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Buy "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" in Ukrainian

Міська миша та сільська миша

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The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once, a city mouse visited a country mouse. The country mouse proudly showed her friend her free rural life. The city mouse was shocked – so many dangers and inconveniences in the countryside! And only a few things that she liked…
Later, the country mouse goes to visit the city mouse – and experiences a similar situation.
Thus, they learn to appreciate each other’s choices and to genuinely love their own way of life.

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Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Дві миші, міська і сільська, вирушають у подорож, аби дізнатися більше одна про одну.
  • Сільська миша живе простим, але спокійним життям на природі.
  • Міська миша насолоджується розкішшю, але стикається з небезпеками великого міста.
  • Конфлікт між двома стилями життя створює захоплюючі ситуації.
  • В кінці, кожна з мишей усвідомлює переваги та недоліки свого способу життя.

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  • Вона написана живою українською мовою, що сприяє розвитку мовлення.
  • Захоплюючий сюжет привертає увагу читачів будь-якого віку.
  • Книга містить велику мораль, яка залишає слід у серці.

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Why You Should Buy "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse" by Aesop

Looking to explore a timeless fable? Buy "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse" in Ukrainian and dive into the world of contrasting lifestyles, moral lessons, and memorable characters. This delightful story is not only entertaining but also rich in themes that resonate with readers of all ages.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • Contrast of Lifestyles: Discover the differences between urban and rural life through the experiences of the two mice.
  • Moral Lessons: Learn valuable life lessons about contentment, friendship, and the importance of home.
  • Unexpected Challenges: Follow the mice as they face various dangers and challenges in their environments.
  • Adventures Await: Enjoy the suspenseful moments as the city mouse and country mouse navigate their distinct worlds.
  • Heartwarming Conclusion: Experience the resolution that highlights the significance of appreciating one's own background.

In the US and Canada, you can easily buy "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse" by Aesop in Ukrainian. This book is perfect for parents wanting to introduce their children to classic fables or adults looking to enjoy a nostalgic read.

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We offer some of the best prices on the market along with fantastic discounts. Additionally, we pride ourselves on quick shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. Each purchase contributes to supporting the Ukrainian army, making your reading experience even more meaningful.

We accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Rest assured, your transactions are secure. We provide worldwide shipping options via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, ensuring that your book reaches you swiftly and safely.

Don’t miss out on enriching your bookshelf. Purchase "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse" today!


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Pages count


Page size

227×300 mm

Original title

Міська миша та сільська миша

Original Publisher

Навчальна книга – Богдан


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