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No matter what

Що б не було

Дебі Гліорі

Debi Gliori

No matter what

There are many important and fragile topics that are covered in children’s literature. Among them is such an incomprehensibly deep theme as parental love. This love does not need any additional reasons. This love is stronger than any of life’s troubles. This love shines extremely brightly! “No Matter What” created by the talented Debi Gliori tells the story of a little brat who is worried that no one loves him. But of course, for his mom, he is the most precious in the whole world, and she will love him no matter what… The book will become a strong light of a child’s faith in himself, which will burn throughout his life!

Чому варто купити книгу "Що б не було" Дебі Гліорі

Купити "Що б не було" українською мовою – це відмінна можливість зануритися у світ захоплюючих пригод і глибоких емоцій. Книга стала популярною на ринку США та Канади, і ось чому:
  • Неповторні персонажі, що залишають слід у серці
  • Чуттєві сюжетні повороти, що заворожують з першої сторінки
  • Тематика, що близька багатьом читачам, навіть за межами України
  • Чудова ілюстрація, яка супроводжує текст
  • Глибокі філософські роздуми, що спонукають до роздумів

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Персонажі стикаються з незвичайними ситуаціями.
  • Взаємини між ними розвиваються у несподіваному напрямку.
  • Навчання важливості дружби та підтримки в складних обставинах.
  • Філософська концепція "що б не було", що робить книгу актуальною для всіх.
Купити "Що б не було" від Дебі Гліорі – це інвестування у якісну літературу. Ця книга подарує вам незабутні емоції та відкриє нові горизонти.

Наші сильні сторони

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  • Найкращі ціни на ринку літератури
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  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова
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Why You Should Buy "What Would Happen" by Debi Gliori

Looking for a captivating read in the Ukrainian language? Buy "What Would Happen" in Ukrainian today and immerse yourself in a world of enchanting storytelling. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this book:

  • Engaging Storyline: The narrative is rich with imaginative twists that will keep you enthralled from start to finish.
  • Relatable Characters: Each character is beautifully crafted, making their interactions resonate with readers.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The illustrations complement the text, bringing the story to life and enhancing your reading experience.
  • Uplifting Themes: The themes of love, courage, and resilience shine throughout the book, offering valuable life lessons.
  • Language & Culture: Reading this book helps you connect with Ukrainian culture and improve your linguistic skills.

Key Milestones in "What Would Happen"

  • Discover the protagonist's journey through challenges that test their determination.
  • Experience the emotional highs and lows as relationships are formed and transformed.
  • Witness the resolution of conflicts that ultimately lead to growth and understanding.

Don't miss out! Whether you’re looking to buy "What Would Happen" by Debi Gliori for yourself or as a gift, it’s an excellent addition to any collection.

At our store, we offer:

  • Best Prices: Enjoy affordable options without compromising on quality.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of special promotions regularly available.
  • Fast Shipping: Receive your order swiftly, with shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase hard-to-get titles from Ukraine.
  • Support for the Ukrainian Army: A portion of each sale goes to support our brave soldiers.

We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options. Enjoy worldwide shipping with reliable carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.


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    Alla Allatvor

    I finally received my long-awaited book, which I ordered for my daughter on the Yakaboo website. The book was out of stock, so I had to wait a little bit. The book came in good condition. The design is very beautiful, presentable, the format is quite large, the book itself is not thick, the pictures are full page and very beautiful. My daughter liked this book very much. It’s about a little fox cub who was testing his mother’s love to the limit. It’s a poem with a very deep meaning and wonderful visualization. The question of whether it is possible to repair broken love and the philosophical and wise answer of the mother were interesting. This book is for years. It is also interesting to read about mom’s eternal love, like the stars in the sky… And when the little fox asked whether his mother would love him if he was a crocodile or a beetle, his mother replied that she would love him no matter what. At the age of two, my daughter listened to this poem very carefully. Then we read the book several more times and carefully looked at each picture (and there are many to look at). The book calms my daughter down, perhaps she was also worried about her mother’s love – now she is less naughty, and I answer her naughty behavior (except for explanations, of course) with “I will love you no matter what” and my daughter smiles and calms down. Her mischief has really decreased. We really liked the book.

    October 28, 2021
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    This is the book I was looking forward to the most this year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to pre-order it, so I was looking for it on Yakaboo almost every day. Finally, it appeared on sale, and we have it here, and I have read and re-read it over the past few days. So I can share my impressions. The book is for the youngest readers, or rather listeners. If the website recommends it for ages 3-5, I would correct it and say that it is for the age when a child can sit and listen for 5-7 minutes. In our case, it’s less than 2 years. This is a short story in verse about a mother fox and her restless cub who is naughty, noisy, makes mischief and claims that no one will love such a naughty child. But his mother proves him wrong, saying that her love is unconditional and that regardless of his actions, behavior, and circumstances, she will always love him. Isn’t that sweet and heartwarming? I thought so, too, and that’s why I was happy to buy this book.

    July 1, 2021
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    The book “Whatever It Takes” attracted my attention with its beautiful, bright, thoughtful drawings. The fairy tale, written in a poetic form, is about a fox cub who used to do all sorts of mischief to attract his mother’s attention. And even after all his pranks, his mother still said, “I will love you no matter what.” It is very important for children to hear that their mother loves them. It is important for children to understand that even if they have done something wrong, their mother is their best and most loyal friend, and that she will always understand, help, forgive any prank, and love them no matter what. After reading this book, my daughter asked me, “Will you also love me no matter what and always, always, always?” It is very important for children to know this, so that they don’t have to win their mother’s attention with all sorts of mischief, or hide something from their mother for fear that their mother will fall out of love. The book is very well written and easy to read. It is one of our favorite books.

    June 26, 2021
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    A book about a mother’s love that is as eternal as the stars.

    This touching poetic picture book begins with a situation familiar to many children: a little fox is naughty, capricious and angry. And the question arises whether the Big One (i.e., the mother fox) loves him so angry and lost. Then the kid turns on his imagination and asks if his mommy would love him if he became someone scary or ugly, like a crocodile. And the Great One’s answers are wonderful! Yes, a mother will love her child unconditionally, forever and no matter what. You read this and you are enveloped in a sense of security, gratitude and admiration.

    It is an important psychological moment to know that someone will always love you, no matter what you do or who you become. It gives you confidence, inspires you, and with this inner knowledge, even as an adult, you are not afraid of anything and achieve great success.

    In addition, the book is very poetic and beautifully drawn. The alternation of images of cute family scenes with exotic fantasies makes the book sensual and not boring at the same time. There is a light humor, which works better on the level of illustrations, but it is also embedded in the text.

    A sweet, short, and extremely important book for all small and big children, a kind of childish lyrical glorification of parental love.

    June 25, 2021
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    A beautiful, colorful story about parental love. The book is very bright and beautiful, the illustrations are fascinating, the text is large and can be used for independent reading to a child. Sometimes it seems that you are not reading a book but listening to a cartoon and the illustrations really transmit the atmosphere of everything that is going on inside the book so the magic is felt for a very long time after you read it. The book is not bulky, if parents decide to read it to a child, they can manage for one evening. My toddler of course loved looking at the illustrations most of all, as due to his age he could not fully grasp the depth of the story. I really liked the author’s idea. It will be very helpful for kids to know that despite their behavior, despite those fights that arise between parent and child, mom will always love the baby no matter what he did. Sometimes it is very important for a child to realize this, because knowing that you are loved and accepted as you are gives confidence and helps to cope with life’s failures more easily.

    June 8, 2021
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