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The spirit of intoxication. The history of drinking habits

Дух сп’яніння. Історія звичаїв уживання алкогольних напоїв

Арі Турунен

Ari Turunen

The spirit of intoxication. The history of drinking habits

The book provides a brief excursion into the history of alcohol consumption and discusses the meaning of intoxication in different eras, describes the rules and rituals associated with it, and analyzes how intoxication is reflected in the European cultural tradition. In the Iliad and the Odyssey, wine is mentioned more than 1000 times, in the Bible – 521 times, and often in a positive way. Especially Jesus’ miracles at the wedding feast in the city of Cana are suspicious from the point of view of the law: he turned water into wine without a license. Still, the book is not an attack against the sobriety movement. It’s just a kind of attempt to remind us that, despite the dangers, alcohol occupies an important place in the social life of a European person. Alcohol is a lubricant for European customs. Alcohol inspires literature and art. It is no wonder that in many religions and myths it was a divine element.

Купити "Дух сп’яніння. Історія звичаїв уживання алкогольних напоїв" від Арі Турунен

"Дух сп’яніння. Історія звичаїв уживання алкогольних напоїв" — це книга, яка відкриває перед читачем багатий світ традицій і звичаїв, пов'язаних з алкоголем. Ця унікальна праця знаходить відгук в серцях читачів у США та Канаді.

Основні моменти книги

  • Історичний огляд алкогольних напоїв в різних культурах.
  • Вплив алкоголю на суспільство та культуру.
  • Цікаві факти про ритуали та звичаї вживання спиртного.
  • Аналіз популярних напоїв та їх значення в житті людей.
  • Роздуми автора про етичні питання, пов’язані з алкоголем.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

Купуючи "Дух сп’яніння. Історія звичаїв уживання алкогольних напоїв українською мовою", ви отримуєте доступ до безцінних знань про культурні аспекти вживання алкоголю. Ця книга:

  • Поглиблює розуміння соціальних традицій.
  • Пропонує новий погляд на повсякденні звички.
  • Стає помічником для тих, хто цікавиться культурною антропологією.

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Discover the Spirit of Intoxication: The History of Alcoholic Beverage Customs

Buy "The Spirit of Intoxication: The History of Alcoholic Beverage Customs" by Ari Turunen in Ukrainian today! This captivating book explores the rich history and cultural significance of alcoholic beverages across various societies. It is a must-read for anyone interested in anthropology, sociology, or the intricate relationships people have with alcohol.

Why You Should Buy "The Spirit of Intoxication" Now

  • In-depth Research: The book presents comprehensive research on the rituals and customs surrounding alcohol consumption.
  • Engaging Writing Style: Ari Turunen’s narrative pulls readers in, making complex topics accessible and enjoyable.
  • Cultural Perspectives: Gain insights into how different cultures view alcohol and its impact on social norms.
  • Historical Context: Understand the evolution of drinking customs through the ages and their significance in contemporary society.
  • Rare Insights: Discover lesser-known traditions and practices related to alcohol that are often overlooked.

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Don’t miss out on this opportunity to dive deep into the history and customs surrounding alcoholic drinks. Get your copy of "The Spirit of Intoxication" today!


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Дух сп’яніння. Історія звичаїв уживання алкогольних напоїв


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    Igor Igor

    It turns out that alcohol consumption is a very broad topic with a long historical past. And today, much of the information in society is forgotten. That’s why the author conducted research and published this book. In it, he describes many aspects of the production, consumption and impact of alcohol on societies and history. But the most important thing is the customs, where they started, why they were established and how they have changed. Today, the world has changed significantly, and the customs of drinking alcoholic beverages have existed for thousands of years, and have been a very important part of people’s lives. Therefore, thanks to this work of the author, we can better understand the place of alcohol in the modern world. And it is also an interesting historical work, we learn about the social structure of the past, different characters in history. Another feature of this book is a large number of illustrations, or rather artistic paintings on the topic of the book. Although they are in black and white, this will not be a problem. All of them are chosen very well, they occupy a large part of the book, but the textual material presented to the reader is still enough.

    October 4, 2020
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    Igor Igor

    First of all, this book will be of interest to all lovers of popular science reading, personally to me as a lover of historical reading. And among the historical genre, it turns out, there is a category of books on the topic of research on the impact of alcohol on history, its place in customs, and so on. In such books, the authors describe what place the process of alcohol consumption occupied and how it influenced the formation of a society. And because of the large scale of the phenomenon, hence the influence on historical events. Let’s get back to this book, which I liked the most among the ones I read on the topic. The author is from Finland, and therefore the information presented is more focused on the European region, so it is more interesting for us readers to read about such close lands. At the beginning, the narrative style resembled a reserved teacher, and you expect the author’s opinion on the information presented. But this is the case on the first pages, and gradually this situation has improved and the author’s language is becoming closer to the reader. In general, the author provides a lot of interesting information. We can see analytical research, not just dry data and historical facts.

    September 22, 2020
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    Although I’m not a huge drinker, this book was a very interesting insight into the history and present of various aspects of alcohol consumption. The author has done an incredible job of collecting information from a huge number of sources, working through a huge number of topics and views to present each thesis in the most expanded and interesting way possible. I really liked the fact that the author did not write too long about any one topic or problem, but rather tried to touch on a large number of aspects and present the main facts and theses. This helps you to understand what exactly is most interesting to you in this area, whether it is history, myths, inventions, traditions… In general, everyone will find something to their liking. Alcohol is not just about getting drunk or having a good time, it’s also about important events in our lives, certain symbolism of drinks in certain situations, and the diversity of drinks and attitudes in different parts of the world. Because no matter how you look at it, each of us is involved in the culture of alcohol consumption, because even those who do not drink at all are involved in alcohol in some way.

    July 1, 2019
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