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The little prince

Маленький принц

Антуан де Сент-Екзюпері

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The little prince

The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a brave pilot. Once he even flew his small mail plane across the Atlantic Ocean. It was a world record. Once the writer crashed over the Libyan desert. While he was repairing his airplane for ten days, a small desert fox came to visit him. They became friends. Soon after that adventure, Exupery wrote his most brilliant work, the fairy tale The Little Prince… The book was illustrated by the famous Ukrainian book graphic artist Vladyslav Yerko. Some of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s drawings are also used in the fairy tale. The book was presented at the Lviv Publishers Forum. Sales of The Little Prince will begin on January 1, 2015.

Чому варто купити "Маленький принц" українською мовою?

"Маленький принц" - це не просто книга, а справжній філософський твір Антуана де Сент-Екзюпері. Ця історія про дружбу, любов і втрату вражає серця читачів усіх вікових категорій. Якщо ви хочете купити "Маленький принц" українською мовою, ви знайдете в ній:

  • Унікальні життєві уроки.
  • Глибокий символізм у кожному персонажі.
  • Неперевершену красу мови.
  • Чарівні ілюстрації автора.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

В "Маленькому принці" читач знайде захоплюючі елементи сюжету:

  • Пригода маленького хлопчика з іншої планети.
  • Зустріч із різними персонажами, кожен з яких несе свій унікальний смисл.
  • Глибокі роздуми про природу дорослих і дітей.
  • Філософські питання про любов, дружбу та втрату.

Ця книга вчить цінувати прості радощі життя та звертати увагу на те, що дійсно важливо. Купити "Маленький принц" від Антуан де Сент-Екзюпері можна прямо зараз, впевнившись, що ви отримуєте якісний продукт за вигідною ціною.

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Why You Should Buy "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"The Little Prince" is a timeless tale cherished by readers of all ages. Here are some compelling reasons to buy "The Little Prince" in Ukrainian and discover its enchanting story:
  • Universal Themes: The book explores love, friendship, and the importance of seeing the world through the eyes of a child.
  • Beautiful Prose: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s lyrical writing captivates readers, making it a joy to read in any language.
  • Illustrations: The charming illustrations complement the text, adding depth to the narrative.
  • Life Lessons: Each character imparts valuable lessons about life’s complexities and human relationships.
  • Widely Acclaimed: This classic has influenced generations and continues to be relevant today.
  • Cultural Significance: Reading it in Ukrainian enriches your connection to the language and culture.

Where to Purchase

If you're looking to buy "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Ukrainian, consider our store. We offer:
  • Best Prices: Enjoy competitive pricing on all books.
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  • Direct Shipping: We ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Books: Our dedicated team assists you in finding hard-to-get books from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every purchase goes towards supporting the Ukrainian army.

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    Taras Vorobiy

    Well, the fact that A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA can make a miracle out of anything has been said many times before. And it would seem that they have added so much to a book that has been read and re-read, without ever touching the text itself, the story itself (well, they translated it again, but the story hasn’t changed). And as always, they did it with love, on high-quality paper, and of course, with beautiful illustrations. Thus, multiplying the already sky-high level of love with which this story was written by the author.

    And the eternal fairy tale again asks to be re-read. The tale of the boy who “vigilantly and relentlessly weeded the weeds”. At the same time, he visited other people. He clearly recognized and realized their lives, their essence. But he was not disappointed and did not become cynical. This makes the fairy tale even more incomprehensible. Because you believe it-that it is really possible not to become a misanthrope. It’s incredible because it’s true. It is possible not only to live alone, but also to tame other living beings. And there is enough warmth to be responsible for them all.

    Oh, and let’s not forget about Abah’s signature illustrations. The author’s logic of the book is such that his illustrations are necessary. But how the artist managed to squeeze his own drawings in between the author’s illustrations, thereby multiplying the book’s merits, is another mystery to me today (and to the work itself).

    November 22, 2019
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    Natalia Ledovska

    Finally, I have purchased this unsurpassed book. The first thing I felt when I picked it up was that the book was alive, giving you a lot of vivid emotions and positive energy. The authors have lovingly created this treasure. The covers speak to you as if alive, expand your mind, enrich your imagination, give you the opportunity to plunge into the world of adventures with the main character, to be sincerely happy with him, to sympathize with him, to root for him, and all this thanks to the talented artist Vladyslav Yerko. It’s really hard to argue with the outstanding French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who wrote The Little Prince for kids from 2 to 102. This magical, fairy-tale world is so fascinating for both kids and adults, leaving a mark in our hearts. Reading this gem makes us adults think that we should sometimes look at the world with a child’s heart and eyes, be kinder, because it is not material values that always dominate children’s souls, but love that is great and immense. I am sincerely grateful to the publishing house A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA, Vladyslav Yerko, and the Yakaboo online store for this masterpiece.

    August 4, 2019
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    Brusenko Olga

    I’ll start by saying that this is the third time I’ve bought this book!!! For the first two amazed my friends’ children so much that they “left” for their new owners. For those familiar with Ababagalamaga, there is nothing to explain. Everything is still at the highest level: printing, design, layout, publication – the best of the best!!!! Those familiar with Yerko will be interested to know that the book came out in 2015, and he drew it seven years before that. The publisher could not have put it into print earlier, because it had to be 71 years after the author’s death, because the Vienna Convention was applicable to the publication with the author’s drawings.

    I will not talk about the content, it is known for its depth of love, faith, naivety and trust. Such a Little Prince I’m sure the world has not yet seen. It was as if he came alive and became understandable. The author’s drawings just hinted at what Prince is really like, making the work even more philosophical. And with Yerko all the emotions came to life, it seems to me, even the Fox came to life. For the first time, they became so vivid that they seem tangible. Before this edition, the limit of perfection seemed to me to be the Prince portrayed by Nika Goltz. But there is no limit to perfection!!!! I think Yerko can shock us more than once.

    October 25, 2016
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    December 15, 2015
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    This edition of A-Ba-Ba-Ga-La-Ma-Ga in Ukrainian successfully combines the drawings of Exupery and Vladislav Yerko. I love the illustrations of the latter.

    March 30, 2015
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