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Touching books. Let's be friends!

Зворушливі книжки. Давай-но дружити!

Анастасія Меренкова

Anastasia Merenkova

Touching books. Let’s be friends!

This is a story about a little wolf cub. One day, his mother gave Wolf two candies – one for him and one for his new friend, whom he had yet to find. But the little wolf did not understand why he needed a friend with whom he would have to share candy. After all, Wolf did not like to share, and he loved sweets very much! How can a wolf cub find a friend if no one wants to be friends with greedy people? Maybe happiness is not in candy?

Чому варто купити "Зворушливі книжки. Давай-но дружити!"?

Книга "Зворушливі книжки. Давай-но дружити!" авторства Анастасії Меренкової — це неперевершений літературний витвір, який не залишить байдужим нікого. Нижче наведені основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету, які роблять цю книгу незамінною для читача.

  • Зворушливі персонажі: Головні героїми книзі стають не просто звичайними людьми, а справжніми друзями, у яких виникають незвичайні пригоди.
  • Тематика дружби: Книга підкреслює важливість дружби, взаємопідтримки та співпереживання.
  • Непередбачувані повороти: Читачі зможуть насолодитися захоплюючими поворотами сюжету, які тримають в напрузі до останнього рядка.
  • Уроки життя: Кожна історія несе в собі глибокі уроки, які можуть надихнути та змінити погляд на життя.
  • Яскраві описи: Анастасія Меренкова майстерно описує емоції та ситуації, що дозволяє зануритися в атмосферу книги.

Не пропустіть можливість купити "Зворушливі книжки. Давай-но дружити!" українською мовою. Ця книга стане чудовим доповненням до вашої бібліотеки чи подарунком для близьких.

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Why You Should Buy "Touching Books. Let's Be Friends!" by Anastasia Merenkova

If you're looking for a heartwarming story that resonates with friendship and kindness, then you should definitely consider buying "Touching Books. Let's Be Friends!". This captivating book is perfect for both children and adults who appreciate meaningful tales.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • Engaging Characters: The story features relatable characters that allow readers to connect on a personal level.
  • Valuable Life Lessons: Each chapter imparts important lessons about friendship and understanding.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The book is adorned with vibrant illustrations that enhance the reading experience.
  • Uplifting Narrative: The narrative encourages readers to embrace kindness and forge strong bonds with others.
  • Perfect Gift: It's an ideal gift for any occasion, especially for those who cherish heartfelt stories.

Don't miss your chance to buy "Touching Books. Let's Be Friends!" in Ukrainian! This book is not just a reading material; it's an experience that will leave a lasting impression.

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    Annushka Taranenko

    We all always say that we should share. But is it really true? No one is friends with greedy people. This book from the series of touching books is about that, isn’t it? The story “Let’s be friends” is about a little wolf Wolf. One day his mother gave him two candies and said that they were for him and his new friend, with whom he had to make friends. But those two candies are not enough for him, so why should he look for a friend to share candy with? In the course of the story, Wolfe met a squirrel and some cubs, but he wasn’t going to share candy with them. But did the cubs and the squirrel really want to be friends with the wolf, or did they want his candy? The book teaches a child to share, but that’s not the main thing, it teaches them to be sincere, to be friends not for the sake of something, but simply because you like the person. This is a book about sincerity of feelings, about friendship, true friendship, without self-interest.

    As always, many thanks to the Ranok publishing house, the books of this series are real, instructive, bright, the book itself is perfectly executed, the illustrations are love. I am grateful to everyone involved in the creation of this series of books, and I am looking forward to new books in the series.

    As always, many thanks to the publishing house Morning, the book is made perfectly, the illustrations are love. A wonderful book!

    December 30, 2021
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    An instructive tale from a series of touching fairy tales for kids from 3 years old

    The tale tells about Wolf, a wolf cub who did not really understand why he needed friends with whom he would also have to share candy

    It’s hard to find a friend, because no one wants to be friends with a greedy person. Will the wolf cub realize that happiness is not in candy?

    In general, the book does not just teach kindness to everyone around, the need to share in order to make a friend. In fact, it teaches you how to discern whether your neighbor’s intentions are sincere or whether he or she just wants to get something from you, teaches you reciprocity, selflessness, and pure feelings that are the basis of friendship.

    In the best traditions of the series of Touching Fairy Tales, the illustrations are of incredible beauty, so easy to transport the reader inside the story. Many thanks to the artist Kateryna Razynkova

    And of course, to the author Anastasia Merenkova

    We are glad to have a complete collection of touching fairy tales on the shelf, and look forward to new titles in the series

    November 5, 2021
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