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The Legendary Poirot (set of 6 books)

Легендарний Пуаро (комплект із 6 книг)

Агата Крісті

Agatha Christie

The Legendary Poirot (set of 6 books)

Book 1: Cards on the table The rich Mr. Shaitana has a strange hobby: he collects… murderers. Horrific crimes, killer’s tactics, and the logic of crime are his secret passion. And also risk. One day Shaitana invites eight guests to dinner: four detectives, including the famous Hercule Poirot, and four alleged murderers… Book 2. A tragedy in three acts A bohemian party at the home of a former actor, Sir Charles Cartwright, turns fatal for one of the guests, Pastor Babbington, as he suddenly dies after taking a sip of a cocktail. Subsequent examination reveals no traces of poison in the drink. Everything looks like an accident. There is no motive for the crime. Even the famous detective Hercule Poirot is convinced that the death of the old priest is just an unfortunate accident. But what if he is wrong and it was actually a premeditated murder, planned in as much detail as a good theater performance? Who is the director of this performance? And what role does Poirot himself play in it? In this investigation, the detective may become the next victim… Book 3. The death of Lord Edgware American actress Sylvia Wilkinson has long made no secret of the fact that she would like to divorce her husband, Lord Edgware. After all, she had a man in mind, both more noble and richer… Therefore, when Edgware was found dead in his study, no one doubted Sylvia’s guilt. Moreover, some circumstances pointed to her direct involvement in her husband’s death. The actress asked the great detective Hercule Poirot to help her save her name from indelible shame. But how can the detective believe Wilkinson that she is innocent, if the newly-made widow recently asked Poirot for a completely different favor – to help her get rid of her husband? Book 4. The danger of the “House on the Outskirts” While vacationing on the English coast, Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings meet the young and charming Nick Buckley. After the first conversation with her, Poirot shows Hastings the bullet that hit Miss Buckley’s hat and was supposed to kill her. Poirot decides to protect Nick and catch the culprit. He and Hastings come to Nick’s house, which is called “Endhouse” (“house on the outskirts”). Poirot explains everything to her, and Nick confesses that there have been three attempts on her life before, but she did not attach any importance to it, considering it an accident. Poirot decides to take precautions and advises Nick to invite a friend whom she can trust. Nick decides to invite her cousin Maggie Buckley. When her guests arrive to watch the fireworks, a crime occurs. At first, Poirot thinks that Nick has died, but when they approach the corpse, they see that it is Maggie, who has been mistaken for Nick because of her red shawl. Now Poirot takes on the murder investigation and must take care of Nick Buckley’s life. Book 5. Murder on the Golf Course Hercule Poirot receives a letter from an American millionaire asking for help. But Poirot and Hastings do not have time to save the unfortunate Mr. Renault – his corpse is found on the golf course. Poirot is forced to plunge into the

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  • Історичний контекст: Події відбуваються на фоні важливих етапів історії.
  • Гуманізм і мораль: Теми справедливості та людської природи є втіленими в розповідях.

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Discover the Legendary Poirot: A Must-Have Collection

Buy “The Legendary Poirot (Set of 6 Books)” in Ukrainian and dive into the mysterious world created by Agatha Christie. This exquisite collection features some of the best detective stories ever written, driven by the ingenious mind of Hercule Poirot. Here’s why you should consider adding this set to your bookshelf:

  • Unearth Classic Mysteries: Each book showcases a different case solved by Poirot, offering unique twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Cultural Marvel: Reading in Ukrainian allows you to enjoy the richness of the language while experiencing timeless tales.
  • Iconic Characters: Get to know memorable characters that have captivated readers for generations.
  • Engaging Storylines: From intricate plots to surprising endings, each story is crafted to engage and intrigue.
  • Perfect for Gift-Giving: Ideal for fans of mystery or anyone seeking a thrilling read.
  • Collectible Edition: A beautiful set that makes for an impressive display on any shelf.

Why Buy “The Legendary Poirot (Set of 6 Books)” by Agatha Christie?

Here are the main highlights that illustrate the value of owning this remarkable collection:

  • The series features some of Poirot's most famous cases.
  • Readers can enjoy Agatha Christie’s signature writing style.
  • Experience the meticulous craftsmanship of classic detective fiction.
  • Support Ukrainian literature by purchasing in Ukrainian.

Buy “The Legendary Poirot (Set of 6 Books) by Agatha Christie” today and immerse yourself in these captivating narratives. We pride ourselves on offering the best prices with great discounts.

Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. We also assist in finding rare books in Ukraine. Plus, with each purchase, a donation goes to support the Ukrainian army.

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Легендарний Пуаро (комплект із 6 книг)


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