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The Book of Baltimore

Книга Балтиморів

Жоель Діккер

Joel Dicker

The Book of Baltimore

“The Book of Baltimore is a family saga with a detective story, a story of great love and drama. It is a psychological novel in which the famous writer Marcus Goldman (the hero of Joël Dicker’s bestseller The Truth About the Harry Quebert Case) unravels the mysteries of three generations of his family and writes a new book. The ending of the story of the Baltimore and Montclair Goldmans is well-known – a terrible drama that destroyed many lives. However, was it an accidental twist of fate or the logical conclusion to a series of secrets, confrontations, unrealized ambitions, competition, and struggles for recognition and love that had been hidden for decades in the Goldman family? And was the love of Marcus’s life, whom he met again eight years after the tragedy, the culmination of this drama or a secondary background?

Чому варто купити "Книга Балтиморів" українською мовою

"Книга Балтиморів" - це захоплюючий роман від Жоель Діккер, який вразить вас своєю складною структурою та неймовірними поворотами сюжету. Якщо ви ще не прочитали цю книгу, ось кілька причин, чому варто її купити:

  • Захоплюючий сюжет: Історія про дві родини, що зіштовхуються з трагічними подіями, які назавжди змінюють їхнє життя.
  • Глибокі персонажі: Кожен герой має свої секрети та мотивації, які роблять їх надзвичайно реалістичними.
  • Непередбачувані повороти: Ви будете вражені тим, як розвиваються події, і що відбувається на кожній сторінці.
  • Тематика родинних стосунків: Роман досліджує складність відносин між членами родини.
  • Літературна майстерність: Стиль письма Діккера унікальний і вражаючий, що робить читання надзвичайно приємним.

Спосіб придбання

Не пропустіть нагоду купити "Книга Балтиморів" від Жоель Діккер українською мовою прямо зараз! Це ідеальна книжка для всіх, хто цінує якісну літературу. Наш магазин пропонує найкращі ціни та знижки на цю книгу, а також:

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Why You Should Buy "The Baltimore Book" by Joël Dicker

The Baltimore Book by Joël Dicker is a captivating novel that has captured the hearts of readers around the world. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:
  • Intriguing Plot: The story unfolds a complex narrative that intertwines the lives of its characters, creating an engaging and immersive experience.
  • Memorable Characters: Get to know the Baltimore family and their secrets, which will keep you hooked until the last page.
  • Critical Acclaim: This book has received numerous awards and accolades, highlighting its literary significance.
  • Themes of Identity: Delve into deep themes including family, identity, and the nuances of human relationships.
  • Cultural Context: Experience the rich backdrop of both European and American culture, making it a unique read.

Where to Buy "The Baltimore Book" in Ukrainian

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We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options. Rest assured, shipping is available worldwide with reliable carriers such as Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own "The Baltimore Book" by Joël Dicker. Secure your copy today!


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Книга Балтиморів


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    The first book I read by this Swiss writer was The Truth About the Harry Quebert Case. And I really, really liked it. This book is completely different, not as dynamic, it is impossible to “swallow” it, but you have to “savor” it, delve into every word and detail, because then it fits together like a puzzle piece into a complete picture.

    So what is it about?

    This is a story about three generations of the main character’s family, the writer Marcus Goldman.

    It is a story about the relationships between adults and adults, adults and children, teenagers and each other, and about the relationships between lovers. It is a family story that lasts a lifetime. The small and not so small family secrets that emerge with each new chapter prove a simple human truth: another person’s family is a dark forest, and what we can see from the outside is not the same as what may be inside.

    And a very important quote:

    “Many of us are trying to find meaning in life, but our lives have meaning only when they fulfill three tasks: to love, to be loved, and to forgive. The rest is just wasted time.”

    August 13, 2019
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    Natalia Bogdan

    To summarize, this is a family saga, a story about the lives of three generations of Goldmans, from the elderly grandparents to the young, though already quite mature, grandchildren. Old Max Goldman had two sons, Saul and Nathan. The plan was that both men would stay on to work for the family business, but life made its own adjustments – the children moved away, started their own families, and had children of their own. This is how the Goldmans were divided into the Montclair Goldmans, ordinary and ordinary, and the Baltimore Goldmans, influential and with millions of dollars in assets. But even though the adults went their separate ways, their children, cousins Hillel and Marcus, remained united in an unusually strong friendship. Later, the two boys were joined by a third, their age, Woody, who was taken under the care of the influential and wealthy Baltimore Goldman family. From that time on, the era of the Goldman Gang began for the children, who could not imagine their lives without each other. But over the years, the children’s dreams faded, and the friendship was destroyed by feelings of envy and jealousy…

    And only with age, as all the family secrets began to be revealed to the protagonist, he was able to realize that not everything is as good as it seems in childhood… And maybe, in fact, there is no reason to be jealous of his more successful brother…

    August 3, 2019
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