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Buy "No Microbes Allowed! A Book About Vaccines" in Ukrainian

Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини

Соня Зелена

Sonya Zelena

No Microbes Allowed! A Book About Vaccines

The book made it to the longlists of the BBC-2022 Children’s Book of the Year and the national TOP-Barabooka 2022 ranking.

Shhh! No microbe is allowed to know about this book! Because it’s all about them: what microbes are, what types exist, why they cause diseases, and how to protect against them.

Together with the curious Marichka and her kitten, you’ll find yourself in a real laboratory where you can examine microbes under a microscope and see how our bodies fight them off. You will visit a factory where vaccines are made and meet the scientists who develop them. At the end of the book, you can help the characters create their own vaccine against previously unknown infections. The book contains many interactive tasks, games, and stickers! But remember—not a word to the microbes!

The book explains in detail and simplifies how the body protects us from infections, and it also covers the history of vaccine invention and their working principle. Additionally, the book offers useful advice on how to prepare for vaccination and not be afraid of injections, how to avoid falling for anti-vaxxer misinformation, and how to know when to get vaccinated. It will help readers of any age understand how immunity and vaccines work, as well as learn about the role Ukrainian scientists have played in their development.

Чому варто купити "Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини"?

Купити "Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини" українською мовою - це чудова можливість дізнатися більше про вакцини та їх важливість у сучасному світі. Автор Соня Зелена піднімає ключові питання, які стосуються здоров'я дітей та дорослих.

  • Інформативний підхід до теми вакцинування.
  • Легке сприйняття складної інформації.
  • Цікаві приклади з реального життя.
  • Наукові дані, представлені в зрозумілій формі.
  • Актуальні питання та відповіді на них.
  • Огляд міфів, пов’язаних з вакцинами.
  • Рекомендації від фахівців у галузі охорони здоров’я.

Основні аспекти книги

Книга "Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини" включає:

  • Наукові факти: Чітко доведено, чому вакцини необхідні для суспільства.
  • Переваги вакцинації: Як вона захищає від небезпечних захворювань.
  • Міфи та реальність: Спростування популярних уявлень про вакцини.

Ця книжка підходить для батьків, педагогів та всіх, хто цікавиться здоров'ям та медициною. Завдяки простій мові та доступним поясненням, вона легко сприймається. Тож купити "Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини" від Соня Зелена стане розумним вибором.

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Discover "Don't Read This, Microbes! A Book About Vaccines" by Sonya Zelena

If you're looking to buy "Don't Read This, Microbes! A Book About Vaccines" in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place! This insightful book by Sonya Zelena is not just for kids; it’s a must-read for anyone wanting to understand vaccines and their importance. Here are some key reasons to consider adding this book to your collection:

  • Engaging Content: The book is presented in a fun and engaging manner, making learning about vaccines enjoyable.
  • Educational Value: It answers common questions about vaccines and dispels myths, fostering informed conversations.
  • Perfect for Parents: Equip yourself with knowledge to answer your children's questions about health and safety.
  • Promotes Health Literacy: Understanding vaccines is crucial in today's world—this book is an essential resource!
  • Inspire Future Generations: Encourage young readers to think critically about science and public health.

Why Buy "Don't Read This, Microbes! A Book About Vaccines"?

  • Addresses vital topics related to public health and safety.
  • Written by an expert in the field, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  • Supports Ukrainian literature, promoting cultural awareness.
  • Available for purchase in various formats, catering to all preferences.

Our customers enjoy numerous advantages when they choose us for their book purchases:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive prices and fantastic discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Experience quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare books from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: Each purchase includes a donation to the Ukrainian army.

We accept multiple payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and various banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping with trusted services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don’t miss out—buy "Don't Read This, Microbes! A Book About Vaccines by Sonya Zelena" today!


Free Shipping Worldwide for orders over $6999

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Pages count


Page size

215×265 mm

Original title

Мікробам не читати! Книжка про вакцини

Original Publisher

Yakaboo Publishing


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