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The History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd. Book 3

Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга 3

Дід Свирид

Svyryd's grandfather

The History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd. Book 3

Book Three of The History of Ukraine from Svyryd’s Grandfather covers the period from the Union of Krewe in 1385 to the Union of Brest in 1596. For Europe, it was an era of geopolitical upheaval that directly affected Ukrainian lands, so the author analyzes the circumstances of the defeat of the Teutonic Order, the fall of Constantinople, the collapse of the Golden Horde, the consequences of the Great Geographical Discoveries, the Little Ice Age, and so on. This enriches the reader’s understanding of the real historical circumstances in which the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth emerged and the Zaporozhian Sich was created and strengthened. Dozens of the book’s characters-from Vytautas and Tokhtamysh to the Ostroh princes, Nalyvaiko, and Kishka-are real historical figures whose figures are not varnished: the author tells about the heroes and anti-heroes of Ukrainian history as if they were living people. The books of this series do not belong to the genre of “folk history”; they consistently promote scientific views of history. The peculiar style of presenting historical material on behalf of the village historian, Svyryd’s grandfather, adds color to the books and helps to facilitate the assimilation of large amounts of scientifically verified historical knowledge. For a wide range of readers.

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"Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга 3" – це унікальний твір, який відкриває захоплюючу історію України через призму веселої та мудрої оповіді. Якщо ви хочете глибше зрозуміти культуру та традиції нашої країни, ця книга є ідеальним вибором для вас.

Основні переваги книги:

  • Глибоке занурення в історію України.
  • Неповторний стиль автора – Діда Свирида.
  • Доступність інформації українською мовою.
  • Цікаві повороти сюжету, які тримають у напрузі.
  • Важливі факти та події, представлені в легкій для сприйняття формі.

Цікаві моменти з "Книги 3":

  • Дослідження традицій українського народу.
  • Опис ключових історичних постатей.
  • Поведінка героїв у критичних ситуаціях.
  • Способи боротьби за свободу та незалежність.
  • Роздуми про сучасність та майбутнє України.
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Discover the Rich History of Ukraine

Buy "The History of Ukraine from Grandpa Syvyrid. Book 3" by Grandpa Syvyrid in Ukrainian and embark on a captivating journey through Ukraine's past. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the cultural and historical evolution of Ukraine.

Why You Should Read "The History of Ukraine from Grandpa Syvyrid. Book 3"

  • Engaging Storytelling: The author, Grandpa Syvyrid, brings history to life with compelling narratives that resonate with readers.
  • Rich Cultural Insights: Gain deep insights into Ukrainian traditions, customs, and significant events that shaped the nation.
  • Historical Accuracy: The book is thoroughly researched, providing a factual foundation for understanding Ukraine's complex history.
  • For All Ages: Suitable for both young readers and adults who are passionate about history and culture.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy stunning visuals that complement the narrative and enrich the reading experience.

Where to Buy "The History of Ukraine from Grandpa Syvyrid. Book 3"

If you're looking to buy "The History of Ukraine from Grandpa Syvyrid. Book 3", you can find it in various formats online. It's available for purchase in both physical and digital editions.

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Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга 3


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    Olga Popova

    It is as if you are on a summer vacation in the countryside and are listening to your grandfather’s historical stories about the events of the 14th century, when the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the GDL) was created, uniting Ukraine, Lithuania, and Poland; about the Battle of Grunwald with the Teutons; about the birth of the Zaporozhian Cossacks and their heroic campaigns; about the fall of Constantinople and the emergence of the Ottoman Empire; and about the warlike Crimean Khanate. The author pays special attention to the Hundred Years’ War with Muscovy (1481-1582), in which Ukrainians fought as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The war, which in one form or another continues to this day. The author does not ignore the famous Roksolana, who was the wife of Suleiman I, had a great influence on her husband, and was a brilliant politician. The author describes historical events in colorful language, so the book can interest a wide range of readers. I envy the students of modern schools because they have, among other things, such a wonderful book to enrich their knowledge of the history of their country. The events of history are presented cleanly, without the patina of Soviet ideology present in the textbooks that many generations of Ukrainians have been raised on before. We look forward to the sequel!

    March 23, 2022
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    Taras Vorobiy

    I had just started reading the third volume from my grandfather (I bought it almost immediately after its release, but my mother intercepted it, as it is a popular read in the family). And it also coincided that we went to Lutsk to see the castle. And there we listened to stories about the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, looked at a portrait of Vytautas, and a gathering of European monarchs in Lutsk. I saw the same pictures in my grandfather’s book. It turned out to be a normal way of consolidating the material I had learned.

    My grandfather is in his repertoire, he describes everything deliciously, carefully and with his characteristic humor. At the end of each chapter, he adds a “Facebook discussion” with key participants in the events – it turns out lively.

    This volume, to me, is characterized by the fact that it focuses more on the inclusion of Ukrainian lands in the European political context of the time. In general, the period was covered in the history textbooks I studied at school in a somewhat sparing manner. My grandfather, through wide digressions into European history, describes it in great detail. And he emphasizes the truth that “Ukraine is Europe”. And it doesn’t matter what Ukraine was called, its influence on global historical processes is enormous. And we were not passive statists there, but an important engine for events.

    Among the shortcomings, I think there are too few characteristic “comics” – illustrations by the artist himself, who gives his vision of history. Instead, as I said, there are a lot of important historical paintings, battle charts, and other illustrative material.

    As always, it is a quality read and a beautiful edition that also complements a bookshelf very well. Three volumes already look quite solid in terms of aesthetics. I’m looking forward to the next volumes, both to read and to complete the collection.

    January 12, 2022
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    One of those books that is perfect for self-study. The only disadvantage is its price. Otherwise, the book is unique. In a new way, how the author provides information, how thought-provoking, his personal expressions certainly leave a mark in the memory of a child. With such a teacher, the story will always seem very interesting and not boring. The use of brightly colored illustrations pleased, but most importantly, there is humor in the book, due to which the study is very fun and the child has no moments for sadness. It is in this format, the diaper can best remember the most important moments and details of the story. And this knowledge is great for history classes at school.

    August 9, 2021
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    This is a very cool book about the history of our homeland. This book shows that history is interesting, not boring with lots of dates that are impossible to remember. This book is the exact opposite of the books we are used to, as they say, with bare, dry facts. The book “History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd. Book 3” by Silaev Publishing House is part of the series of books “History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd” in Ukrainian. The information is very well and fascinatingly presented. This part of the book contains a period of history that is full of many geopolitical vicissitudes, from the Union of Krewe in 1835 to the Union of Brest in 1596. The emergence of the Zaporozhian Sich is very informative. I also really liked that the author does not idealize historical figures, but shows them as ordinary people like you and me, with their own shortcomings and advantages.

    The book “History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd” is quite large, containing three hundred and ninety pages of a fascinating journey into the past of our country. It contains interesting and apt illustrations that emphasize the book’s content.

    February 22, 2021
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    First of all, “The History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svyryd. Book 3” impresses with its accessible and interesting way of presenting information. Moreover, the next volume covers a historical period extremely rich in events from the Union of Krewe in 1385 to the Union of Brest in 1596.

    During this historical period, the domination of the Golden Horde on the territory of modern Ukraine finally changed, and Ukrainian lands became part of the Lithuanian state.

    In addition, Lithuania became the object of aggression of the German Teutonic Knights. The pressure on the Lithuanian state from Moscow was also increasing. In these circumstances, Lithuania decided to unite with Poland.

    The new state was called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the Ukrainian lands became part of Poland. It so happened that Western-style Christianity became the dominant religion in the new state. The consequence of this situation was the signing of the Union of Brest.

    Historical processes in the Ukrainian lands were influenced by events that took place far from its territory. The discovery of South and North America in 1492 led to a rapid rise in food prices. This resulted in the invention of manors in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, farms that used the labor of serfs and were focused on the export of agricultural products.

    The author’s interesting presentation of information and the presence of color illustrations greatly facilitate the perception of complex historical information.

    The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.

    February 2, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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