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The mystery of life and death

Таємниця життя та смерті

Світлана Ройз

Svitlana Roiz

The mystery of life and death

A child grows up and for the first time in his or her life realizes human mortality, including his or her own. Accepting the topic of death and experiencing it is one of the most important crises in a child’s life. Without it, harmonious growing up is impossible. But this realization can be very traumatic for a child, especially if this topic, which is quite taboo in our society, remains unspoken. The book by the famous child psychologist Svetlana Royse “The Secret of Life and Death” is actually a way to talk about this difficult topic with children in order to avoid fear and learn to celebrate Life every day. The book is a workshop and reflection intended for parents to read with their children.

Чому варто купити "Таємниця життя та смерті"?

Книга "Таємниця життя та смерті" від Світлани Ройз — це захоплююча історія, що розкриває глибокі філософські питання. Ця книга є ідеальним вибором для всіх, хто цікавиться життєвими та духовними аспектами. Ось декілька причин, чому варто купити "Таємниця життя та смерті" українською мовою:

  • Глибокий сюжет: Книга занурює читача в світ, де життя та смерть переплітаються.
  • Цікаві персонажі: Кожен герой унікальний та має свою історію.
  • Філософські роздуми: Автор спонукає до роздумів про сенс існування.
  • Зворушливі моменти: Читачі відчують емоційний зв'язок з персонажами.
  • Культурний контекст: Книга вплітає українські традиції та цінності.

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Відкриття таємниць минулого.
  • Подорож у невідоме.
  • Конфлікти між бажаннями та обов'язками.
  • Глибинна трансформація персонажів.
  • Визначення значення любові та втрати.

Ця книга не лише змусить вас задуматися, а й подарує незабутні емоції. Тому, якщо ви хочете купити "Таємниця життя та смерті" від Світлана Ройз в США або Канаді, не прогавте можливість отримати цю неймовірну історію прямо зараз!

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Discover the Secrets of Life and Death

Buy "The Secret of Life and Death" by Svitlana Roiz to explore profound themes that resonate with readers in the US and Canada. This book delves into the mysteries of existence, offering insights that can transform your understanding of life.

Why You Should Read "The Secret of Life and Death"

Here are some compelling reasons to purchase "The Secret of Life and Death" in Ukrainian:

  • Engaging Narrative: The story weaves together elements of spirituality and real-life experiences.
  • Life Lessons: Each chapter presents valuable lessons about love, loss, and the human experience.
  • Cultural Perspective: Gain a unique view on existential questions from a Ukrainian author.
  • Introspection: Encourages self-reflection and deeper understanding of personal beliefs.
  • Universal Themes: Explores themes relevant to everyone, regardless of cultural background.

Where to Buy

If you're looking to buy "The Secret of Life and Death" by Svitlana Roiz, you've come to the right place. Our store offers:

  • Best Prices: We provide competitive pricing on all titles.
  • Good Discounts: Frequent promotions on selected books.
  • Fast Shipping: Orders are shipped directly from Kyiv and Lviv for quicker delivery.
  • Worldwide Shipping: We use trusted services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

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Additionally, a portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army. Get your copy of "The Secret of Life and Death" today and experience its enriching content. It's not just a book; it's a journey into understanding the essence of life!


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    Galina Grushko

    The book is structured as a dialog between a mother and her little daughter. In an accessible form, the mother answers difficult questions related to loss and death.

    The book does not evoke sad emotions. It raises philosophical questions that may disturb children at an early age. Recommended.

    February 20, 2023
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    Natalia K

    A long-awaited book from the beautiful Ukrainian psychologist Svetlana Roiz on a very difficult but important topic for everyone: life and death. In fact, it is very difficult to choose the right moment and the right words and examples. This little book has the whole algorithm of the conversation in the form of a story and even practices that will help in this difficult matter. The book is very calming and helps to show a child the multifaceted nature of life, that not everything is always good and rosy, but every coin has another side. The book teaches us to treat death, the afterlife correctly, teaches us to remember and treasure our memories and certainly to enjoy life, to look for and see many positives. This is a light but also heavy book that will definitely come in handy in every home that has children. Many thanks to the author!

    March 21, 2022
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    Alla Allatvor

    Lately, I’ve noticed that my child has been acting strangely, has become very attached and sometimes looks at me with a sad look. And before, we used to laugh all the time. Having spoken frankly, my daughter admitted that she was afraid of losing her mother. I began to look for literature that would help me explain to my child about life and death, the inevitability of death and the beauty of life without traumatizing her. This book by Svetlana Royse helped me to find the right words. We read it together. This is exactly what I was looking for! The book “The Secret of Life and Death” is the third book by this author in our library, and I respect and trust her books very much. As for the design, the book is well-made, with a hard cover, beautiful color drawings, and thirty-two pages. We enjoyed reading this book. My daughter has become noticeably calmer, sometimes she picks up the book herself and leafs through it, looks at the pictures, sometimes asks to read it again. It is very well and clearly written for children, it is a pleasure to read. I felt somehow calmer after reading it myself.

    November 9, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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