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The history of wine in 100 bottles

Історія вина в 100 пляшках

Оз Кларк

Oz Clarke

The history of wine in 100 bottles

“BEST BOOK ON WINE PUBLISHED IN THE UK, ACCORDING TO THE GOURMAND DRINK AWARDS 2015” Wine has been around as long as civilization itself. For thousands of years, from the time of ancient Mesopotamia to the present day, when wine has become a huge industry in the international economy, the history of “poetry in a bottle” is closely linked to key social, cultural and economic changes. One of the world’s most renowned wine experts, Oz Clarke, will masterfully uncork 100 bottles for readers, each of which embodies the most important innovations, discoveries, and historical events of its time. He will trace the history of wine: from goatskin sacks and barrels from the cellars of German town halls to the latest technologies; from the first label to the design masterpieces of the most expensive brands created by prominent artists of the twentieth century. In a light and humorous manner, the author tells about famous vintages and cult wines, leads to the oldest, most legendary and highest vineyards, and introduces people who have had a significant impact on the culture of winemaking in different eras. About the author. Oz Clarke is one of the world’s leading wine experts. He is renowned for his phenomenal taste sensitivity, lively style, accurate predictions, and enthusiasm for life in general and wine in particular. He is the author of many award-winning books: “The Pocket Guide to Wine A-Z” (now in its 23rd edition), “Grapes and Wine: The Definitive Guide to Varieties and Flavors” (co-authored with Margaret Rand), “Bordeaux: Wines, Vineyards, Winemakers,” “The Wine Atlas,” “Let’s Talk About Wine,” and others. Clarke’s radio and television programs for the BBC, and his joint wine program Oz & James with James May from Top Gear are good examples of how to engage and entertain the audience.”

Чому варто купити "Історія вина в 100 пляшках" українською мовою?

"Історія вина в 100 пляшках" — це не просто книга, це захоплююча подорож у світ вина, написана відомим автором Озом Кларком. Читачі отримають можливість зануритися в історію вина і відкривати для себе нові грані цього чудового напою.
  • Захоплюючі розповіді: Книга містить цікаві факти про 100 пляшок вина, які мали значення для світової історії.
  • Винна культура: Оз Кларк описує різні культури виробництва вина та їх вплив на сучасність.
  • Рекомендації: Ви знайдете поради щодо вибору вина та його дегустації.
  • Історичні аспекти: Відкрийте для себе, як історичні події впливали на популярність різних сортів вин.
  • Картинки та ілюстрації: Читачі можуть насолоджуватися яскравими ілюстраціями, що доповнюють текст.

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Чому обирати нас?

Окрім широкого вибору книг, ми також робимо внески на підтримку української армії з кожної покупки. Це означає, що кожна ваша покупка потрапляє не лише до вашої бібліотеки, а й підтримує важливу справу. Не втрачайте шанс купити "Історія вина в 100 пляшках". Пориньте у світ вина та дізнайтеся більше про його історію вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "The History of Wine in 100 Bottles" by Oz Clarke

"The History of Wine in 100 Bottles" is a captivating exploration of the world of wine, perfect for enthusiasts and novices alike. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:
  • Comprehensive Overview: The book provides a detailed history of wine, tracing its roots through various cultures and eras.
  • 100 Iconic Bottles: Each bottle tells a unique story, showcasing its significance in the global wine narrative.
  • Expert Insights: Authored by renowned wine expert Oz Clarke, readers gain access to exclusive knowledge and tips.
  • Visual Appeal: Beautifully illustrated, the book is not only informative but also a visual delight.
  • Perfect Gift: An excellent choice for wine lovers or anyone interested in the art of winemaking.

Key Milestones in the Book

  • The origins of wine production in ancient civilizations.
  • Significant historical events that influenced wine culture.
  • Famous wines and regions that shaped the modern wine industry.
  • The impact of technology on winemaking processes.
  • Future trends in wine consumption and production.

Buy "The History of Wine in 100 Bottles" in Ukrainian

Ready to explore the rich tapestry of wine history? Buy "The History of Wine in 100 Bottles" by Oz Clarke in Ukrainian to enjoy this remarkable journey. Our online shop offers:

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Історія вина в 100 пляшках


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