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TOP Fantasy (set of 4 books)

ТОП Фентезі (комплект із 4 книг)

Анджей Сапковський

Andrzej Sapkowski

TOP Fantasy (set of 4 books)

Book 1: Andrzej Sapkowski. The Witcher. The last wish. Book 1 The white-haired witch Geralt of Rivia, one of the few representatives of the once numerous trade of defenders of the human race against the creatures of inhuman evil, travels through small kingdoms that can be seen from the castle tower and large cities, receiving payment for what he has been trained to do – destroying eyelashes and munchkins, strigas and whippersnappers. But the witch also has his own code, in which murder is only a last resort, and a reasonable life, whatever it is, is still a life. This is how he makes new enemies, but also finds friends who will someday change his fate. The first commented edition! Book 2. Brandon Sanderson. The Chronicles of Buresworld. Book 1: The Way of the Kings Forgotten magic returns… Magic has left humanity with the disappearance of the Radiant Knights. The only thing that remains is the Skolkozbruya and the Skolkozbruya. Those who are lucky enough to get hold of these artifacts become powerful warriors. However, soon Roshar, the world of storms and rocks, will change forever. Because three people walk the earth. A killer who commands the forces of gravity. A war-weary commander who predicts the apocalypse. And the son of a surgeon, a former soldier turned slave, to whom a spirit sprite has become attached. But the fourth of them hides the biggest secret: a young osprey girl who has come to study with a heretical scientist. These four can save Roshar. Or destroy her forever… Book 3. Sarah Maas. The courtyard of thorns and roses The lands of the humans and the land of the magical fae of Priyatia have never intersected, separated by a high Wall and hostility. This lasted for centuries. Until one day a young fae hunter killed a wolf. One of the fae was actually hiding behind its guise. Now the immortal Temlin demands retribution. He takes Feyra from the human world to his estate in Prithia. A life-long imprisonment with an immortal is not a fun prospect. But gradually, Feyra realizes that she and Temlin have a lot in common, despite their age, background, and centuries of hatred. And then, when the world of Temlin is enveloped in the shadow of evil, only a girl from the human world will be able to save the land of the fae… Or doom it to a terrible death. Book 4. Jennifer L. Armentrout. Blood and Ashes. Book 1: From Blood and Ashes A virgin … Poppy’s life has never belonged to her – she was chosen for a special mission at birth. The life of a Virgo is loneliness. She is untouchable. She is not looked at. She is not spoken to. Pleasure is forbidden to her. As she awaits her Ascension, Poppy fights the evil that has destroyed her family rather than waiting for the gods to show her mercy, even though she never had a choice. Because Virgins have a heart. And a soul. And desires. So when the golden-eyed guardsman Hawke is honored to be bonded to her, Poppy realizes that duty and destiny are now inextricably linked to desire and lust. Hawke stirs up her anger, makes her doubt everything she believes in, and teases her with forbidden fruit. The closer the hour of reckoning comes, the more the line between what is forbidden and what is right is blurred. And when the blood-soaked threads that hold Poppy’s world together begin to tear, she risks losing not only her

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Авторитетний письменник Анджей Сапковський створив неймовірний світ, в який закохуються мільйони читачів. Комплект "ТОП Фентезі" складається з чотирьох захоплюючих книг, що занурюють вас у вир подій, інтриг та пригод.

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Епічні битви: Читачі стають свідками грандіозних поєдинків між добром і злом.
  • Складні персонажі: Кожен герой має свою унікальну історію та мотивацію.
  • Магічні світи: Заворожуючі локації з дивовижними істотами на кожному кроці.
  • Несподівані повороти: Поглиблене дослідження характерів і їх еволюція через виклики.

Ця книга стане справжнім відкриттям для любителів фентезі, а також тих, хто цінує глибокі сюжети і якісну прозу. Купити "ТОП Фентезі (комплект із 4 книг)" від Анджея Сапковського українською мовою можна легко і швидко. Дозвольте собі поринути в історії, які залишать слід у вашій пам'яті!

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Why You Should Buy "TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books)" by Andrzej Sapkowski

If you are searching for an enthralling fantasy series, look no further! TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books) by Andrzej Sapkowski is a must-read. This collection has captivated readers around the world, and now it’s available for you to purchase in Ukrainian! Here are some compelling reasons to buy:

  • Enchanting Storytelling: Dive deep into a world filled with rich lore and imaginative characters.
  • Complex Characters: Experience the journey of multifaceted heroes and villains that bring depth to each narrative.
  • Epic Adventures: Follow thrilling quests that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Cultural Insight: Discover the fascinating elements of Ukrainian folklore woven throughout the tales.
  • Critical Acclaim: Enjoy the recognition this series has received among fantasy enthusiasts globally.

Where to Buy "TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books)"

Looking to purchase TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books) in Ukrainian? You can easily buy TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books) by Andrzej Sapkowski directly from our site. We provide the best prices and attractive discounts!

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  • Rare Book Assistance: Get help finding and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each sale goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our shipping options include worldwide delivery through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in this captivating fantasy series. Purchase the "TOP Fantasy (Set of 4 Books)" today!


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