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Third visit to a cafe on the edge of the world

Третій візит до кафе на краю світу

Джон П. Стрелекі

John P. Strelecki

Third visit to a cafe on the edge of the world

A cafe at the end of the world will help those who are lost. A storm brings together two such travelers, John and Hannah. The last time John visited this place was ten years ago. Now he is no longer a naive young man, but a man who has to come to terms with the passage of time. Hannah is here for the first time; she is fifteen, and she is still afraid to answer questions on the unusual menu: “Why are you here?”, “Are you afraid of death?”, “Are you happy?”. John, Hannah, and the readers will have the opportunity to reflect and reconsider their answers to these questions. Finding oneself, understanding that priorities change over time, accepting everything that life presents to us, and having the strength to face the most painful topics is what the cafe gives its visitors. We hope you’ve familiarized yourself with the menu and are ready to order a delicious answer to something that has been bothering you for a long time… John P. Strelecki is a popular American writer, author of several international bestsellers. Sales of his books have exceeded 6 million copies, and the number of fans is constantly growing. His works have been translated into 42 languages. John P. Strelecki has worked for years as a strategic advisor to companies and governments around the world. Along with Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, and Deepak Chopra, he is one of the top 100 most inspiring figures in the field of leadership and personal development.

Чому варто купити "Третій візит до кафе на краю світу" від Джона П. Стрелекі?

Купити "Третій візит до кафе на краю світу" українською мовою - це можливість зануритися у захоплюючу історію, яка змінює життя. Ця книга пропонує читачам поглянути на світ з нової перспективи. Ось декілька основних моментів, які роблять цю книгу незабутньою:
  • Подорож героя: Головний персонаж вирушає в подорож, що спонукає його переглянути власні цінності.
  • Глибокі питання: Книга ставить важливі запитання про смисл життя і щастя.
  • Натхнення та мотивація: Кожна сторінка наповнена мудрістю, яка надихає на дії.
  • Дослідження стосунків: Автор розглядає важливість зв'язків між людьми у житті кожного з нас.
  • Емоційна історія: Досвід героя викликає глибокі емоції та рефлексії у читача.

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Why You Should Buy "The Third Visit to the Cafe on the Edge of the World" by John P. Strelecky

"The Third Visit to the Cafe on the Edge of the World" is not just a book; it’s an exploration of life’s essential questions. Here are key reasons to buy and read this inspiring work:
  • The book encourages self-reflection and personal growth.
  • It presents profound life lessons through an engaging narrative.
  • Readers can discover their purpose and passion.
  • John P. Strelecky’s writing style is both captivating and easy to read.
  • The story offers a unique perspective on happiness and fulfillment.
  • This book is a valuable resource for those seeking motivation and change.
  • It appeals to a wide audience, making it perfect for gift-giving.
  • Available in Ukrainian, it caters to the Ukrainian-speaking community in the US and Canada.

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By purchasing "The Third Visit to the Cafe on the Edge of the World" in Ukrainian, you support cultural exchange while enriching your own life. You can easily access this book:
  • Buy "The Third Visit to the Cafe on the Edge of the World" by John P. Strelecky today!
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Третій візит до кафе на краю світу


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    When you read a sequel to a book that you once really liked, there is a fear that the sequel might be worse and spoil the previous impression of a great book. Fortunately, this is not the case with this book. Not only is it not worse. It is much more mature than the previous one. The main character is older, and he has different views on life, he has more adult questions. There is a lot of philosophy in this book, a lot of reflections on the meaning of life and other philosophical questions. The book is beautifully designed and very easy and quick to read.

    January 23, 2022
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    Olena Lystopad

    This story is about how sometimes the chance for a better life and self-improvement is within you. It shows that people can usually avoid the paths that would help them.

    This is shown in the third part of “Cafe at the End of the World”. It’s a quick read, but you know, you don’t need to read thick volumes on philosophy to find a solution for yourself, you just need to pick up this little book and look for the words that are written for you. It made me think, because it describes, perhaps, the very essence of everyday life and the complex problems that can be solved.

    The book itself is a sequel to the previous two stories. We return to a mysterious cafe where you would not even expect to see it; and it appears in the protagonist’s life just when he is having difficulties.

    So, enjoy your trip to the cafe at the end of the world.

    I recommend reading it to teenagers and adults.

    December 14, 2021
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    Olga Lavrenchuk

    I was not impressed with the previous two books. The first one was not bad, but the second one is very long and I even found it boring. I had read a lot of what I had read several years ago, although I must admit that some of the things written in the books were interesting. When I started the next one, I didn’t expect anything.

    I was glad that it was as short as the first one. But… just so you understand, I hate motivational literature. I don’t like non-fiction at all and I am very prejudiced against fans of such reading.

    But this book is the first thing I’ve ever liked from this kind of literature. As for me, this book, in terms of its idea, presentation and plot, wins over the first two parts. And the ending was a revelation for me. I even shed a tear. I read it in one breath and I think I will definitely read it again someday.

    This sequel is definitely worth reading and will be more relevant, in my opinion, to a much larger number of people than the previous two parts. I recommend it, even to lovers of exclusively fiction. You don’t expect a plot from such books, but there was one here. And good motivational quotes were not thrown into the text, unlike the second part of Return to the Cafe. The first book is not bad, but this one is much better.

    September 18, 2021
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    Overall, quite a worthy sequel to the previous installments. The book is designed at the highest level. Beautiful, stylish cover, thick paper, medium font size. The book is not voluminous, you can read in one evening. I liked that the main character has grown up, so there is an opportunity to evaluate his new issues that have arisen as a result of growing up, age, so in my opinion, this book will appeal to people of a mature age, the issues are very important and pressing. I also enjoyed the new characters, each with their own stories and problems. A lot of philosophical notes can be traced in the dialogues, which perfectly relaxes and pushes you to think.

    August 3, 2021
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