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Richard Osman (set of 2 books)

Річард Осман (комплект із 2 книг)

Річард Осман

Richard Osman

Richard Osman (set of 2 books)

Book 1: Thursday Night Kill Club – International bestseller – Steven Spielberg acquired the film rights The small town of Coopers Chase, far from the bustling metropolis, is a cozy retirement community for respected pensioners. No worries, no troubles, a complete idyll. Every Thursday, four old men gather in the recreation room to… discuss old unsolved murders, of course. At least, that is until one of the locals is found dead – and now the Thursday Murder Club begins its first real investigation. Age has no chance against their zeal, because it’s time to dig into old graves and shed light on other people’s demons! And although none of the amateur detectives suspects it yet, the deeper they dig, the more they will bring their own secrets to the surface. Book 2. The Man Who Died Twice A bestseller with millions of copies sold From the author of The Thursday Night Murder Club The film rights were acquired by Steven Spielberg Having successfully solved the previous case, the irrepressible Thursday Night Kill Club has no plans to rest on their laurels. But they wouldn’t be able to, because Elizabeth receives a letter – a not-so-welcome greeting from the past. Before they know it, the eccentric pensioners are drawn into a new mystery. It involves a robbed criminal who is very much in love with his garden, British counterintelligence, and a classically harsh Colombian cartel… as well as friendship bracelets, daisies, and oatmeal bars. But most importantly, there are missing diamonds worth twenty million pounds. How can you resist and not plunge into the investigation? But this time, the games may end quickly, because the mystery is accompanied by cynical murders. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, and Ron, with the help of their friends in the police force, must figure it all out before it’s too late.

Чому варто купити "Річард Осман (комплект із 2 книг)"?

Річард Осман - це автор, який вражає своїм талантом створювати захоплюючі сюжети. Комплект із двох книг від Річарда Османа - це ідеальний вибір для любителів детективного жанру.
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Why You Should Buy "Richard Osman (Set of 2 Books)"

"Buy Richard Osman (Set of 2 Books) in Ukrainian" is a fantastic opportunity to dive into an engaging narrative penned by the talented author Richard Osman. This set consists of two comprehensive works that explore intriguing plots and captivating characters.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • Intriguing Mystery: The books present a unique blend of humor and suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.
  • Rich Character Development: Each character is vividly crafted, making them relatable and memorable.
  • Engaging Plot Twists: The storyline is filled with unexpected turns that maintain interest and excitement.
  • Uplifting Themes: Themes of friendship and perseverance resonate well, providing readers with inspiration.
  • Cultural Insights: The narrative offers a glimpse into contemporary society, enhancing the reading experience.

How to Purchase

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By purchasing from us, you are not only acquiring great literature but also contributing to a worthy cause. A portion of each sale goes to support the Ukrainian army. Join our community, discover literary gems, and enjoy a seamless buying experience today!


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Річард Осман (комплект із 2 книг)


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