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Buy "The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue" in Ukrainian

Велике розслідування. Хапайся за зачіпку

Анхельс Наварро

Àngels Navarro

The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue

The Great Investigation: Grab the Clue — this is a colorful illustrated edition for young and curious readers who love solving mysteries alongside heroes and seeking adventures. Readers will be immersed in the world of the “Higher School of Detectives,” where they will search for clues and investigate nine mysterious cases that have occurred in various locations: at a hockey match, in the Museum of Modern Art, on a cruise liner, in a shopping mall, at a party, at a concert, in a circus, on television, and in a biological laboratory.

Besides the stories, the book offers hints and detailed information about the characters, suspects, and their motives, which will aid readers in their investigation. And at the end of the book, a prize awaits you. What kind? Let’s find out! Let’s get investigating!

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  • Захоплюючі розслідування, які змушують замислитися про складність правди.
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  • Знайомство з таємничими персонажами, що грають важливу роль у сюжеті.
  • Пошук справедливості та справжнього «злочинця» за межами звичних рамок.

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Discover the Thrills of "The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue"

"The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue" by Ángeles Navarro is a captivating read that unfolds a mystery packed with twists and turns. This book promises to engage readers and offers a unique perspective on problem-solving. Below are key reasons why you should buy this book today:

  • Intriguing Plot: Follow a series of unexpected events that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Complex Characters: Explore the depths of well-developed characters who face moral dilemmas.
  • Relatable Themes: Experience themes of resilience, friendship, and the quest for justice.
  • Stunning Imagery: Enjoy vivid descriptions that bring the story to life and transport you into its world.
  • Engaging Style: The author’s writing style captivates both casual readers and literary enthusiasts.

Reasons to buy "The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue" in Ukrainian:

  • Experience the thrill of unraveling a mystery.
  • Enhance your language skills while enjoying a great story.
  • Support Ukrainian literature and authors.
  • Perfect gift for friends or family who love mysteries.
  • Join a community of readers discussing the book.

Why Purchase from Us?

We pride ourselves on providing the best prices and good discounts on all our books. When you choose to buy "The Great Investigation. Grab the Clue" by Ángeles Navarro, you benefit from:

  • Fast Shipping: We ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Books: We offer assistance in searching and purchasing hard-to-find titles.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept payments via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options. Enjoy shipping worldwide with reliable services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss the chance to dive into this thrilling adventure!


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Pages count


Page size

240×320 mm

Original title

Велике розслідування. Хапайся за зачіпку

Original Publisher



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