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The truth about the case of Harry Quebert

Правда про справу Гаррі Квеберта

Жоель Діккер

Joel Dicker

The truth about the case of Harry Quebert

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair, as soon as it was published, immediately became a bestseller in France and brought its author, then 27-year-old Joël Dicker, the Grand Prix de la Académie française for the best novel and the Prix de l’École lycée. And then this novel conquered the rest of the world: it was translated into more than 30 languages.The young writer Marcus Goldman debuted with his first novel so loudly that it seems that world fame is at his feet. However, his second book is still in the works, and his grateful readers are about to choose a new idol. Marcus turns for help to his mentor, one of the most famous authors of our time, Harry Québert. But in addition to valuable advice on how to overcome the fear of a blank page and write a bestseller, he also receives a criminal case from him. Quebert is accused of a 33-year-old murder. In order to help him and write a new book about it, Marcus undertakes to investigate the case. And it turns out that there is more than one truth about Harry Quebert. And every time it seems that all the puzzles are solved, the culprits are found, and the motive is obvious, one has only to turn the page and a new fact appears that will turn everything upside down.

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  • Захоплюючий сюжет: Книга інтригує від початку до кінця.
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Discover the Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair

Buy "The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair" by Joel Dicker in Ukrainian and dive into a captivating literary experience. This novel intricately weaves a tale of mystery, love, and betrayal that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Why You Should Read "The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair"

  • Engaging Plot: The story revolves around an unsolved murder mystery that shakes a small town.
  • Complex Characters: The book features deep character development, allowing readers to connect emotionally with their struggles.
  • Thought-Provoking Themes: Explores themes of love, fame, and ethical dilemmas in the modern world.
  • Rich Narrative Style: Joel Dicker's unique writing style makes this a page-turner.
  • Critical Acclaim: The novel received several awards and recognition, making it a must-read.

Where to Buy "The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair"

Looking to buy "The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair" by Joel Dicker in Ukrainian? Here’s why you should choose us:

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Правда про справу Гаррі Квеберта


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    Yulia Artemchuk

    I think I have another favorite author. The book The Truth About the Harry Quebert Case simply fascinates with intrigue, unexpected plot twists, and tension that doesn’t let go until the last page.

    Or maybe you want to write your own book? Here are some tips for future writers.

    A student and a teacher. A young writer, Marcus Goldman, who, after the huge success of his first book, cannot write a single word. And the famous writer Harry Quebert, who is arrested on suspicion of murdering a 15-year-old girl 33 years ago.

    “In our society, Marcus, people who build bridges, skyscrapers, or empires are valued above all else. But in reality, those who are lucky enough to build love are the most admirable. Because there is no greater and more difficult task in the world.”

    Did Harry Quebert really kill the poor girl? Or is he only guilty of “wrong” love?

    As you read, you will suspect everyone of the disappearance of Nola Kellergan, but even if you guess who is to blame, you will not be able to restore the whole picture of that August evening.


    March 29, 2021
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    Natasha Omelchenko

    Definitely recommend to all fans of detectives!!!

    This is my second book by this author and I am definitely satisfied with the hours I spent reading this detective. Yes, its thickness can be intimidating at first, but once you get sucked in and there is no turning back, here you are again ordering the second and third book by this author.

    Again the interesting twists and turns of the plot and you, who feels like you are also a character in this 30 year old murder. Constant doubts as to whether the main suspect is guilty or if there is a third person.

    I prefer to read literature in Russian, but “The Disappearance of Stephanie Mailer” by the same author in Ukrainian was a discovery for me. Yes, there are also a lot of new “New Ukrainian” words, sometimes it sounds funny, but very easy to read. Special thanks to Old Lion Publishing – just a round of applause for the quality translation.

    True, before this book it is better to read “The Book of Baltimore”, this is the unspoken first part, where Marcus is still very young, and this is about his adult life. But in any case, the book is great!

    March 29, 2021
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    I came across the book by accident while flipping through the best sellers on the yakaboo website. The bright cover and intriguing title of the book instantly caught my attention, and the price was quite reasonable for a 704-page novel. The book’s rating impressed me – almost 5 stars, so it immediately went to my cart. Perhaps I set the bar too high for this detective, and that’s why I was partially disappointed.

    In general, the book is very easy and fast to read, despite its size, but personally, I just skimmed through some parts because it was so boring. As for me, the book is quite long. The second drawback of this novel is the characters. All of them are fake, I couldn’t fully feel them. The love story between Harry and Nola is something else. The book didn’t make me believe in the feelings between the characters. In general, a large age difference between lovers in novels usually outrages me. How can a 15-year-old girl fall in love with an adult, well-formed, healthy man? What kind of feelings can we talk about on Harry’s part? The book never reveals Nola’s “secret”, what was so special about her that made Harry almost go crazy. The strong feelings of the hero, the way he waits for his Nola almost all his life, do not compare with the image of the 15-year-old girl herself.

    I liked the character of Luther the most. I believed him and his feelings more. He made me sympathize and worry, his story was the most tragic.

    As for me, the book’s rating is unjustified. Yes, it’s a good detective story, but it’s nothing brilliant and, in my opinion, the ending is far from amazing.

    March 20, 2021
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    I really like the author’s novels, but to be honest, I’m not thrilled with this book. Yes, it’s interesting to read and undoubtedly the book is written beautifully, the story is original and there is something alluring about it. But. Let’s start with the plot. A young author, Marcus Goldman, in search of inspiration for a new book, comes to his favorite teacher, mentor Harry Quebert. And it is at this time that the remains of a young girl who disappeared 33 years ago are found near Harry’s house. Nola Kellergan. Extremely detailed descriptions of nature, the inhabitants of a small town, and their secrets. The story of an impossible but pure love… which I did not understand. And a crime that weighs heavily on my understanding of humanity and the person as he or she is and should be. Despite the number of pages, the book is easy to read, because the plot with detective, tense notes really draws you in.

    January 29, 2021
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    Yulia Polovinchak

    I must say right away that I think the high marks for the book are quite fair, but I think the book reveals the plot too slowly, the detective gets bogged down in a long lead-in. The real detective intrigue falls on the reader in the last 100 pages. Before that, the story is very slow, with enough attention paid to the writer’s crisis and the issues of the apprentice-master relationship; to the challenges that an ambitious young man faces in the fight against his own fears and pride; to the peculiarities of marketing in the book business, and to relations with parents…

    And even the discovery of an old, 30-year-old crime does not speed up the story. The slow provincial town is shaken by scandalous accusations, and the protagonist is drawn into the investigation, but this does not add to the book’s dynamics. The same events are presented not just from different points of view, but even in different texts combined within the novel (the story of all the events from the point of view of Marcus Goldman, who is the narrator; quotes from the novel by Harry Quaubert, around which the plot revolves; Harry’s memories and confessions on Marcus’s dictaphone, and the memories of other characters in the form of flashbacks). This non-linearity of the text is extremely skillful, but it requires a leisurely reader. By the way, the book has virtually no action as such; it is mainly about collecting and comparing memories and testimonies. For me, the pace set by the author was too slow. The first 500 pages of the novel are more of a drama (I think many people get a lot of pleasure from such a slow plot disclosure with many lyrical and not so lyrical digressions, but I would have ruthlessly shortened it if I had my way). At the same time, I do not question the quality of the text; it is practically flawless, but I am not its ideal reader.

    The characters in the book are magnificently written, especially the secondary ones. I think there are even too many of them, so well-developed, some important to the plot, some not important. Marcus’s slightly grotesque but gorgeous mother smiled every time she appeared in the text. The policeman, Sergeant Hegalowood, is a cool character, rude but ironic and somehow right. By the way, an interesting point: there is no confrontation between the amateur detective who questions the official version of the investigation and the police who generated this version: if you want to dig into a supposedly closed case, go ahead. Unusual, but nice.

    The ending is stunning and dynamic, as for my taste – perfect, double and triple bottom, accidents, mistakes, passions of 30 years ago, or even more, intertwined in one tangled knot, finally explained, secrets revealed.

    I should also mention the excellent work of the translator – Leonid Kononovych makes the whole story sound vivid and convincing; and the Staryi Lev Publishing House has not betrayed itself – the volume is a pleasure to hold in your hands, the printing is excellent.

    To summarize: given the number of reviews, I would not have written anything here, but for me, for example, the unhurried narration was an unpleasant surprise, so I warn everyone for whom it is important. By the way, having finished the book, I have no regrets about the money and time I spent.

    January 8, 2021
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