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The cuckoo was cuckooing

Кувала зозуля

Роберт Ґалбрейт

Robert Galbraith

The cuckoo was cuckooing

Former military investigator Cormoran Strike, who lost his leg in Afghanistan, returns home to London and opens a detective agency, but struggles to make ends meet. The agency has only one client, and creditors are pressuring him from all sides. Then the brother of a famous supermodel comes to him with a request to investigate the mysterious death of his sister. The police closed the case as a suicide, but the brother refuses to believe it. Strike plunges into the bright and depraved world of show business, where pleasures, temptations and deceptions rule. Do you think you know everything about detectives? You just haven’t seen how Strike investigates. All three of Cormoran Strike’s detective stories – The Cuckoo’s Nest, The Silkworm, and Career as a Villain – topped both local and international bestseller lists and formed the basis of a television series produced by Bronte Film & Television. Robert Galbraith is the pseudonym of J.K. Rowling, author of the bestselling Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

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"Кувала зозуля" - це захоплюючий детективний роман від відомого автора Роберта Ґалбрейта. Ця книга стала справжнім бестселером та здобула велику популярність серед читачів у США та Канаді. Якщо ви ще не прочитали цю книгу, ось кілька причин для придбання:
  • Справжнє занурення у сюжет: "Кувала зозуля" пропонує унікальну історію, що тримає в напрузі до самого кінця.
  • Глибоке дослідження персонажів: Кожен герой має свою історію, що робить їх більш реалістичними та цікавими.
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  • Соціальні теми: Роман порушує важливі питання сучасного суспільства, провокуючи думки і дискусії.

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Why You Should Buy "The Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith

If you are looking to immerse yourself in a gripping mystery novel, buy "The Cuckoo's Calling" in Ukrainian today! Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

  • Intriguing Plot: Follow the investigation of a supermodel's mysterious death, where nothing is as it seems.
  • Complex Characters: Engage with well-developed characters that keep you guessing at every turn.
  • Rich Settings: Experience the atmospheric backdrop of London, adding depth to the story.
  • Expertly Crafted Storyline: Robert Galbraith masterfully weaves suspense and drama throughout the narrative.
  • Critical Acclaim: This bestseller has received rave reviews for its intricate plot and engaging writing style.

How to Purchase

Don't miss your chance to buy "The Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith in Ukrainian. It’s available for readers in the US and Canada!

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Кувала зозуля


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    Marina Om

    The novel The Cuckoo’s Call is the first and only one I’ve read in the Cormoran Strike series. It’s the only one so far. I think I will read the other parts as well. Because on the whole I liked it. I am not a fan of the detective genre, so I evaluated this book not for the detective component. As far as I am concerned, the detective part is weak here. I don’t particularly like detectives drawing conclusions based solely on their observations.

    I was attracted to the characters, they were very colorful and unusual.

    The plot itself is built on more than trivial things. For me, then Rowling is not strong in the detective genre, but it is excellent at conveying the atmosphere of the area and time. And also her characters are very appealing and like the most ordinary, but charismatic people.

    This is a case where the book is read not for the story, but for the sake of the story and the characters. The events in the book develop quite slowly, monotonously. In between, the life of the hero is shown, his everyday life. And his lameness makes him even more attractive, human or something.

    The book is good, but not in terms of a detective.

    November 23, 2019
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    A friend advised me to read a series of detective books by Robert Galbraith. I was very surprised to find out that this is the pseudonym of a famous writer, the author of the Harry Potter series of books, which is loved by everyone, and my son is no exception.

    I really liked the detective story “The Cuckoo’s Nest”. The main character Cormeron Strike is a strong, hardy man who lives in spite of fate. There are many people on his way who hate, envy, and despise him. He has huge financial debts that he needs to pay back to his father as soon as possible. His mother is a drug addict who tragically died. A sister who is constantly trying to “improve” Strike’s life. An ex-girlfriend who suddenly reappeared and left him after a long life together. There is no work in the detective agency. Cormeron is struggling to make ends meet.

    The agency is approached by the brother of the tragically deceased, famous model Lula Landry. He does not believe in suicide and wants Cormeron to investigate the case. It would seem that there are many prosperous agencies in the huge city of London, but he turned to the grieving detective. Why?

    A detective with an interesting, intricate, dynamic plot.

    I recommend it!!!

    November 6, 2019
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    Savenko Iryna

    The man who wrote Harry Potter wrote a real detective story!?!?!!?? It really impressed me. But I was also surprised that a woman can so accurately describe men’s thoughts and outlook on life and harmoniously intertwine all this with the plot of a detective story. And speaking of the plot itself, it’s fascinating and quite dynamic, you don’t get bored reading it at all, it keeps you in suspense all the time (J.K. Rowling has a talent for impressing with twists and turns in her other books). As for me, the events were quite logical: there was enough action, lyrics, and investigation, and not just enough, but also in moderation – without being too intrusive. In detective stories, it is important for me to be interested in the course of the investigation itself, when little by little, small details are pieced together to reveal the real truth, and this book has it.

    Perhaps some points were not fully disclosed, but they left room for reflection and discussion.

    In general, the book left only good impressions, which prompted me to buy at least the second part.

    October 1, 2019
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    Anastasia Kravchuk

    To be honest, I’m very surprised that km-box took so long to translate and release this book, as Russian-language publishers managed to translate the fourth part of the series very quickly, while ours only got to the first. Usually these guys are much faster at releasing novelties. But it’s good that they translated in one fell swoop and the remaining parts, because I think a series of books should be read only in a row, without diluting the other authors, otherwise the head can not keep up.

    Second – to me, the detective does not claim to be “the bloodiest” or “the most unexpected turn,” however, it is very interesting to read this book. Of course, it does not reach the level of Harry Potter, but few books in this world can compete with the level of Potteriana, which has set a good bar for other stories. The author made an effort and produced a better book than her previous “unexpected vacancy”, which for me generally passed my ears and eyes and other body parts, although I found a lot of positive reviews on the web for it.

    September 26, 2019
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    Yaroslav Ladanay

    When I saw the new book in the detective section on the Km-Books website, I was first surprised to learn who Robert Galbraith was, because this leading Ukrainian publishing house would not publish anyone else.

    And then I went to the World Wide Web and saw that I had known Mr. Robert for quite some time, because I had read more than one of his books. It turns out that Robert Galbraith is the pseudonym of the famous English writer J.K. Rowling, the author of the immortal Harry Potter saga.

    Having written seven books about Potter and earned more than one million pounds, Joan decided not to play on her name, but to release a series of detective novels about Cormoran Strike, a soldier who lost his leg in the war and opened his own detective agency.

    “The Cuckoo’s Calling” is the first novel in this series, which has had a very successful start, both in the world and in our country. The story is about a poor African-American girl who grew up in a decent white family and jumped off a balcony at the peak of her popularity. Detective Strike and his clever secretary unravel the tangle step by step, leading them to a skilled criminal. Quite intriguing and interesting. It’s a bit difficult to perceive Ms. Rowling in the detective genre, but if we put aside all her previous achievements, we get a good detective writer.

    Plot – 8/10

    Interest – 8/10

    Unpredictability – 8/10

    Originality – 7/10

    August 19, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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