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The magnificent monster. In 3 books. Book 1

Чудове чудовисько. У 3 книгах. Книга 1

Сашко Дерманський

Sashko Dermansky

The magnificent monster. In 3 books. Book 1

Sashko Dermansky’s new fascinating novel tells the story of an unusual encounter between a girl named Sonya and the monster Chu. In a few months, Chu has to earn seven thanks from people, otherwise he will be thrown into the Land of Horrors. Many adventures and dangers await the heroes, but true friendship makes real miracles… This is the second edition, supplemented with new detective chapters, by a talented young Ukrainian writer. For careful reading (so as not to burst into laughter).

Чому варто купити "Чудове чудовисько. У 3 книгах. Книга 1" від Сашка Дерманського

"Чудове чудовисько. У 3 книгах. Книга 1" - це незабутній твір української літератури, який заслужено привертає увагу читачів у США та Канаді. Ось кілька причин, чому ця книга стане чудовим вибором:

  • Цікаві персонажі, котрі запам'ятовуються на довгий час
  • Непередбачувані повороти сюжету, що тримають у напрузі
  • Глибокі теми дружби, мужності і справедливості
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  • Можливість прочитати українською мовою, зберігаючи автентичність твору

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  • Емоційні пригоди головних героїв, які знайомлять читача з магічним світом
  • Неймовірна дружба між персонажами, що проходять крізь випробування
  • Повчальні ситуації, які показують важливість рішучості та добра

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Discover the Wonder of "The Wonderful Monster: In 3 Books. Book 1" by Sashko Derman'skyi

Are you looking to buy "The Wonderful Monster: In 3 Books. Book 1" in Ukrainian? Look no further! This enchanting tale captures the imagination of readers young and old alike. Here’s why you should consider adding this book to your collection:

  • Unique Storyline: The narrative weaves a captivating tale filled with adventure and friendship.
  • A Magical World: Explore a richly detailed universe that brings the creatures to life.
  • Educational Value: Ideal for children learning Ukrainian, enhancing language skills through engaging content.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The illustrations complement the text, making it visually appealing.
  • Critical Acclaim: Recognized for its artistic merit and storytelling prowess, this book has won hearts.
  • Series Continuation: As part of a trilogy, it sets the stage for further adventures.

Why Buy "The Wonderful Monster: In 3 Books. Book 1" by Sashko Derman'skyi?

Each page offers an exploration of themes like courage, acceptance, and the importance of self-discovery. Readers can expect:

  • Thrilling plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Relatable characters that your children will adore.
  • A perfect blend of humor and heartfelt moments throughout the story.

Don't miss out on the chance to buy "The Wonderful Monster: In 3 Books. Book 1" by Sashko Derman'skyi. Our store offers:

  • Best Prices: Enjoy competitive pricing on all our books.
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    The Remarkable Beast is the first book of the trilogy by S. Dermansky. The book tells the adventures of a girl Sonia, who is in the third grade, lives with her grandmother, and her parents are now on a business trip to a distant country. The story is designed for readers in grade 3 and above, that is, the age is about the same as the main character in the book. Although I can say if you read the adult – also not sorry.

    Very appropriately, Sonya has a wonderful friend: a furry pink monster in blue polka dots, abbreviated – Chu Plastilinenko. And not terrible at all, in addition – a champion of molding plasticine rams. With his appearance, Sonya gets into a whirlwind of unusual adventures.

    The book helps overcome childhood fears and understand that the most terrible monsters will not frighten those whose hearts are filled with a desire to help a friend.

    The book is written with great humor, the child is sure to love it. There are even funny letters to the Supreme Cowards user glypachic vampire who has been assigned to watch Chu’s piddlypop. “Your Jachlivoste, Your Spinoocoste,” is how these letters begin, and end with a respectful “I shudder with terror” 🙂

    There are a number of humorous characters in the book: for example, Kondrat Moiseevich Dandelion (or just Huba Buba behind his eyes) – the school principal, a passionate fan of chewing gum; the green babai Beast (we should say Grandpa Beast), Sonia’s relative – rocker-chemist Vova and others.

    Until the last moment, the reader is excited about the Monster’s fate–or tossing him into Horrorland–but as a result of Chu’s good deeds and Sonia’s efforts, a happy ending does come.

    The book has a hard cover, clearly printed text, thick paper, the font is not small, and the quality of the publication is good. There aren’t many drawings, but they give quite an idea of the appearance of the main characters.

    June 14, 2018
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    Julia Dutka

    Previously, in Ukrainian children’s literature, I had only known Vsevolod Nestayko and a few other occasional authors, but as it turned out, there is another very interesting writer with whom we had not crossed paths before. Probably because the pink monster somehow did not scare or attract me. But it’s a pity…

    Because “The Wonderful Monster” is a perfect example of children’s monster literature without any superheroes, Hollywood and Bollywood winds, and aliens in shiny UFOs. Sometimes it’s enough to just go into the woods to meet something furry, pink and speckled. It’s cute and wonderful.

    The friendship between Sonya and Chu, in my opinion, is a common result of the loneliness of a child whose parents left her with her grandmother and went to work. The girl lacks socialization, so she starts meeting all sorts of dubious and hairy types. She was also very lucky that Chu didn’t turn out to be some kind of glamorous ghoul.

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve already learned the difference between monsters and horrors. And I’m already dreaming about how I’m going to start the next book in the series.

    November 13, 2017
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    Amazing children’s books in their native language help children learn Ukrainian and love the Ukrainian language. My granddaughter enjoys reading these adventures and takes them with her to extracurricular reading.

    May 7, 2015
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    The book is simply wonderful – it captures you from the first pages. The adventures are not just interesting, but also instructive. In short, read it, you won’t regret it! And most importantly, buy the whole trilogy at once, because you won’t stop at the first book.

    December 9, 2014
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    This is a wonderful book. The language is superb. The font is perfect for my schoolboy to read. My child’s only complaint is the lack of pictures.

    November 23, 2014
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