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The evil king

Лихий король

Холлі Блек

Holly Black

The evil king

Holly Black is a New York Times bestselling author and winner of the Eisner Award and the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy. She has written more than 30 novels for children and teenagers. Fans and critics call her the queen of fantasy. Her novel The Wicked King was ranked number one on the Goodreads list of the best teen fiction of 2019. Jude turned the spoiled and indifferent Prince Cardan into a puppet in her hands. Now that he has become the ruler, the manipulative woman controls all his actions and stands behind his every decision. However, Jude is balancing on a thin edge, risking his own head every second. Meanwhile, the people of the Fae Land have started a game that has turned into a serious danger for Jude and Cardan. The girl has neither friends nor supporters. The ruthless blade of a deadly blade is already hanging over her neck. But the most painful blow for Jude was the disappointment that Cardan brought her: the cruel prince turned into an evil king. No one in the Fae Land, not even Jude herself, has any idea what to expect from his reign…

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Основні моменти сюжету

  • Головна героїня – Джуд, дівчина, яка прагне знайти своє місце в світі фей.
  • Конфлікти між смертними і фейами створюють величезну напругу.
  • Складні стосунки з Локі, лихим принцом, додають інтриги та романтики.
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  • Ця книга зацікавить любителів фентезі з глибокими характерами.
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Discover the Magic of "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black

If you're searching for an enchanting read, look no further! Buy The Cruel Prince in Ukrainian today. Here are the main reasons to dive into this captivating story:

  • Gripping Plot: The tale follows Jude Duarte as she navigates a treacherous world filled with deception and power struggles.
  • Complex Characters: Experience the intricate relationships between humans and faeries, making each character unforgettable.
  • Rich World-Building: Immerse yourself in the spellbinding realm of Faerie, where magic and danger coexist.
  • Themes of Betrayal: Explore deep themes of loyalty, ambition, and the price of power that resonate throughout the narrative.
  • Romantic Tension: Enjoy the compelling love story woven through the fabric of the adventure.

This book is not just a story; it’s an experience. Buy The Cruel Prince by Holly Black now and get lost in its pages.

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    This book captivated me times more than the first part! So if you didn’t particularly enjoy The Cruel Prince don’t stop!

    Whereas in the first book the “explosion” moment takes place at the coronation, and that only happens at the end of the book, in this installment we’re treated to a threat from the Undersea Kingdom.

    There are unexpected twists and turns in just about every chapter (you can see that by looking at the number of purple bookmarks I use in those moments where my face is like this ).

    When I found out who betrayed Jude after all, I was shocked… My bets were on many characters, but not once did I think about who turned out to be the traitor…

    I absolutely love it when the action isn’t drawn out, but develops in each chapter, which can be seen in the second part of this trilogy. While the first part I could safely put it aside, I read this one in a more or less “I’m going to finish this and then eat and pack… *”I’m going to eat, get ready… Oh, no, I need another chapter!”

    Jude and Kardan’s relationship is slowly developing. But honestly, I didn’t feel their attraction. More like a sort of obsession.

    The ending was very unexpected! I felt like I was missing pages, because it can’t end that badly, can it?

    February 6, 2022
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    Dasha Zamytailo

    I liked the second book in the Airborne Fae trilogy much more than the first. It is much more dynamic, with more unexpected plot twists and turns. And the characters are already familiar to us, so there’s no need to spend time delving into the story.

    I also really liked the fact that Holly Black shows the faerie universe from different angles. In this book, we learn more about the underwater kingdom, the Under Sea. And if, while reading the first part, someone else might have had doubts about the cruelty of the fae, the second book confidently rejects them. After all, the manipulations used by the rulers of the Undermarium cause fear and disgust at the same time.

    And this chemistry between the main characters. It’s just something. This is the moment when you watch every movement or look, because they may have some meaning, some sign of what they really feel for each other. I love this kind of tension in books.

    And the ending gave me such a shock that I couldn’t realize it for a few days. I had doubts about Kardan’s motives, I hated him, I admired him…

    I think that such emotions should be left by really good books.

    So I definitely recommend it to fans of this genre!

    January 24, 2022
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    The universe and the suspenseful plot made this one of the most exciting fantasy books I’ve read this fall.

    I realize that’s why so many people love these books so much, but I don’t care at all for Jude and Cardan’s relationship. They are both incredibly complex characters with undeniable chemistry, but I personally didn’t care about the romance between them. Personally, that’s not what appeals to me about Airmen at all.

    What attracts me to the book series is the plot and the political intrigue. I am pleasantly surprised by Holly Black’s ability to create unique political tensions and show a society on the brink of war. There were so many scenes in this novel where my eyes were literally glued to the page and it was impossible to tear myself away. I couldn’t get enough of the coming intrigue, revenge, and betrayal from the various characters.

    I enjoyed the second book much more than the first. It’s more dynamic and not saggy, each chapter ends at a pretty interesting point, so you immediately want to read the next one. The characters are evolving and interesting to follow.

    I hope the third book will be even better than the first two.

    January 23, 2022
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    Kaydash Yelyzaveta

    Do you know the saying that the first book, the first movie, the first season of a TV series are always the best, and all subsequent parts only get worse and worse? I want to surprise you and tell you that this is not the case.

    Holly Black still keeps us in suspense, because events change each other with lightning speed. Sometimes you can’t even keep up with them. The political game continues, but now it is gaining real momentum. Jude puts Kardan on the throne. Throughout the book, she has one obsessive thought in her head: how to keep the boy under her control for as long as possible? How to extend the deal? How to make him agree?

    The events become even more interesting because Kardan, having come to power by force, feels the full taste of power. So, he begins to resist Jude’s “hands,” to go against the grain. The young king no longer agrees to be a puppet, he puts forward his own conditions, which Jude cannot but agree to.

    It is incredibly interesting to watch the development of their relationship. Their feelings are the same – they hate each other, but there is chemistry between them. Jude realizes that this relationship cannot be allowed, as she seized power for her younger brother, not to have an affair with the person she hates the most.

    Also in this book, Holly continues to reveal to us the difficult history of Kardan and the reason why he became a cruel prince and later an evil king.

    I liked the fact that the author portrays Jude as an ordinary 17-year-old girl, not a supernatural goddess. Yes, she suffers. Yes, she feels pain. Yes, she may bleed, but she is such a strong heroine that even with her injured leg she continues to solve all the problems at court.

    So, in this book you will find betrayal, flirting, political games, battles, fear, victory, and everything we love so much in fantasy books!

    January 14, 2022
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    “The Wicked King is a sequel to The Cruel Prince by American writer Holly Black.

    From the first part, we remember that Jude managed to put Cardan on the throne and now he is the High King of Elfheim. The royal court is changing significantly, now it is full of fun, frolics, parties, and even orgies… During one of these “parties” one of Cardan’s mistresses is shot. The culprit is Nicasia, the daughter of the Queen of the Under Sea, and her mother wants her to marry Kardan to unite the land and sea. However, Taryn’s wedding is approaching, and Oak, another important figure on the royal throne, is expected to attend… So once again Jude finds herself at a crossroads of royal and family intrigue, and she still doesn’t fully understand her feelings for Cardan, which complicates the situation…

    “The Evil King is a sequel that is in no way inferior to its first part. It is just as dynamic, interesting, full of intrigue, with an interesting and unusual setting, which can be called one of the biggest advantages of the story. In general, I recommend it!

    November 21, 2021
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