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The Magnificent Monster. In 3 books. Book 2. In the land of horrors

Чудове Чудовисько. У 3 книгах. Книга 2. У країні жаховиськ

Сашко Дерманський

Sashko Dermansky

The Magnificent Monster. In 3 books. Book 2. In the land of horrors

“Chudove Chudovysko v kraine zhakhovysko” is the second book of the future trilogy “Chudove Chudovysko,” the publisher Ivan Malkovich began the presentation. – In my opinion, this is the funniest Ukrainian book after the famous “Toreadors” by Vsevolod Nestaiko. I sincerely believe that with this novel, Sasha Dermansky begins to realize the boldest hopes for the success of the new Ukrainian children’s literature… After reading the manuscript, I was bursting with joy. One thing upset me: I had no one to share it with, because no one had read it yet. I called the author and for at least twenty minutes chanted his new novel. Then I rushed home and offered the manuscript to my son. Further stayed up until three in the morning, quite listening to him unrestrainedly self-laughing and guessing what he was reading at that moment. I was almost fluttering when my son, having finished reading, came running in to me and we half-whispered-as everyone had been asleep for a long time! – We were savoring the most spectacular episodes and dreaming about Ukrainian Hollywood, because “Chudove Chudovysko v Krainy Zahovysk” is also an extremely cinematic thing… And so I finally waited for this book to be printed, and you, dear readers, were able to enjoy it…

Чудове Чудовисько. У 3 книгах. Книга 2. У країні жаховиськ

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Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Подорож у країну жаховиськ, де герої зустрічають незвичайних персонажів.
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Discover the Magic of "The Wonderful Monster. In 3 Books. Book 2. In the Land of Horrors" by Sashko Dermansky

Buy "The Wonderful Monster. In 3 Books. Book 2. In the Land of Horrors" in Ukrainian and embark on an enchanting journey filled with adventure and excitement. This captivating story is a must-read for both young and adult audiences who appreciate imaginative tales.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • Unique Characters: Meet unforgettable characters that bring the story to life.
  • Thrilling Plot: Experience unexpected twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Inspiring Themes: Explore themes of courage, friendship, and overcoming fears.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy stunning illustrations that complement the narrative.
  • Cultural Insights: Gain insights into Ukrainian folklore and traditions woven into the storyline.
Why You Should Buy "The Wonderful Monster. In 3 Books. Book 2. In the Land of Horrors" by Sashko Dermansky:
  • Engaging storytelling that captivates readers of all ages.
  • Encourages imagination and creativity through fantasy elements.
  • A perfect gift for children and adults alike who love adventures.
  • Supports Ukrainian literature and culture.
Purchase Options: You can easily buy "The Wonderful Monster. In 3 Books. Book 2. In the Land of Horrors" by Sashko Dermansky from our store. Our strong sides include:
  • Best prices and great discounts on your favorite books.
  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in finding and purchasing rare books from Ukraine.
  • Supporting the Ukrainian army with donations from each purchase.
We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and any other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping with Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on this remarkable read—order your copy today!


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    The book is very interesting, there are a lot of characters, or rather the book is super, I recommend it.

    February 12, 2023
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    “A Wonderful Monster in a Land of Horrors” is the second part of a trilogy about a wonderful monster named Chu by the famous Ukrainian writer Sashko Dermansky.

    From the first book, we remember that the parents of the main character and Chu’s friend Sonya work in another country as migrant workers. One day, on their way back from Africa, the plane with the parents disappears without a trace. This mysterious disappearance brings Chu and Sonya to a land of horrors, where they will have dangerous adventures, because it’s all a trick organized by the sleuth D.R. Shark, who is terribly outraged by Chu and Sonya’s previous victory. Will our heroes manage to save Sonya’s parents, risking their own lives in an extremely dangerous land of horrors?

    As always, Sashko Dermansky delights Ukrainian readers with an incredibly skillful work of children’s literature! “The Land of Horrors is filled with funny allusions, humor, vivid episodes, and, what surprised me very much, this book has references to Ukrainian mythology. It is very cool that Ukrainian traditions and an interesting modern work are combined under one cover!

    So, I definitely recommend reading this series not only for little kids but also for adults! After all, “The Wonderful Monster” is not just a cute naive children’s book – it is a real treasure of modern Ukrainian literature that can not only improve your mood, but also makes you think!

    February 2, 2021
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    Natalia Bogdan

    This is the second part of a fascinating children’s story about the friendship between an ordinary girl Sonia and the forest monster Chu. Once upon a time, this brave schoolgirl was able to save Chu. Thanks to Sonya, he was not thrown into the Land of Horrors, and all the forest monsters realized and saw that friendship between human children and monsters is still possible. But now Sonya needs help because her parents are lost (a whole plane with a crew and a bunch of passengers on board disappeared), and only Chu and his other tribesmen can tell her where to look for the missing liner…

    Here, the author has mixed a lot of different things – the election of Pumpkin to the post of Supreme Scarecrow, wandering in the fog with the shabby Semen and Odarochka, kidnapping the school principal right from the schoolyard, hunting and taming a giant cockroach named Murchyk who considers plasticine a delicacy, meeting and fighting a dragon monster who wants to get into the world of people, etc. In short, there will be no time to be bored.

    The story seemed a little too much, the author was a little too clever. But still, it’s fun and interesting to read.

    May 4, 2020
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    No sooner had Sonya and the Monster had a chance to rest and take a breather after the events of the previous day at the Great Terrible Gathering, than a new trouble befell our heroes: the plane with Sonya’s parents, who were supposed to return from Africa in the morning, mysteriously and suddenly disappeared on the very approach to Kyiv. It’s hard to keep a cool head and a clear mind when you’re just a kid, so Sonya, after crying and grieving with her grandmother, sets out to find it. Especially since the Shark (who is definitely very angry), although he was offended after the events of the Great Gathering, was already planning and implementing new insidious plans.

    Sonya was not left alone with her misfortune. Along with Chu and Grandfather Garbuzianyk, Sonya’s classmate Valya, her mother, and her witch grandmother Gurunda joined them in helping her. Even the marsh mice who live in the swamps helped the girl.

    No matter how hard Sonya tried to save Chu from the Land of Horrors, they still had to get there and meet the King of this country, who had many of his own likenesses and managed to lure everyone from the group of rescuers who arrived. But thanks to the team spirit and coordinated actions, everything works out for the friends and they happily save Sonya’s parents, the entire plane with the passengers, and in addition the entire human world from the invasion of horrors 🙂

    The book is easy to read and entertaining. It can even be an independent work, as it is not tied to the events of the first part and has explanations throughout the book that make all misunderstandings impossible.

    A separate pleasure is, of course, the illustrations by Maksym Palenko, which create a mood at the beginning of each chapter. The only misunderstandings I have are the illustrations on the book’s wrapper: the inexplicable spirituality of the ships (although they were not), and Chu himself, who does not fit in with his facial expression and mood at all.

    February 8, 2020
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    Anastasia Pysiuk

    A Wonderful Monster in the Land of Horrors is the second book in Sashko Dermansky’s incredible trilogy. Why incredible? Because such exciting adventures cannot be simple. The book is very interesting, the new adventures of Chu and Sonya are drawn into a fabulous and fantastic world. I read this book and felt like I was an observer of all those bright, juicy events. The dastardly machinations of the king of the Land of Horrors, adventures in the swamp, the Pumpkin Man, the adventures of the Shark and other wonderful characters. I love to read children’s books, especially books by Sashko Dermansky. Even though they are written for children, adults will definitely not fall asleep while reading this book, because they will not be able to tear themselves away. I especially liked the moment with Vova and Pumpkin. I’m still laughing. So this book is also a large supply of jokes and incredible humor. I also recommend reading the books in order, because the events in the books are interconnected. Even though certain chapters explain the history of certain events.

    Buy this book for your children, and do not forget to please yourself with fun adventures, memories of your childhood, because you will definitely remember it

    November 5, 2019
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