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Buy "Nippa (set of 3 books)" in Ukrainian

Ніппа (комплект із 3 книг)

Вітаутас Рачицкас

Vytautas Račickas

Nippa (set of 3 books)

Book 1. Her Name is Nippa
Nine-year-old Nippa, after her father’s death, moved with her mother to live in a garden house. There, they grow cucumbers.
Nippa keeps the promise she made to her father and plays the flute every day, hiding in the greenhouse to avoid being mocked by the neighboring children.
After some time, her mother meets Oskar, but Nippa doesn’t like him—Nippa loves her dad.
The first story about Nippa captivates from the first pages.
Translated from Lithuanian by Dmytro Cherednychenko
Illustrations by Serhiy Havrysh

Book 2. Nippa at Home
A thief broke into Nippa’s home and stole her flute.
Nippa is determined to find the thief. But this is not so easy to do, as unexpectedly more important matters arise.
What exactly they are—you will find out in the third and final story about the girl Nippa.
Translated from Lithuanian by Dmytro Cherednychenko
Illustrations by Olesia Tomkiv

Book 3. Nippa Wants to Go Home
Angry at her mother, Nippa leaves home and immediately gets into trouble.
After spending the night at a friend’s place, she wanders around Vilnius with a very clear goal—until she falls into the hands of child traffickers.
She is rescued by her guardian angel and great love for her father.
Translated from Lithuanian by Dmytro Cherednychenko
Illustrations by Serhiy Havrysh

Чому варто купити "Ніппа (комплект із 3 книг)" від Вітаутас Рачицкаса?

"Ніппа (комплект із 3 книг)" – це захоплююча серія, яка обов'язково зацікавить читачів, які шукають нові горизонти в літературі українською мовою.
  • Глибокий сюжет: Книги поринають у складні стосунки героїв, які ведуть їх до самопізнання.
  • Цікаві повороти: Читачі зможуть насолоджуватися несподіваними моментами, які триматимуть у напрузі.
  • Соціальна тематика: Автор піднімає важливі питання, пов’язані з культурною ідентичністю та історичними подіями.

Основні моменти книги

  • Герої потрапляють у складні ситуації, розкриваючи свої внутрішні конфлікти.
  • Дослідження теми кохання і дружби на фоні історичних подій.
  • Зворушливі образи, які залишать незабутнє враження.

Купити "Ніппа (комплект із 3 книг)" українською мовою в США та Канаді — це можливість не тільки удобно насолодитися читанням, але й підтримати культуру. Кожен том пропонує унікальний погляд на життя, сповнений емоцій та думок.

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Discover "Nippa (Set of 3 Books)" by Vytautas Rachickas

If you are looking to buy "Nippa (Set of 3 Books)" in Ukrainian, then you have landed at the right spot! This captivating trilogy offers a deep dive into the rich tapestry of Ukrainian culture and literature. Here are some reasons why you should purchase and explore this remarkable work:

  • Engaging Narrative: Experience a compelling story that weaves together emotions, struggles, and triumphs.
  • Rich Cultural Insights: Delve into themes that resonate with readers, from personal growth to societal challenges.
  • Diverse Characters: Meet a variety of characters that reflect the intricacies of human behavior and relationships.
  • Beautiful Prose: Appreciate Vytautas Rachickas's exquisite writing style that captivates and inspires.
  • Perfect Gift: This set makes an ideal gift for anyone interested in enriching their bookshelf with quality literature.

Why Buy "Nippa (Set of 3 Books)"?

  • Enhance Your Library: Adding this book strengthens your collection with authentic Ukrainian literature.
  • Support Ukrainian Authors: By purchasing, you support authors working hard to share their stories.
  • Accessible Language: Written in clear Ukrainian, it is perfect for both native speakers and learners.
  • Preserve Culture: Reading helps promote and preserve Ukrainian literature and its rich heritage.

At our store, we pride ourselves on providing the best deals on books. We offer:

  • Competitive Prices: Find great discounts online.
  • Fast Shipping: We ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
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  • Easy Payments: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and various banking cards.
  • Donations to Ukrainian Army: We contribute a portion of each sale to support the Ukrainian armed forces.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy "Nippa (Set of 3 Books) by Vytautas Rachickas". Discover the powerful storytelling that awaits you!


Free Shipping Worldwide for orders over $6999

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Pages count


Page size

185×210 mm

Original title

Ніппа (комплект із 3 книг)

Original Publisher

Навчальна книга – Богдан


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