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The mess at school

Гармидер у школі

Джеремі Стронг

Jeremy Strong

The mess at school

Miss Stollen is a substitute teacher like you’ve never seen before! After all, she doesn’t just teach kids – with her arrival, school ceases to be boring. Any of her lessons – just a dream of boys and girls, it’s a fun game, not a routine, and you do not want to break away from the desks as soon as the bell sounds at recess. Once you get to know this fun miss, you’ll probably wish your school principal had invited her to work! The hilarious tale of Miss Stirling belongs to Jeremy Strong, one of the most popular children’s writers in Britain today, who writes with inimitable humor and is confidently winning more and more fans of his work.

Чому варто купити "Гармидер у школі" від Джеремі Стронг?

"Гармидер у школі" — це захоплююча книжка, яка підкорює читачів своєю іскристою гуморістю та динамічним сюжетом. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Гармидер у школі" українською мовою, ви потрапили за адресою! Ось кілька причин, чому ця книга заслуговує на вашу увагу:
  • Цікаві персонажі: Книга наповнена яскравими героями, які стануть близькими вашій дитині.
  • Непередбачувані повороти сюжету: Читати буде цікаво завдяки захоплюючим та несподіваним подіям.
  • Гумор на кожному кроці: Відмінний спосіб розважитися, сміючись разом з героями.
  • Важливі уроки: Ця книга вчить дружбі, співпраці та важливості чесності.
  • Легкий стиль написання: Ідеально підходить для молодих читачів, які тільки починають свій шлях у літературі.

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Неймовірні пригоди школярів у стінах рідної школи.
  • Змагання між різними класами, які призводять до веселих ситуацій.
  • Секрети, які розкриваються в процесі навчання та гри.
  • Дружба та підтримка друзів у складних обставинах.
Купити "Гармидер у школі" від Джеремі Стронг — це чудове рішення для батьків, які прагнуть познайомити своїх дітей з якісною літературою українською мовою. Наша компанія пропонує найкращі ціни та знижки, а також доставку безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.

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Why You Should Buy "The Chaos at School" by Jeremy Strong

If you're looking for an engaging read that captures the essence of school life with humor and excitement, then you should buy "The Chaos at School" in Ukrainian. This book is perfect for young readers who enjoy fun stories filled with adventure and mischief.

Main Points and Story Milestones:

  • Relatable Characters: The story features characters that young readers can identify with, making it easy to connect to the narrative.
  • Humorous Situations: Each chapter presents amusing scenarios that keep readers laughing and engaged.
  • Lessons on Friendship: As the plot unfolds, readers learn valuable lessons about teamwork and friendship.
  • Exciting Plot Twists: The unexpected events in the story create suspense, making it a page-turner.
  • Cultural Relevance: The book resonates well with Ukrainian culture, enriching the reading experience.

Purchase Options

Don't miss out on this captivating story. You can easily buy "The Chaos at School" by Jeremy Strong from our store. We ensure a seamless shopping experience with:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing on all titles.
  • Good Discounts: Look out for our promotions and discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Your order will be shipped directly from Kyiv or Lviv.
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    My daughter found this book under her pillow on St. Nicholas Day, and I found out that she had wanted to read it for a long time. My classmates read it, too, and now they have topics to discuss, finally there are topics other than phones and games)))

    Wonderful book, the child really, really liked it, and I laughed after reading a couple of chapters.

    The teacher in the book is awesome. I think it would be very nice if the teachers at least a tiny part of the lessons were held in a similar vein, the children love to play and through the game can get a lot more information than reading textbooks written dryly without emotion.

    The plot is quite unusual. The author reveals a boring and obligatory school from a new, completely fascinating and fun side. The adventures in the classroom are colorful, a little crazy and unconventional.))

    School lessons are shown at a very unusual angle, and the school bureaucracy is denoted in the face of an old-school principal, who only tries to undercut the initiative of the teacher and the children to the pattern of the “square.

    January 9, 2020
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    We are very fond of the author Jeremy Strong and I, all his stories are always very exciting and funny, and the author’s syllable is very light and pleasant. These stories can be read not only to children but also to adults, they are very funny and uplifting. But this book was one of my favorites, maybe it’s all in the main character of the story, I liked her approach to learning and uncommon. Despite the fact that the rules are very important in principle and you have to follow them, and the main character ignored them completely, despite this, she was able to captivate the children, they with great pleasure waited for her lessons and were willing to do anything the teacher said, just to have fun and interesting time. These are the kinds of teachers our children often lack, so they want to go to school forever. And for adults, this book will be a great reminder that even in adulthood there is always time for fun, you do not always have to be serious and follow the rules, you can relax and have fun from the heart, sometimes it is very useful.

    December 9, 2019
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    Whenever I think about my school years, I always have a smile on my face. How many things we experienced during our school years, our favorite teachers, our best friends, we want to remember these years all the time and never forget. It is the book “Trouble at School” that gives impetus to memories and reflections. Is there ever absolute peace and quiet at school? Perhaps, but not too often, everything changes in an ordinary school when a completely new, unknown teacher, Miss Messyder, comes to replace the well-known teacher. What’s so special about this, you might ask? The fact is that the new teacher introduces completely different, new methods of teaching children. If my school had used such teaching methods, most of the students would have been much more willing to go to school.

    What kind of teaching methods are we talking about, and here are some: children began to study geography by looking for hidden treasures throughout the school; math and physics are taught in the pool, and children visually study important processes, measure speed, distance, and more.

    The book “Trouble at School” is fascinating, I recommend it!

    April 19, 2019
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    Elena Elena

    A very good, kind and funny book. Even kids who don’t really like to read will like it. I opened it and didn’t notice how it was read!!! Easy to understand, reads like a single breath. Would definitely recommend for children of any age and for adults whether parents or teachers. Children (elementary school age) can compare themselves to the students of Mis Garmider and learn many interesting, sincere things from those students. The book makes kids understand that learning is primarily about wanting to understand what is being taught, not about rote learning. It would be wonderful if our teachers also tried to be at least a little bit like Mies Garminder with her spontaneity and love for children and everything that is going on. It would be desirable to see the way Miss Garmider teaches her children in mathematics, geography, physics and other subjects in our schools as well, because her lessons are very interesting and fun and in spite of that the students are very good at learning the material.) The book itself is child-friendly in size (not too big or small to hold in their hands), with thick pages and a good font.

    August 23, 2018
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    Ruslana Tereshchenko

    I once found this book under my pillow on St. Nicholas Day. The title immediately intrigued me, and I liked the wonderful bright cover and such cool drawings.

    The book is just wonderful! It’s fun, easy to read, funny, cool, and just plain cool!

    And although it seems very childish, this book is perfect for adults who want to spend time with a nice book and relax after a hard and stressful day.

    It is interesting, easy to read, and instantly cheers you up. And besides, this edition by the Old Lion Publishing House is so beautiful that it will be an ideal gift for a child and a great addition to the family library.

    The paper is very pleasant to the touch, not blindingly white, so it is easy and pleasant to read.

    Miss Troublemaker will definitely become your favorite character! Sometimes we wish that at least once we could have a substitute teacher like her come to our lessons. After all, messing around can be fun!

    Jeremy Strong is a wonderful author. And his series of books “Reading for Laughs” is just incredible.

    I am sure that this book will definitely appeal to young readers.

    January 19, 2018
    Verified Purchase


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