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The Witcher. The Tower of the Swallow. Book 6

Відьмак. Вежа Ластівки. Книга 6

Анджей Сапковський

Andrzej Sapkowski

The Witcher. The Tower of the Swallow. Book 6

A spectacular series from Netflix!- Translation of proper names and characters agreed with the author- Commented edition- Witcher’s world map on the flyleafA miracle saved Ciri from death when a gang of Rats who had become her loyal friends died before her eyes. Her destiny took her to the swampy wilds of the hermit and outcast of the Highlands, where the wisdom of the Old Crow helped Ciri the Swallow to take wing again. Now she is on her way, and has regained her magical power. She will not lose anyone else and will find the mystical Tower of the Swallow, the way to salvation from a world doomed to perish in wars, betrayal, and dishonor. It is fated… But the witch does not believe in prophecy. Having lost the magic amulet, he became just Geralt of Rivia. He rushes to save Ciri, his adopted daughter, who is being hunted by the emperor, kings, and wizards, clutching in his last fits like fragile ice for a chance to be saved at the cost of the Elder Blood… Andrzej Sapkowski’s magic is his ability to create an imaginary world with lyricism and sarcasm, each of its inhabitants, each place, and each event so much like the real, modern world that it is impossible to tear oneself away from the books. That’s why the heroic saga of the witch is the fourth most widely read book in Poland, has been awarded the Janusz Seidel Prize, SFinks Prize, and in 2010 Andrzej Sapkowski received the Grand Master Award from the European Science Fiction Community EuroCon.

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Купити "Відьмак. Вежа Ластівки. Книга 6 українською мовою" — це рішення, яке відкриває двері в захопливий світ фентезі. Ця книга завершує епічну сагу про Ґеральта з Рівії і проявляє все багатство та глибину творчості Анджея Сапковського.
  • Глибоке розкриття персонажів: Відьмак та його друзі зазнають серйозних випробувань.
  • Непередбачувані повороти сюжету: кожна глава тримає в напрузі.
  • Філософські питання: книга піднімає важливі теми моралі та вибору.
  • Захоплююча атмосфера: середньовічний світ, сповнений магії та пригод.

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У "Вежі Ластівки" читач знайде:

  • Сильне протистояння між добром і злом.
  • Невідомість, що загрожує всім героям.
  • Протистояння з ворогами, які намагаються знищити мир.

Купити "Відьмак. Вежа Ластівки. Книга 6" від Анджея Сапковського — це не лише насолода від читання, а й можливість зануритися в унікальний світ, створений автором. Книга написана українською мовою, що робить її доступною для широкої аудиторії в США та Канаді.

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Why You Should Buy The Witcher: Tower of the Swallow. Book 6 by Andrzej Sapkowski

In this captivating installment of the Witcher series, readers are reintroduced to a world filled with magic, intrigue, and memorable characters. If you are considering buying The Witcher: Tower of the Swallow, here are some compelling reasons:

  • Engaging Storyline: Follow Geralt of Rivia as he navigates the complex landscapes of politics and magic.
  • Rich Character Development: Experience the evolution of beloved characters and their relationships.
  • Exploration of Morality: Dive into thought-provoking themes surrounding choice and consequence.
  • Beautifully Crafted Prose: Enjoy the intricate writing style of Andrzej Sapkowski.
  • Part of a Beloved Series: Immerse yourself in the larger narrative of the Witcher saga.

Buy The Witcher: Tower of the Swallow. Book 6 in Ukrainian

For those looking to expand their collection or dive into the series, buy The Witcher: Tower of the Swallow. Book 6 in Ukrainian. It offers an authentic experience for native speakers and fans alike.

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Your purchases contribute to a greater cause; a portion of every sale goes to support the Ukrainian army. We provide assistance in searching and purchasing rare books from Ukraine.

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We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Shipping is available worldwide through reliable carriers such as Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don’t miss out! Experience the magic of The Witcher: Tower of the Swallow and enrich your reading journey today.


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Відьмак. Вежа Ластівки. Книга 6


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    Valeria Chernikova

    If the first two books were hard enough to read, although the plot was interesting, it was difficult to keep a lot of disparate details and events in mind. But from the third part to the very end the story became more and more intense, until it reached its climax at the end. This part is like a prelude to the grand finale. Sapkovsky masterfully plays with Slavic mythology, creates unique characters that you want to believe in and want to empathize with, and most importantly, sdabriruet and without that fascinating storytelling pinch of sparkling humor. Read all! No exceptions 🙂

    March 14, 2022
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    Anna Rodenko

    At the beginning of the book, a grandfather named Wysogoth rescues Ciri from another scrape, bringing her to his hut. There he pumps her up and listens to the story of what happened to her.

    Ennifer sends an expedition to rescue Ciri, but is herself trapped by the Welgifortz.

    Geralt and company continue south. I won’t tell you everything that happened to them on the way, it’s all spoilers.

    This part is very dynamic, more in volume, you can already see the denouement coming. Although, for some reason, I have my doubts about the “classic” ending. It seems there will be none. We shall see.

    I’m really curious, I must say, lots of storylines, lots of politics, names of characters… It all has to be sorted out, I love that kind of thing)

    The fact that the events take place not linearly, but at different times and places, sometimes in parallel on behalf of different characters adds to the interest.

    You can say that this is quite a warm-up before the final war.

    The end breaks off at the most interesting, here Sapkovsky, I take my hat off. I do not recommend reading it in the evening, otherwise you’ll grab the last book at once, and the night is not rubber )

    February 10, 2022
    Verified Purchase


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