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The drink of change. How coffee created the modern world

Напій змін. Як кава створила сучасний світ

Олексій Мустафін

Oleksiy Mustafin

The drink of change. How coffee created the modern world

Is there anything better than a cup of aromatic espresso or Americano to cheer you up in the morning? Is there a better place to have a heart-to-heart conversation than a cozy coffee shop? And is it worth looking for? Everyone has their own special, almost intimate relationship with coffee. But there is a secret that unites all of humanity with this black drink. To find it, open this book and immerse yourself in an amazing journey through faraway and near countries where bitter beans have passed through before getting into your cup. Feel how the peoples, cultures, and states whose inhabitants have tasted the amazing trunk born under the hot tropical sun have changed. And try to understand why it was coffee that prompted them to make truly extraordinary discoveries and revolutionary transformations, and why it frightened those who resisted progress. Maybe the secret is not in the beans, but in the desires and aspirations of people united by coffee? The story of love for the drink from which the modern world was born is in the fascinating research “The Drink of Change” by Oleksiy Mustafin

Купити "Напій змін. Як кава створила сучасний світ" українською мовою

"Напій змін. Як кава створила сучасний світ" - це книга, що відкриває перед читачем захоплюючий світ кави та її вплив на формування сучасного суспільства. Автор Олексій Мустафін детально розкриває, як цей напій став символом змін, культури та соціальних трансформацій.

Основні моменти книги:

  • Історія кави: від її відкриття до глобального визнання.
  • Економічне значення кави у різних країнах.
  • Кава як фактор соціальних взаємодій та культурних зрушень.
  • Вплив кави на політику та економіку.
  • Психологічний аспект споживання кави в сучасному світі.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

  • Глибоке розуміння впливу кави на наше життя.
  • Цікаві факти та анекдоти про каву, які вас здивують.
  • Перспективи розвитку кавової індустрії в майбутньому.
  • Чудовий подарунок для всіх, хто цінує культуру кави.
  • Легко читається, з чіткою структурою та логікою.

Не втрачайте можливість купити "Напій змін. Як кава створила сучасний світ" від Олексія Мустафіна українською мовою! Ця книга стане не лише джерелом знань, але й справжнім відкриттям для вас.

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Ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни та хороші знижки на всі наші товари. Доставка здійснюється безпосередньо з Києва та Львова, що гарантує швидкість та надійність. Кожна покупка допомагає українській армії, адже частина коштів йде на підтримку.

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Доставка по всьому світу доступна через Укрпошту, USPS, UPS та DHL. Замовляйте зараз і пориньте у світ кави разом з книгою Олексія Мустафіна!

Why You Should Buy "A Drink of Change: How Coffee Created the Modern World" by Oleksiy Mustafin

If you're looking to explore the profound impact of coffee on modern society, buy "A Drink of Change: How Coffee Created the Modern World" in Ukrainian. This captivating book dives deep into the history and cultural significance of coffee through the lens of Ukrainian author Oleksiy Mustafin.

  • Historical Insights: Discover how coffee influenced various aspects of life, from economics to social dynamics.
  • Cultural Relevance: Learn about the role of coffee in shaping modern Ukrainian culture and its global implications.
  • Unique Perspectives: Oleksiy Mustafin offers a fresh outlook on a common beverage that changed the world.
  • Engaging Narratives: The book is filled with fascinating stories that bring the history of coffee to life.
  • Rich Illustrations: Enjoy beautifully crafted visuals that complement the engaging text.

Purchase Information

Don't miss your chance to buy "A Drink of Change: How Coffee Created the Modern World" by Oleksiy Mustafin. This book is perfect for coffee lovers, historians, and anyone interested in understanding the societal shifts driven by this beloved beverage.

  • Competitive Prices: We offer the best prices for books in the US and Canada.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Take advantage of our special promotions and discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Receive your order promptly with shipping options directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Easy Payment Options: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards.
  • Global Shipping: Shipping available worldwide via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Order your copy today and immerse yourself in the incredible journey of coffee through history!


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Напій змін. Як кава створила сучасний світ


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    Vasyl Korovskyi

    Why I bought it.

    As a coffee lover, it has been difficult to find a good book on the bookshelves about the history of coffee.

    Among the few that you can get, this one will do for an initial dive into coffee history. You can see that the author, as a journalist and coffee drinker, has been to many iconic places for the drink and has a lot to say from his own experience.

    What’s Inside

    The book is a well-illustrated (despite complaints about the quality of Folio paper, no complaints in this edition) complete history of coffee. There will be both myths and historical facts. The analysis of the coffee peripeteia is rather superficial, but this is how an introductory history of the drink was supposed to turn out. The book itself is small, it has a lot of illustrations, which are painstakingly collected, and some of them are the author’s.


    Despite its relatively small size, the book is full of interesting facts that can now be viewed through the lens of caffeine. This book does the most important thing: it motivates one to delve deeper into the history of coffee. The history of the drink is dramatic. And its presence at literally every turn is not a given, but a painstaking effort.

    May 27, 2020
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    Klymchuk Maria

    Enjoy this book with your favorite morning espresso or latte, which will immerse you in deep reflections on self-discovery and coffee. As you pick up this book and turn page after page, you realize how fascinating the journey of coffee has been, and how everyone can enjoy it today. How important decisions for the state were made after drinking a cup of coffee. Coffee was an inspiration for artists and poets – people who could catch the notes of an incredible impetus for extraordinary actions. Coffee. How often it can change our gloomy expression. A few sips are enough.

    In our daily routine, we have stopped noticing how much coffee (for the people who drink it) adds to our passion for action, inspiration, and creativity. Coffee is not just a word, not just a name, not just a drink. It is something more. Needless to say, there is only one way to make it.

    This book is full of information, illustrated with fascinating drawings that immediately help you to move to the times when coffee was at different stages of its journey.

    For anyone who likes to meet the first rays of the sun with coffee, I recommend reading about the incredible journey of coffee around the world

    May 1, 2020
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    This is a very interesting study of the history of the discovery and spread of coffee, a drink that is so popular today. The author first describes the first attempts by Ethiopians to make a drink from coffee beans in the 15th century. Then he reveals the rather long and complicated history of coffee’s conquest of the world: there were bans on it, which almost led to uprisings, political intrigues, and scientific inventions. Even new trends and ideas in art were inspired by coffee. I was interested in the fact that in countries where coffee was gradually penetrating, it turned into a “social lubricant” that allowed the social mechanism to move smoothly, without unnecessary friction and disruption. Over coffee, people discussed current events in the lives of people and countries, and generally rethought the ideas that prevailed in society. Art was created in coffee houses: famous works were written, new artistic movements were born, and trends in art were discussed. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, coffee houses became a hangout for many representatives of “free professions,” a place of acquaintances and dates. Another interesting fact is that the confusion between the words “express” and “espresso” is quite natural.

    In general, the book contains a lot of interesting information, generously “seasoned” with illustrations and photographs.

    But I was a bit puzzled by the fact that the author (by the way, a historian by profession) in this historical study generally does not give any references to the literature he used to write this book. And because of this, I constantly had the feeling that most of the information was fiction, not supported by anything.

    In general, the book is simple and fascinating, able to interest, but you don’t know how to perceive it – as nonfiction or fiction.

    March 4, 2020
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    We recently had the wonderful opportunity to buy a wonderful book about everyone’s favorite coffee as a gift for our dear aunt. This is a modern book “The Drink of Change. How coffee created the modern world” by the well-known and popular author Alexey Mustafin, published by the well-known Folio publishing house. This really interesting contemporary book was written in the beautiful and melodious Ukrainian language and published in two thousand eighteen. It is quite voluminous, containing one hundred and ninety pages of surprisingly interesting information about this wonderful drink. In this book, the author has very successfully collected and presented to the reader more than twenty interesting chapters, among which I would especially like to mention the following: “Coffee before coffee”, “The drink gets its name”, “The first coffee shops and the first bans”, “The secret weapon of the Ottomans”, “The soothing pathogen”, “The soberer of nations”, “Politics on coffee grounds”, “Conquest of the boulevards”, “In the shadow of progress”, “The age of industrialization. Espresso”, “Instant Coffee, War and Peace”, “Incentives for Ingenuity”, “The Way to High Society”, “The Drink of the Creative Class”.

    I would like to draw special attention to the wonderful design of this fascinating book. The drawings, photographs, and images complement the book’s content in a surprisingly harmonious and appropriate way. Interesting, vivid, they completely immerse us in this fascinating story about the history of coffee. There is no doubt that today millions of people on all continents of the Earth start their mornings with a cup of coffee. This book “The Drink of Change. How coffee created the modern world” will be a very good gift and will also be able to enrich your home library!

    December 22, 2018
    Verified Purchase


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