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Триста поезій

Ліна Костенко

Lina Kostenko

Three Hundred Poems

The book by Lina Kostenko, a beloved Ukrainian poet of the late second–early third millennium, includes her most famous poems from various periods of her creative work, from early poetry to today, as well as excerpts from novels and poems. This is the most comprehensive selection of the poet’s works in the times of Independence.
The book is in a gift hard cover under fabric with a yellow silk bookmark.

Купити "Триста поезій" від Ліна Костенко українською мовою

Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Триста поезій" українською мовою, ви потрапили за адресою! Ця книга не лише є збірником віршів, але й містить глибокі думки, які торкаються серця кожного читача. Ліна Костенко — видатна українська поетеса, яка вміло передає емоції та переживання через свої тексти.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Тема кохання: Поезії про любов, що наповнені ніжністю і пристрастю.
  • Філософські роздуми: Глибокі думки про життя, смерть та сенс існування.
  • Соціальні проблеми: Вірші, що актуалізують питання національної ідентичності.
  • Природа: Опис краси української природи, порівняння з людськими почуттями.
  • Історичні контексти: Поезії, що відображають важливі історичні події та явища.

Купуючи цю книгу, ви отримуєте можливість зануритися у світ української поезії. Триста поезій відкриває нові горизонти для розуміння культури та мови, особливо для українців, що живуть в США і Канаді.

Чому варто купити "Триста поезій"

  • Доступність української літератури в країнах діаспори.
  • Якість перекладу та збереження авторського стилю.
  • Можливість допомогти українській армії через покупки.
  • Гарні знижки та найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.

Ми приймаємо до оплати PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та будь-які інші банківські картки. Доставка здійснюється по всьому світу за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS та DHL.

Не пропустіть можливість купити "Триста поезій" від Ліна Костенко вже сьогодні! Ваша підтримка важлива для нас і для України!

Explore the Timeless Poetry of "Three Hundred Poems" by Lina Kostenko

If you are looking to buy "Three Hundred Poems" in Ukrainian, you're in the right place! This masterpiece by Lina Kostenko offers profound insights into life, love, and the human experience. Here are some compelling reasons to get your copy today:

  • Rich Literary Heritage: "Three Hundred Poems" is a cornerstone of Ukrainian literature.
  • Inspirational Themes: The poetry explores universal themes such as love, nature, war, and resilience.
  • Cultural Significance: Reading these poems allows you to connect with Ukrainian culture and history.
  • Emotional Depth: Kostenko’s work resonates on an emotional level, making it a poignant read.
  • Beautiful Language: The lyrical quality of her writing captivates and inspires readers.
  • Diverse Expression: The collection includes various poetic forms, showcasing Kostenko's versatility.
  • Strong Feminine Voice: Kostenko is celebrated for her powerful voice in literature, making this book essential for understanding women’s contributions to poetry.

When you buy "Three Hundred Poems" by Lina Kostenko, you're not just acquiring a book; you're investing in a literary treasure that speaks to generations. Whether you're a student of literature or simply a poetry lover, this collection will deepen your appreciation for the art form.

Why Purchase from Us?

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing on all our books.
  • Good Discounts: Enjoy special promotions and discounts on selected titles.
  • Fast Shipping: Experience swift delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare books from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: Each purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army.

We accept a wide range of payment options including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more. Enjoy worldwide shipping through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Get your copy of "Three Hundred Poems" now and immerse yourself in the beauty of Ukrainian poetry!


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    Alina Rybak

    The book is incredible!

    April 18, 2023
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    One can talk endlessly about Lina Kostenko’s poetry – in it there is music of the wind, birdsong, conversations with trees, philosophy of life…

    The book “Three Hundred Poems” is wonderful, melodic, kind, eternal…

    Since school, when in the 90s Kostenko’s works began to appear in textbooks, I was introduced to her poems.

    Once, at a school competition, we were asked to translate an excerpt from the poem “We do not know what will happen after us…” It was a rather difficult task. How to translate a master’s work! It turned out like this.

    We do not know what will come after us,

    What outfit nature will wear.

    And what is centuries for us is an hour for the Universe.

    We are alive, but there is a koda in life…

    *A coda is a musical term for the end of a piece of music.

    Next, we studied Marusya Churai, a unique rendition of Ukrainian customs, moods, and the zeal of our ancestors.

    Even now, when my own children are getting acquainted with Lina Kostenko’s poetry, I am struck by the simplicity and complexity of the images in her works.

    Thank you, Ms. Kostenko, for your thirst for life, love of nature, faith and unbreakable spirit, love of our native Ukraine!

    To the publishing house – I think it would be worthwhile to make a super-cover for the book, because it’s not nice when such an exquisite book gets dirty quickly.

    September 17, 2021
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    An incredible, talented, patriotic and very strong woman, Lina Kostenko is not just a poet and writer! She has long been a symbol of Ukraine, a standard of literature! Her work has not lost its relevance and interest over the years, and does not age! And her rhyming lines are so precise and melodic that you wonder how many beautiful words can be found in our language.

    Lina Kostenko’s collection Three Hundred Poems is only a small part of the works I was able to read. I read every line with joy and inspiration, re-reading what sank into my soul the most (and this is almost everything).

    My best friend Iryna gave me this collection in a beautiful lavender-colored cover with a pleasant texture, and I am very grateful to her for that!

    July 7, 2021
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    Anastasia Timchenko

    Ukrainian lyrics are probably the best thing that can ever be. And Lina Kostenko is an extremely talented representative of this very same lyricism. When you read her works, it is impossible to tear yourself away. This collection is like a breath of fresh air among all the literature that is currently appearing. It contains poems, selected excerpts from novels and poems. Of course, I’ve known almost all of the works since school – too well, but it’s so nice to read them again. And in such a great edition from one of the best publishing houses in Ukraine! The binding seems to be simple, but it is so elegant, and the overall design is a real pleasure for the eyes and hands. And a great addition to your home library.

    June 28, 2021
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    A very nice gift for a loved one who really appreciates Ukrainian literature and literature in general. A very high-quality publication in every way – from the beautiful cover to the pages and font. I decided to add the collection to my home library, and Lina Kostenko is a truly outstanding poet, one of my favorites since high school. “Three Hundred Poems is not just a collection of poems; it also includes excerpts from some novels and poems. I was impressed by the fact that this is the most complete collection of the best of the best in recent times. And I was convinced of this. The format is also cool, compact, and stylish. Many thanks to the publishing house, this is a real joy for a Ukrainian.

    June 14, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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