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Ukraine. Food and History

Україна. Їжа та Історія

Марина Гримич

Maryna Hrymych

Ukraine. Food and History

The scientific and educational project yizhakultura, the yizhak publishing house, which specializes in books on the history of gastronomy in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute, has created a publication on Ukrainian culinary diplomacy, Ukraine. Food and History”. The book includes popular science texts about the history of Ukrainian national cuisine, the peculiarities of regional culinary traditions, and recipes for popular dishes. Professional chefs were invited to work on the recipes. The publication reveals Ukrainian cuisine as part of the intangible cultural heritage. The book tells about Ukrainian cuisine as a cultural heritage and part of the intangible heritage of Ukraine. It reveals the potential of culinary diplomacy and teaches how to cook dishes that make you fall in love with Ukraine.

Купити "Україна. Їжа та Історія" українською мовою

Марина Гримич представляє книгу, яка не тільки розкриває традиції української кухні, але й занурює читача в історію, культуру та звичаї країни. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Україна. Їжа та Історія" від Марини Гримич, наш інтернет-магазин пропонує найкращі умови для вас.

Основні моменти книги

  • Дослідження кулінарних традицій та їх впливу на українську ідентичність.
  • Історичні контексти, що формували українську кухню.
  • Рецепти національних страв, що передаються з покоління в покоління.
  • Цікаві факти про складники та їх значення в українській культурі.
  • Оповіді про народну мудрість та традиції святкових застіль.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

Купуючи "Україна. Їжа та Історія" українською мовою, ви отримаєте не лише унікальний досвід знайомства з культурами, але й:

  • Занурення в атмосферу України через призму гастрономії.
  • Можливість приготування аутентичних українських страв у себе вдома.
  • Розширення знань про історію та традиції, які формують сьогоднішню Україну.

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  • Допомогу в пошуку рідкісних книг з України.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Не упустіть можливість купити "Україна. Їжа та Історія" від Марини Гримич і насолодитися неймовірною подорожжю в світ української культури!

Why You Should Buy "Ukraine. Food and History" by Marina Grymych

"Ukraine. Food and History" offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich culinary traditions and historical narratives of Ukraine. Here are some compelling reasons to add this book to your collection:
  • Discover Ukrainian Cuisine: Explore traditional recipes that reflect the diverse regions of Ukraine.
  • Understand Cultural Heritage: Learn how history has shaped the country's food culture.
  • Engaging Storytelling: Enjoy stories that intertwine personal experiences with the broader narrative of Ukraine.
  • Visual Appeal: The book includes beautiful photographs that bring the recipes and stories to life.
  • Perfect Gift: Ideal for anyone interested in gastronomy or Eastern European culture.

Keywords to Enhance Your Purchase Experience

If you're looking to purchase this exceptional book, consider these keywords to find the best deals:
  • Buy "Ukraine. Food and History" in Ukrainian
  • Buy "Ukraine. Food and History" by Marina Grymych
  • Order "Ukraine. Food and History" online
  • Ukrainian cookbooks in English
  • Best prices on Ukrainian literature

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  • Competitive Prices: We offer the best prices and good discounts on your purchase.
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With shipping options available worldwide, including Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, acquiring "Ukraine. Food and History" has never been easier. Don’t miss out on this literary journey through Ukraine’s delicious heritage!


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    Anna Prokofieva Anna

    In my collection I have many books about Ukrainian cuisine, from Olga Franko to modern popular authors. But believe me, this is the book I want to review again and again! Modern presentation of dishes, beautiful dishes, laconic decor. After reading it, you want to personally get acquainted with the cuisine of each and involved chefs. And most importantly, this is the book I want to give to all my gastro-friends. It will be great when the book appears in the English version and will be an ideal gift for foreign partners and acquaintances to get the right idea of our cuisine

    August 30, 2021
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    You should write a review of a book with recipes not on the first day you buy it, but after you have cooked something.

    I ordered it a few months ago, when it was on pre-sale on the publisher’s website, but there was no way to leave a review. I thought it was strange that there were so many borscht recipes in it, 6 of them, out of a total of eighty. Because I know how to cook borscht, for one thing. But after I cooked borsch with catfish and drinking borsch, I realized that these people know what they are doing and why. I also made vegetable caviar, and it’s worth making now, although it may seem like a simple thing to make, but the recipe has perfect proportions and rhubarb, and it’s such a good caviar that you could serve it in a restaurant. Separately, I want to say about cabbage rolls in beet leaves, no one has ever cooked them in our country, but again, it’s faster in season, it turns out delicious and beautiful, to roll cabbage rolls from beet leaves, which are plentiful in every garden. That’s why my first skepticism that the book contains seemingly banal and familiar dishes was dispelled after the first recipe.

    And then there are the texts, photos, and the overall look of the book. My daughter lives in Italy, and she says that books like this are twice as expensive there, so she’s going to take it as a gift to her friend, but if you’re taking it as a gift, keep in mind that it weighs about 2 kg.

    July 18, 2021
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    This is the most beautiful food book I have ever seen in Ukraine. I used to bring such books back from business trips, but I’ve never had a similar edition to give to colleagues from other countries. I wanted a modern design, a text without templates and some Soviet platitudes like “fertile lands, generous housewives”. It is elegantly, stylishly, easily and interestingly written. I especially liked the section on culinary diplomacy, this area definitely needs to be developed and finally forget about the “Solokha” style presentations of Ukrainian cuisine. I googled the authors because I had never heard of Ukrainian cuisine researchers Olena Braichenko and Ihor Lil, and their educational and popular science work is simply amazing. The only thing I don’t understand is why this book is not yet available in English. It can definitely be a great gift, a souvenir that you would not be ashamed to give to your most demanding partner or English-speaking friends. There are hundreds of such books published in the world, and it’s great that Ukraine has finally got its first one of this level.

    May 31, 2021
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    Every Ukrainian should read it and give it to a foreign friend. No pants, jugs, or fat jokes. Here, the conversation about food is serious, from people who have thoroughly studied the topic, but in a lively, easy language. Simple and deep. I ordered the book on the website of the publishing house YzhaKultura even earlier, although I had my doubts because of the slightly steep price. But every hryvnia is justified here, the text + recipes + photos are all top-notch. Such a light and airy cover may give the impression that this is a thin and light book. But it’s not, it’s a real tome in a super-cover, which, if you take off, you will see another one with the name engraved in gold on matte and somehow especially pleasant to the touch paper. Holding the book in my hands, I can’t understand why there hasn’t been anything like it for so many years, something stylish, modern, but with knowledge. I haven’t cooked anything from the recipes yet, but there are different ones of varying complexity, and I’m sure everyone will find in it both a recipe from childhood and a modern salad or appetizer that you won’t be ashamed to put in front of the most important guests. In short, I recommend it 100%.

    May 20, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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