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Історії про Пандімуна

Крістіна Нгуєн

Kristina Nguyen

Stories about Pandimun

Stories about Pandimun, or as his friends call him, Pandi – is a series of captivating tales about a little panda cub and his search for his place in the world.

These are stories about love and friendship, joy and loss, dreams and courage. Each story about Pandi touches on a specific theme and raises complex questions that are equally important at any age. Especially in the early years, when hearts and souls are incredibly delicate and it is very important to preserve their integrity.

Kristina Nguyen wrote these tales for her son, and artist Halya Zinko created extraordinarily special illustrations for them. Together they have created a magical world whose inhabitants are capable of capturing the hearts of both young and old dreamers, fostering not only an artistic taste but also humanity.

This book is also interesting because with the help of a smartphone, its characters “come to life” before your eyes without exaggeration. In this way, each story transforms into an exciting journey with your child.

Чому варто купити "Історії про Пандімуна" від Крістіни Нгуєн?

"Історії про Пандімуна" - це захоплююча книга, яка відкриває нові горизонти в українській літературі. Ви можете купити "Історії про Пандімуна українською мовою" і зануритися у світ неймовірних пригод.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Унікальний сюжет, що поєднує елементи фентезі та реальності.
  • Глибокі персонажі з різноманітними історіями, які розкриваються в ході оповіді.
  • Несподівані повороти, які тримають читача в напрузі до самого кінця.
  • Тематика дружби, відваги та боротьби зі страхами.
  • Яскраві описи світу Пандімуна, які дозволяють читачу відчути атмосферу книги.

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  • Найкращі ціни на "Історії про Пандімуна".
  • Хороші знижки для наших постійних клієнтів.
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Не втрачайте можливість купити "Історії про Пандімуна" від Крістіни Нгуєн вже сьогодні та насолодитися неймовірними пригодами!

Discover the Enchanting World of "Stories of Pandemonium" by Kristina Nguyen

Buy "Stories of Pandemonium" in Ukrainian to dive into an unforgettable narrative that resonates with readers in both the US and Canada. This captivating book offers a unique perspective, enticing you to explore its depths and engage with its intriguing characters.
  • Compelling Characters: Get to know diverse and relatable characters that lead you through their extraordinary journeys.
  • Rich Culture: The book is steeped in rich cultural references, providing readers with a deeper understanding of its backdrop.
  • Engaging Plot: The storyline is filled with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Thought-Provoking Themes: "Stories of Pandemonium" explores profound themes that resonate with a wide audience.
  • Beautiful Prose: Kristina Nguyen’s writing style enchants readers with its lyrical and evocative language.

Why You Should Read "Stories of Pandemonium"

  • Emotional Journey: Experience the emotional ups and downs through the eyes of the protagonist.
  • Universal Appeal: The themes addressed in the book are relatable to readers from various backgrounds.
  • Vivid Imagery: The author's descriptions create vivid images that transport you to another world.
  • Critical Acclaim: This book has received praise for its innovative storytelling and character development.
  • Perfect Gift: It makes a great gift for book lovers who enjoy fiction with depth.
Buy "Stories of Pandemonium" by Kristina Nguyen today and immerse yourself in this extraordinary tale. Our commitment to providing the best prices and significant discounts ensures you get a great deal. We offer fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, making it convenient for our customers in North America. We also assist in searching for and purchasing rare books from Ukraine. Plus, with each purchase, we make a donation to the Ukrainian army, supporting those in need. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and any other banking cards or accounts. Enjoy worldwide shipping via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Embrace the adventure of "Stories of Pandemonium" today!


Free Shipping Worldwide for orders over $6999

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Pages count


Page size

250×250 mm

Original title

Історії про Пандімуна

Original Publisher

Біла Сова


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