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Preparing the poultry

Готуємо птицю

Ірина Романенко

Iryna Romanenko

Preparing the poultry

Do you want to diversify your menu? Tired of constantly searching for new recipes? Do not despair! The colorful Bon Appetit cookbooks will come in handy! The recipes collected in them will interest not only a beginner but also an experienced cook. Cooked dishes will turn your home into a real gourmet paradise! Bon appetit!

Купити "Готуємо птицю" українською мовою

"Готуємо птицю" - це унікальна кулінарна книга від авторки Ірини Романенко, яка відкриває нові горизонти в приготуванні страв з птиці. Ця книга стане справжнім путівником для всіх любителів смачної та здорової їжі як в США, так і в Канаді.

Чому варто купити "Готуємо птицю"?

  • Зручні рецепти, що легко готуються.
  • Різноманіття страв: від класичних до оригінальних.
  • Корисні поради щодо вибору та приготування птиці.
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  • Адаптовані рецепти для української та міжнародної кухні.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету книги

  • Дослідження культурних традицій приготування птиці.
  • Використання регіональних інгредієнтів.
  • Поради щодо презентації страв.
  • Особисті історії авторки про сімейні рецепти.

Купити "Готуємо птицю" від Ірини Романенко - це зробити крок у світ смачної кулінарії. Книга підходить як для новачків, так і для досвідчених кухарів. Ви знайдете багато рецептів, які обов'язково здивують ваших близьких.

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Discover the Culinary Masterpiece: "Cooking with Poultry" by Iryna Romanenko

If you're looking to elevate your cooking skills, buy "Cooking with Poultry" in Ukrainian today! This remarkable book by Iryna Romanenko offers a unique blend of traditional and contemporary recipes.

Why You Should Buy "Cooking with Poultry" by Iryna Romanenko

  • Authentic Recipes: Experience classic dishes from Ukrainian cuisine that bring a taste of home.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Easy-to-follow guidance makes it accessible for all skill levels.
  • Variety of Dishes: From appetizers to main courses, explore a wide range of poultry recipes.
  • Cultural Insights: Each recipe is enriched with stories and traditions from Ukraine.
  • Health-Conscious Options: Learn how to prepare healthy and delicious meals for your family.
  • Great for Family Gatherings: Perfect for those special occasions you want to impress your loved ones.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Full-color photography that brings each dish to life.

Where to Buy "Cooking with Poultry" in the US and Canada

Don't miss out on the opportunity to buy "Cooking with Poultry" by Iryna Romanenko! This book is not just a collection of recipes; it's a journey through the heart of Ukrainian culinary heritage.

Our Strong Sides

  • Best Prices: Enjoy competitive rates and fantastic discounts on your purchase.
  • Fast Shipping: We ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring quick delivery times.
  • Global Reach: We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each sale goes towards donations for the Ukrainian army.
  • Reliable Shipping: We offer worldwide shipping services including Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Indulge in the rich flavors of Ukrainian cuisine. Purchase your copy of "Cooking with Poultry" today and immerse yourself in a culinary adventure!


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Готуємо птицю


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    Every time we prepare for an extremely large number of festive and solemn events, we always want to surprise and treat our dear relatives and guests with great pleasure and desire, and we try to cook something especially interesting and original so that our table is rich in healthy and delicious vegetable and meat dishes. Poultry dishes, which are very valuable and healthy, can rightfully be named and distinguished among them. That is why it is very important to be able to prepare and serve these dishes correctly, beautifully and well.

    A wonderful, very interesting and original, information-rich, with a lot of little-known recipes, culinary publication “Cooking Poultry” by a well-known, very professional author – Iryna Romanenko, was published by the Vivat publishing house, which is popular among a wide range of readers today and belongs to the Bon Appétit series of books, which is well known to all beginners and experienced cooks.

    This very useful cookbook “Cooking Poultry” was published in two thousand and sixteen, in which original recipes for cooking goose, chicken, duck meat were very well selected and perfectly presented in two thousand and sixteen and contains forty-eight pages, which are very well illustrated with ready-made dishes, clearly presented recipes that you will definitely like, and they can also beautifully decorate your holiday table!

    February 6, 2020
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    All fans of poultry and meat dishes will be interested in the Cooking Poultry cookbook, which contains a variety of recipes for cooking poultry. This book is a part of the culinary series of books published by Vivat Publishing House called “Bon Appétit”, which has already won the favor of many good housewives, and of course mine too. The “Bon Appétit” series is extremely interesting and original, it contains a lot of different cookbooks on various topics, including salads, meat, pastries, desserts and many others. I have already collected almost all the books in this series and I am very pleased with them, I often use the recipes from this particular series of books.

    I really like the look of the book itself, the format is very convenient, not too small, the quality of the pages is very good, glossy soft cover, forty-eight pages. Each recipe is written clearly and understandably, and the ingredients used are available in our area. I really liked the fact that each recipe contains a photo of the finished dish, which looks very appetizing and makes you want to cook something. In the book you can find recipes for cooking different types of meat, including chicken, turkey, duck, quail, and others. You can easily learn how to cook meat rolls, meat salads, borscht, meat soufflé, canapes, and kebabs. Personally, I really liked the recipe for spicy chicken wings, which is how I started cooking.

    The book “Cooking Poultry” is worthy of attention, it will be a good assistant for every good housewife, I am satisfied.

    December 30, 2019
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    In my opinion, a series of cookbooks called “Bon Appétit” is very successful, because it contains a variety of recipes made from ingredients affordable for any budget (each volume is dedicated to a specific dish), and a significant highlight is the photos for absolutely every recipe, and looking at these photos, you want to go to the kitchen as soon as possible to cook and taste this or that dish.

    The title of this volume is “Cooking Poultry” and it contains various types of dishes, the main ingredient of which is different types of poultry meat (chicken, goose, turkey, duck, quail, chicken meat).

    The dishes themselves are also striking in their variety, as the book contains recipes for hot sandwiches, bruschetta, meat salads, shawarma, pate, tartlets, canapés, rolls, soufflés, breads, various soups, pickle, borscht, recipes for stuffed dishes, kebabs, recipes for chicken wings and drumsticks, and many other dishes.

    The book itself is in a small, handy format.

    December 18, 2019
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