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Buy "Tegumai and Taffy (set of 4 books)" in Ukrainian

Теґумай і Тафі (комплект із 4 книг)

Редьярд Кіплінг

Rudyard Kipling

Tegumai and Taffy (set of 4 books)

Book 1. How the First Taboos Were Made
Why can’t you fish in the spring, and why shouldn’t you make noise in the forest? All members of Tegumai’s tribe know these rules from a young age. Now you have the chance to get acquainted with them too, while also learning why parents sometimes ask you not to stare at strangers or make loud noises.
Young readers will not only plunge into the mysterious and fairy-tale world of cave people but also learn what a taboo is and which symbols can be used to denote them — invaluable knowledge for teachers and educators!
This is the third and final story about Taffy and Tegumai but just one of many tales by Rudyard Kipling.

Book 2. Taffy and Tegumai: How the First Letter Was Written
One of the famous “Just So Stories” by Rudyard Kipling, the very first where young readers get acquainted with the wonderful cave family — Tegumai, Teshumai, and their daughter Taffy. In the story, we’ll join the restless Taffy in writing the very first letter in the world. Of course, this task is not easy — the book features many spears, misunderstandings, and lots of mud, but in the end, the letter will be delivered and read. How? You’ll find out from the book!
With the book “How the First Letter Was Written,” the publisher “Educational Book – Bohdan” not only starts the publication of Kipling’s fairy-tale trilogy about the Tegumai tribe but also presents readers with unique illustrations by Kyiv artist Volodymyr Shtanko, which have been highly praised even by the Kipling Society in Great Britain.

Book 3. Tegumai and Taffy: How the Alphabet Was Made
This is the second of the famous “Just So Stories” by Rudyard Kipling, where young readers get to know the wonderful cave family — Tegumai, Teshumai, and their daughter Taffy. This time, the restless girl and her incredible father will have to invent the alphabet — all the letters of our alphabet! It was these cave people who decided that “O” would be round like an egg, and “U” would resemble a carp’s tail. What do other letters that we read and write every day look like? You can find out only from the new funny and imaginative story by Rudyard Kipling.
With the book “How the Alphabet Was Made,” the publisher “Educational Book – Bohdan” continues the publication of Kipling’s fairy-tale trilogy about the Tegumai tribe while also presenting readers with unique illustrations by Kyiv artist Volodymyr Shtanko, which have been highly praised even by the Kipling Society in Great Britain.
For younger school age.

Book 4. Tegumai and Taffy: How the Cat Walked by Himself
Do you want to know how wild animals became domesticated, and why the cat remained wild? Rudyard Kipling will tell you about this! The famous fairy tale by the English Nobel laureate has gained new colors thanks to the unique illustrations by Volodymyr Shtanko. Continuing the “Taffy and Tegumai” series, the book invites readers to get acquainted with a kind of prequel to the stories about how the first letter was written, the alphabet was invented, and the taboos were created.
For younger school age.

Купити "Теґумай і Тафі (комплект із 4 книг)" українською мовою

"Теґумай і Тафі" — це незабутня колекція відомого автора Редьярда Кіплінга, яка перенесе вас у неймовірний світ пригод. Цей комплект складається з чотирьох книг, які розкривають захоплюючі історії про дружбу, відвагу та природу.

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Дружба між Теґумайом і Тафі, яка підкреслює цінність взаєморозуміння.
  • Непередбачувані повороти подій, що тримають читача в напрузі.
  • Глибокі теми, пов'язані з природою та її захистом.
  • Вражаюча проза, що приваблює як дітей, так і дорослих.
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  • Ця книга була написана талановитим письменником, що додає їй ваги та значимості.
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Не втрачайте шанс купити "Теґумай і Тафі (комплект із 4 книг)" від Редьярда Кіплінга українською мовою! Це не просто книги, це ваш квиток у світ неймовірних пригод.

Why You Should Buy The Jungle Book and Just So Stories (Set of 4 Books) by Rudyard Kipling

If you are looking to enhance your collection with a timeless classic, consider purchasing The Jungle Book and Just So Stories (Set of 4 Books) by Rudyard Kipling. This captivating collection has enchanted readers for generations. Here are some compelling reasons to buy and read this remarkable work:

  • Rich Storytelling: Experience enchanting tales that seamlessly blend adventure and morality.
  • Memorable Characters: Meet iconic characters such as Mowgli, Baloo, and Bagheera who leave a lasting impression.
  • Cultural Significance: Discover the themes of nature, identity, and survival in various contexts.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy captivating illustrations that bring the stories to life.
  • Educational Value: These stories provide life lessons suitable for both children and adults.

Where to Buy The Jungle Book and Just So Stories (Set of 4 Books) in Ukrainian

You can easily buy The Jungle Book and Just So Stories (Set of 4 Books) in Ukrainian. This book is perfect for those who appreciate literature in their native language. Whether you reside in the US or Canada, obtaining this classic is just a few clicks away!

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  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each purchase goes to the Ukrainian army.

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Additional info




Pages count


Page size

230×280 mm, 235×280 mm, 225×265 mm

Original title

Теґумай і Тафі (комплект із 4 книг)

Original Publisher

Навчальна книга – Богдан


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