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The invisible life of Addy Laryu

Незриме життя Адді Лярю

Вікторія Шваб

Victoria Shvab

The invisible life of Addy Laryu

Back in 1714, in France, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to gain eternal life. But the bargain turns out to be a curse: now she will be forgotten by everyone she meets on her way. Thus begins the incredible life of Addy Laryou, her amazing journey through centuries and continents, history and art, as she searches for a way to leave her mark on the world. But one day, three hundred years later, everything changes when Addie meets a young man in a nondescript bookstore who remembers her name.

Чому варто купити "Незриме життя Адді Лярю" українською мовою?

"Незриме життя Адді Лярю" - це унікальна книга від Вікторія Шваб, що захоплює читачів з перших сторінок. Вона розповідає про дівчину, яка живе більше ніж 300 років, але її ніхто не пам'ятає. Ця історія піднімає важливі питання про пам'ять, любов та ідентичність.

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Вічне життя: Адді має неймовірну можливість жити безсмертно, однак вона стикається з великими труднощами через те, що її не пам'ятають.
  • Глибокі емоції: Книга переносить читача у світ складних стосунків та емоційних переживань.
  • Подорож через час: Автор вміло поєднує різні епохи, що робить історію ще більш захоплюючою.
  • Невідоме кохання: Адді зустрічає хлопця, який, на відміну від інших, може її пам'ятати.

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Discover the Magic of "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" by V.E. Schwab

If you're searching for an unforgettable reading experience, look no further! Buy "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" in Ukrainian and immerse yourself in a captivating story that defies the boundaries of time and memory. Here are some compelling reasons to read this enchanting book:

  • Unique Narrative: Follow Addie LaRue's extraordinary journey as she strives for immortality but finds herself forgotten by everyone she meets.
  • Themes of Identity: Explore profound questions about existence, love, and the essence of being remembered.
  • Rich Historical Context: Experience the beautifully depicted settings from different eras, enriching the storyline and immersing you in Addie's world.
  • Strong Female Protagonist: Relate to Addie's struggles, resilience, and quest for freedom in a patriarchal society.
  • Emotional Depth: Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions as Addie's story unfolds, tugging at your heartstrings.
  • Stunning Prose: Enjoy V.E. Schwab’s lyrical writing style that paints vivid pictures of each moment.

Why You Should Buy "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" Today

Don't miss your chance to own this remarkable book. Buy "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" by V.E. Schwab now and discover why it has captivated readers around the world!

  • Best Prices: We offer highly competitive prices for our books.
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  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Join the thousands of readers who have been touched by this beautiful story. Make your purchase today and experience the magic of Addie LaRue!


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Незриме життя Адді Лярю


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    Kristina Veselova

    It’s a wonderful story about a girl who lived an unusually long and eventful life. When you read it, sometimes you are directly transported to that atmosphere, immersed in the events, and sometimes you feel sleepy. Something dreamy and romantic is definitely waiting for you in this story. It is interesting to read how the main characters get out of some of the inconveniences that arise in their lives. Morok is a separate charisma for me, a kind of unreal character. There is a movie based on this book called Vic Adeline, which I used to watch, but not very carefully.

    After reading the book, I thought I should watch the movie again.

    January 26, 2023
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    Oksana Hnativ

    Indeed, the story of agreements with otherworldly beings is not new, but this narrative has its own unique moments. I would call this book a story about relationships between people and beyond, about a person’s attitude to events and things, their perception, and the need to define their desires. The author metaphorically hints that in order to be happy, a person needs to know what he or she really wants and whether he or she wants to get it at any cost. The book is philosophical and requires an appropriate attitude! Enjoy your reading!

    January 1, 2023
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    Knyazheva Elena

    What a boring book! For the first hundred pages you read how the main character is always going somewhere. The language itself is full of unnecessary extra words. I didn’t like it at all, there are much better books out there.

    December 6, 2022
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    Tanya Kompaniets

    I notice that almost everyone likes the book. But I must be different.

    The book is certainly good! Incredible atmosphere, great characters, beautiful descriptions and an interesting plot! but I really missed the dynamics and unexpected plot twists.

    There were a few moments during the story where I was shocked, there were also unexpected and interesting moments, but, in my opinion, there were not enough of them.

    The main character is a wonderful and strong girl who fought for her life for many years. she did not lose heart, even when it was very difficult.

    As for Luke, he is a very cool character! I liked his character and his actions.

    The love line is something a bit confusing for me (no spoilers below)

    It seems like there was love, they talked about it and showed it with their actions, but the end? Why did gg say that? i didn’t understand it. it looks like there will be a second part, but if i’m not mistaken, it’s a single book. then it’s very strange.

    I don’t know if I would read the sequel, because I was a little bored reading this story.

    In general, my impressions are not bad. But the book did not live up to my expectations.

    But you should read it!

    September 22, 2022
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    Oksana Kalabay

    To begin with, I would like to say that the expectations about this book, given its size, were high, but it did not happen that way.

    Yes, the book itself is very well made and beautiful.

    The plot itself… I frankly expected more from 300 years. Yes, it is a beautiful story about self-sacrifice and love, although I did not see any chemistry…

    The character of the protagonist, she was ordinary for me, although she was not lacking in stress resistance… But, frankly, I expected personal growth that could be traced over the years.

    To be honest, the book is promising, even at the beginning they promised her 7 loves, 7 lives, like freckles. And in the end, there are only 3 loves as such…

    I give the book a 4 because it’s really good, kind, and there were moments of tension.

    September 16, 2022
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