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No changes on the Western Front

На Західному фронті без змін

Еріх Марія Ремарк

Erich Maria Remarque

No changes on the Western Front

The novel is based on the author’s real memories of the First World War. When Remarque turned eighteen, he was mobilized into the army and a year later was sent to the Western Front. The protagonist of the novel, a young soldier named Paul Boimer, also finds himself in the hell of war. What he sees is not like heroic stories and fairy tales. The realities of war are blood and dirt, screams and death, humiliation and courage, survival at the limit of human capabilities. At the end of the war, Paul and his comrades from the front do not fit into the life of peaceful cities. They are the “lost generation,” matured teenagers who have been forever changed by the war…

Купити "На Західному фронті без змін" українською мовою

Еріх Марія Ремарк - один з найзначніших авторів XX століття, а його роман "На Західному фронті без змін" є класикою літератури. Цю книгу варто прочитати, адже вона розкриває глибокі емоції та важливі соціальні питання.

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  • Глибокі психологічні портрети персонажів.
  • Потужна антивоєнна мотивація.
  • Емоційно наповнений сюжет, який захоплює.
  • Важливість історії для сучасного читача.

Основні моменти сюжету

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  • Втрата друзів та бажання вижити.
  • Складні стосунки з командуванням і суспільством.
  • Критика патріотизму та віри у війну.
  • Пошук сенсу життя після пережитого жахіття.

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Why You Should Buy "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque

"All Quiet on the Western Front" is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the harrowing realities of war. This poignant novel captures the experiences of soldiers during World War I and has left a lasting impact on readers worldwide. Here are some compelling reasons to buy this book in Ukrainian:
  • Powerful Narrative: The novel portrays the grim realities of war, highlighting the emotional toll on soldiers.
  • Historical Insight: Gain a deeper understanding of World War I from a soldier's perspective.
  • Cultural Relevance: The themes resonate with both past and contemporary issues faced by veterans.
  • Literary Masterpiece: Remarque's writing is acclaimed for its beauty and depth.
  • Timeless Themes: The exploration of friendship, loss, and the futility of war remains relevant.
  • Ukrainian Translation: Read this classic work in your native language.

Buy "All Quiet on the Western Front" in Ukrainian

If you're looking to buy "All Quiet on the Western Front" in Ukrainian, here are some options available for you:
  • Buy "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque directly from our site.
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We pride ourselves on offering fast shipping options directly from Kyiv and Lviv. Our services include:
  • Shipping worldwide with Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
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  • Donations to the Ukrainian army with each purchase.
In summary, purchasing "All Quiet on the Western Front" not only enriches your literary collection but also supports a noble cause. Don't miss out on reading this impactful story!


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На Західному фронті без змін


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