі кроки для приготування, які підходять як новачкам, так і досвідченим кухарям.
  • Розповіді про історію кожної страви, що робить процес приготування більш цікавим.

Основні моменти книги:

  • Приготування борщу — класика української кухні.
  • Рецепти вареників з різними начинками, які полюблять всі.
  • Технології приготування смачних пирогів та запечених страв.
  • Секрети маринування овочів на зиму.
  • Кулінарні традиції, пов’язані зі святами та обрядами.

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Купуючи “Українська кухня. Кращі страви” від Юлія Карпенко, ви отримуєте не лише чудову книгу, а й підтримуєте важливу справу! З кожної покупки ми робимо пожертви на українську армію.

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Не пропустіть можливість відкрити для себе нові смаки України! Купіть "Українська кухня. Кращі страви" вже сьогодні та насолоджуйтеся кулінарними шедеврами!

Why You Should Buy "Ukrainian Cuisine: The Best Dishes" by Julia Karpenko

Discover the Richness of Ukrainian Cuisine
  • Explore traditional recipes that have been passed down through generations.
  • Learn about unique ingredients that define Ukrainian cooking.
  • Experience the warm hospitality embodied in each dish.
Key Features of the Book
  • Over 100 authentic recipes, perfect for any food lover.
  • Step-by-step guides making it easy to follow along.
  • Beautiful photography that showcases the dishes and their origins.
Immerse Yourself in Cultural Stories
  • Dive into the history behind iconic dishes like Borscht and Varenyky.
  • Understand how Ukrainian culture influences modern culinary trends.
  • Connect with the heartwarming stories of families sharing meals together.
Buy "Ukrainian Cuisine: The Best Dishes" in Ukrainian

Looking to buy "Ukrainian Cuisine: The Best Dishes" by Julia Karpenko? This book is perfect for anyone interested in Ukrainian culinary arts. It’s an excellent resource whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner looking to try something new.

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Українська кухня. Кращі страви


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    The most significant advantage of this book, in my opinion, is the accessibility of the dishes whose recipes are offered in this edition. Most of them do not require any fancy products or cooking conditions. But at the same time, the author offers a wide variety of dishes: quick, everyday dishes like fish cakes or fried chicken; festive dishes like Easter cake, rabbit in sour cream; dishes with national flavor like Lviv cheese curd, Odesa-style forshmak, or Galician-style pancakes; dishes familiar from childhood, the taste of which you can already feel from the name (“Vinaigrette”, “Under a fur coat” salad). I am sure that some housewives will get acquainted with certain dishes for the first time thanks to this book: bohrach, hamukh, banush, and others. These dishes will decorate any festive table, and I am sure that guests will appreciate such deliciousness.

    The book is beautifully designed: everything is simple and clear. The list of ingredients, the recipe is presented step by step, and there is also a photo of the finished dish. Everything is concise. The Ukrainian patterns that successfully decorate the pages of the book emphasize the national flavor and complement the texts.

    Appetizers, salads, breakfast dishes, soups, main courses, pastries, desserts, and some drinks – this book contains all the information a young housewife or anyone who wants to cook delicious Ukrainian dishes needs.

    It’s a great book that will be useful for anyone who cooks and loves to treat their loved ones to delicious food. Wonderful recipes that prove that Ukrainian cuisine is very diverse and, most importantly, very tasty!

    August 20, 2021
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    In our small home library of culinary encyclopedias, Ukrainian and foreign publications on culinary topics, we already have several books by the author Yulia Karpenko, who is known and popular today among a wide range of experts and connoisseurs of culinary affairs, so we were just very pleased to decide to buy this wonderful, extremely well-presented and professionally compiled book “Ukrainian Cuisine. The Best Dishes”.

    This extremely interesting edition was published by the Gloria Publishing House, which is well known today among a wide range of readers, in two thousand eighteen. In terms of its size, this cookbook of the best dishes of Ukrainian cuisine is quite voluminous, as it contains two hundred and twenty-four pages of simply unsurpassed recipes, among which it is simply impossible not to mention the following, which we liked and remembered the most, and we can say that they have become our favorites now: “Potaptsi with Tomatoes”, “Lviv Onion Pies”, “Pomegranate Bracelet”, “Onion Pie”, “Appetizer Sour Cream Pies with Tomatoes”, “Chicken Roll with Mushrooms”, “Stuffed Goose”, “Fragrant Rabbit”.

    A very original culinary publication “Ukrainian Cuisine. The Best Dishes” is presented to readers in a wonderful hardcover, with offset pages and decorated and enriched with colorful, professionally and very professionally made color illustrations and photographs of ready-made dishes, you will definitely like it and will be useful more than once!

    October 28, 2019
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    This beautiful book, I received as a gift from my beloved husband, the fact that his parents visit us very often and they like only Ukrainian cuisine, and besides the traditional borscht and a couple of salads, I almost do not know any recipes, so seeing my confusion my husband decided to give me a gift of this cookbook which contains recipes from Ukrainian cuisine. The book itself is large and hardcover. Each recipe is accompanied by a photo of the finished dish. It contains literally all the recipes that can be attributed specifically to Ukrainian cuisine. There are so many of them that sometimes you do not know where to begin. It has recipes not only for the first and second courses, as well as recipes for drinks, desserts, and a very large number of salads. This book can be used to prepare dishes not only for everyday life, but also for the holiday table. So I am just delighted with such a gift. I learned how to cook not only delicious borscht, but also as an addition to it, I made a pie with onions and eggs, and it has become one of the favorite dishes of my husband’s parents. And for the holidays with the joy of using the recipe for the cake Medovik and I am very pleased when the result is all very tasty. Now this book is used not only by me but also by my friends who want to diversify the food of their families.

    October 23, 2019
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    If you still associate Ukrainian cuisine only with borsch and dumplings, you should immediately correct this omission and discover new tastes, and for this you should use the book by Yulia Karpenko “Ukrainian Cuisine. The Best Dishes”, which contains recipes for appetizers, salads, breakfasts, soups, main courses, pastries and desserts, among which there are dishes for every taste, including those that will appeal to you.

    I am a vegetarian and therefore adore vegetable dishes, so after reading the above collection, I immediately took note and will definitely cook and try the bean paste with garlic and walnuts, pickled green beans and cheese and egg paste in the near future…

    Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the publication, which, in my opinion, absolutely deserves an excellent rating. The book is hardcover, with offset pages and color illustrations, so I am personally sure that this collection will not only decorate any home library, but will also be a great gift for a person who is fond of cooking.

    October 18, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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