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Buy "Set for Athletic Children (set of 2 books)" in Ukrainian

Комплект для спортивних дітей (комплект із 2 книг)

Юрій Гайдай

Yuriy Haidai

Set for Athletic Children (set of 2 books)

Book 1. The Restless One Who Loved to Run

The book was shortlisted for the BBC Children’s Book of the Year Award 2020
Debut of the Year in prose according to the “Top Barabooka” rating

This is a fun and touching story for children about running, love, friendship, support, self-discovery, and the world around them. The main character, Theo, can’t sit still and loves running the most. Just like his mom, for whom running is an integral part of life. Theo knows a lot about runners, but still, when he prepares to participate in a children’s run, many questions come to his mind. What does it take to become a champion? How can you always be the first? And most importantly, how and when to reveal his secret to his mom, which explains why he is such a “restless one”? Besides the narrative, the book contains informative content: how young runners should eat, how to choose comfortable sneakers, what a pulse is and why it’s important to measure it, what marathons, half-marathons, and children’s runs are, and how to participate in them.
And every young reader who finishes the book will definitely receive a medal.

Book 2. The Swift One and a Very Bicycle Adventure

Oles lives in a town near the mountains. He often looks at them from afar and dreams of going there on his bicycle. Finally, Oles sets off on a journey with his dad—a rescue helicopter pilot. Whom will they meet there, and what secret will they uncover? Who are the “swift ones,” and how do you become one of them?
“The Swift One and a Very Bicycle Adventure” is a story about childhood and growing up, about trails in the mountains and in life. And about how diverse the world is, especially when you’re on a bicycle!
The narrative is complemented by interesting informative inserts. Little and big readers will learn about special chromoly and magical sealant, how to distinguish a city bike from a mountain bike, and how to prepare for a two-wheeled journey.
The authors of the book, Yura and Tanya, although not professional cyclists, love bicycles and have been teaching their children to use two-wheeled transport since childhood.

Чому варто купити "Комплект для спортивних дітей (комплект із 2 книг)"?

Комплект для спортивних дітей від Юрія Гайдая стане ідеальним вибором для маленьких спортсменів! Ця книга не лише розвеселить, але й навчить важливим життєвим урокам.

Основні переваги книги:

  • Яскраві та цікаві ілюстрації, що привертають увагу дітей.
  • Доступна українська мова, що робить читання ще приємнішим.
  • Навчальні моменти, що сприяють розвитку фізичних навичок.
  • Захоплюючі сюжети, які зацікавлять дітей різного віку.
  • Допомога у формуванні спортивного духу та командної роботи.

Цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Пригоди друзів, що займаються різними видами спорту.
  • Турніри з несподіваними поворотами та дружніми суперництвами.
  • Незабутні моменти, що вчать зрозумілості та честі в спорті.

Не втрачайте можливість купити "Комплект для спортивних дітей (комплект із 2 книг)" українською мовою! Ця книга допоможе вашій дитині розвинутися та знайти своє місце у світі спорту.

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  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Гарні знижки на замовлення.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг з України.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Buy "Sports Kit for Kids (Set of 2 Books)" by Yurii Haidai in the US and Canada

Looking to buy "Sports Kit for Kids (Set of 2 Books)" in Ukrainian? This collection by renowned author Yurii Haidai is perfect for young athletes. It provides motivational stories and essential knowledge that inspire a love for sports. Here’s why you should consider adding this book to your collection:

  • Inspiration: The stories motivate children to engage in sports actively.
  • Educational: Each book is designed to teach valuable lessons about teamwork and perseverance.
  • Dual Language: Reading in Ukrainian helps maintain cultural heritage while learning.
  • Engaging Content: Fun illustrations and relatable characters keep kids interested.
  • Age Appropriate: Perfect for children aged 6-12, fostering a love for reading and sports.

Why You Should Read This Book

  1. Builds Confidence: Young readers learn how to overcome challenges through sports.
  2. Promotes Physical Activity: Encourages children to stay active and healthy.
  3. Cultural Significance: Enhances understanding of Ukrainian culture in a fun way.
  4. Long-lasting Enjoyment: Quality stories that can be appreciated over time.
  5. Encourages Social Skills: Highlights the importance of teamwork and friendship in sports.

Order your copy of "Sports Kit for Kids (Set of 2 Books)" by Yurii Haidai today! Our store offers the best prices and great discounts. Plus, we provide fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring that you get your books quickly. We also assist in searching for and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.

With every purchase, a donation is made to support the Ukrainian army. We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, or DHL.


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Additional info




Pages count


Page size

205×245 mm

Original title

Комплект для спортивних дітей (комплект із 2 книг)

Original Publisher

Yakaboo Publishing


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