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Queen of the void

Королева порожнечі

Холлі Блек

Holly Black

Queen of the void

Power is always easier to seize than to retain. Jude learned this lesson when she freed King Cardan from her control and gave him omnipotence. Now, as the mortal ruler of the Fae in exile, Jude remains powerless and is only roused to action after Cardan’s betrayal. She waits, determined to regain everything he has taken from her. Her plan is accelerated by her twin Taryn, whose life is in danger. In order to save her sister, Jude must risk returning to the treacherous Fae Court. Only Elfheim is not the same as she left it. A dormant, yet powerful curse is unleashed, and panic spreads across the land, forcing Jude to choose between her ambition and her humanity…

Чому варто купити "Королева порожнечі" Холлі Блек?

Королева порожнечі — це захоплюючий роман, що занурює читача в магічний світ, наповнений інтригами та несподіваними поворотами. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Королева порожнечі" українською мовою, ви знайшли правильне місце!

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Головна героїня стикається з викликами, які перевіряють її силу та рішучість.
  • Відносини між персонажами переплітаються з елементами зради та довіри.
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  • Магічні елементи додають додаткову глибину до історії.
  • Книга ставить питання про моральність і жертви заради кохання.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

Придбати "Королева порожнечі" від Холлі Блек — це спосіб поринути в безмежний світ фентезі. Книга отримала позитивні відгуки і стала бестселером у багатьох країнах, включаючи США та Канаду.

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Discover the Enchanting World of "Queen of Nothing" by Holly Black

If you are looking to buy "Queen of Nothing" in Ukrainian, you have come to the right place! This captivating fantasy novel continues the tale of Jude Duarte, offering readers an unforgettable journey through a world filled with magic, intrigue, and betrayal.

Why You Should Read "Queen of Nothing"

  • Compelling Characters: Jude and Cardan's dynamic relationship is central to the story, bringing depth and emotion.
  • Intriguing Plot Twists: The narrative is rich with unexpected developments that keep readers engaged.
  • Vivid World-Building: Holly Black beautifully crafts a realm that immerses readers in its dark and enchanting atmosphere.
  • Themes of Power and Identity: Explore themes of power struggles and self-discovery throughout Jude's journey.
  • Sequel to a Beloved Series: If you enjoyed "The Cruel Prince" and "The Wicked King", this book is a must-read!

Don't miss the chance to buy "Queen of Nothing" by Holly Black in the US and Canada. It's available in Ukrainian, making it easier for native speakers to enjoy this masterpiece.

How to Order

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In addition, we assist our customers in searching and purchasing rare books from Ukraine, making your reading experience even more fulfilling. Every purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army, allowing you to support a noble cause while enjoying amazing literature!

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Experience the wonder of "Queen of Nothing". Order now and dive into a world where nothing is as it seems!


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Королева порожнечі


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    Anastasia Yatsulyak

    Finally, I waited for the release and translation of the final book in the Airborne Folk trilogy by Holly Black. I was literally counting the days until it was published, I was so captivated by the previous two books, The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King. In this book, Jude’s wanderings finally come to an end. The ending is logical and yet no less exciting. I was very much afraid that the author would not spoil the ending and thus negate the previous two parts. Fortunately, my fears were not justified. “The Queen of the Void is actually the most suspenseful of the three books. It captivates with uncertainty, sharp plot twists (without the so-called “pianos in the bushes”, which is no less important), and real character growth. Jude and Cardan from The Queen of the Void are not the same as those from The Cruel Prince. Jude is no longer the angry girl who wants to become a knight at the royal court, and Cardan is no longer the prince who is offended by everyone and has not found a better way to attract attention than to be cruel to everyone around him. The general’s daughter and the prince have turned into a real king and queen, which is very pleasing. The denouement is unexpected and impressive. I definitely recommend this book and the series to all fantasy fans.

    April 20, 2021
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    It rarely happens that a series does not lose its dynamics and tension. But not this one. It’s a pity that you can’t just erase your memory to feel these emotions again. After all, this episode has remained in my head forever.


    Well, you can judge for yourself:

    – It’s a cruel and bloody fairy tale, at the same time insanely interesting and exciting. If you’re caught up in it, you’re here until the end;

    – palace intrigues, power struggles, betrayals and family secrets – everything here is at a very high level;

    – different courts, even kingdoms sworn to the crown – all of them are cruel, bloody and pursue their own goals. And all the characters are written in a surprisingly vivid and detailed way;

    – with each book, the degree of passion grew, unexpected plot twists and turns confused and shocked, but stubbornly led to the ending.

    In general, I liked this world! And I want more… But the author decided otherwise. Well, still, a low bow from me. I’m not saying that everyone will share these emotions with me, but if you are looking closely at this trilogy, I will tell you: “Go ahead. It’s worth the surprise.”

    February 9, 2021
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    Ekaterina Ragulina

    Finally, Vivat has released the final installment about the land of the Fae. Holly Black, even after The Cruel Prince, won my heart with royal intrigues, the cruelty of the people and the struggle for power… just think, a mortal girl – Jude, after so many trials and betrayals, goes from a girl who dreams of becoming a royal knight to the Queen of the Air People! At the same time, she captured not only Prince Cardan, but also his heart. Yes, Jude is in exile and has no power, but the guest on her doorstep is desperate, and Jude has no choice but to break the laws of the Kingdom and return to the magical Land, even though the punishment for this is death.

    The final book of the trilogy, for me, was not worse or better than the others, but it also gave me unpredictable plot twists, adventures, and we will find out why Cardan is not a favorite son and the curse of the Crown, and whether love can overcome all obstacles? I also think it’s a great loss for the story that there are no letters from Cardan to Jude in the appendix, because it is from them that we could learn about the King’s feelings for his Queen… and they are beautiful)

    February 3, 2021
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    This book is the final part of the trilogy about the Fae people. I recommend reading all three parts at once (The Cruel Prince, The Evil King, The Queen of the Void), because if you read intermittently, you may lose some details and not be as fully immersed in the story.

    When I read this trilogy, the third part had not yet been translated. So I had to read it online. And I am very glad that it has finally appeared in Ukrainian.

    The author doesn’t change herself, and the book has a lot of action again. Battles, fights, competitions, betrayal, and of course, love.

    Jude wants to see her former life at least from the corner of her eye. And she got this chance. Of course, she couldn’t ignore it.

    What I like most is that the story is very dynamic. The author accelerates the plot to an incredible speed. And you want more and more events on the adrenaline rush. And she gives them to you. At certain moments, it seemed like there was much more. But it turns out that there is more.

    The trilogy is incredible. It is wonderful. It is complete. And it is complete logically. I don’t want a sequel, because it will be too long. This volume is just enough to plunge into the magical world. One of the best fantasies I’ve ever read.

    February 3, 2021
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    Svetlana Khalolei

    A great ending to a great series.

    Jude Duarte is the mortal girl who showed the Fae who’s boss.

    Jude and her sisters were taken to the Fae country as children, where she grew up in an atmosphere of constant danger. The girl almost does not remember mortal life, so she sees her destiny only in Elfheim.

    And she has done the impossible – she has become the queen of a country where mortals are just a plaything.

    But the girl exaggerated her powers, and the High King banished his Queen to the world of mortals.

    So Jude is languishing in her sister Vivi’s apartment, watching TV shows incessantly and eating large quantities of junk food – so to speak, enjoying the ordinary life of mortal people.

    But Jude cannot accept the fact that she will never set foot in the land of the fae again and never see Cardan. She cannot believe that he could betray her like that.

    And when she does get the chance to return home, she jumps at it.

    To be honest, I didn’t have high hopes for the third book, because I’m used to trilogies being stable – the further, the worse.

    And so it was quite boring until about halfway through the book. And then, when this “significant” event for Jude finally happened, I was disappointed. Was the whole story really just for that?

    But the plot twist at the end made me change my mind about the series.

    I really liked it, and I highly recommend it.

    Although the very ending and epilogue are so naive and sweet that it’s strange to read such things about bloodthirsty fae.

    The book itself is very beautiful.

    The first book in the series, The Cruel Prince, has a very nice edition that opens freely when reading without breaking the spine. The second book is quite tight, so when you read it, the book constantly creaks.

    The Queen of the Void is somewhere between these two editions. It opens easily, the spine does not come off after reading, but it does creak a little when you open the book.

    February 2, 2021
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