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Buy "My Mom is a Mountain" in Ukrainian

Моя мама — гора

Христя Венгринюк

Khirsta Vengrynyuk

My Mom is a Mountain

A touching and therapeutic book about finding inner strength.
Adults are not always steadfast like mountains. Sometimes they are also afraid, and there are times when fear envelops everything in mist. This happened to the mother of one boy. This story narrates how they together find a place of strength, how they explore feelings and emotions—and become for each other those very steadfast and beautiful mountains, enveloped in the sunlight of love. In your hands is a deep and important book about parents who remain adults for their children. And about children who should not have to become adults for their parents. A book that heals wounds, simplifies the complex, and envelops you in peace.

Чому варто купити "Моя мама — гора" українською мовою?

"Моя мама — гора" від Христі Венгринюк — це емоційна та глибока книга, яка розкриває силу материнської любові і важливість родинних цінностей. Вона втілює в собі такі основні моменти:

  • Сила материнської підтримки
  • Взаємовідносини між поколіннями
  • Подорож до самопізнання
  • Соціальні та культурні виклики
  • Несподівані повороти сюжету

Ця книга підкорює серця читачів завдяки своїй унікальній подачі та зворушливим моментам. Читачі зможуть:

  • Знайти відображення власних переживань
  • Зануритися у світ української культури
  • Оцінити людські цінності у складних ситуаціях

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Discover "My Mom is a Mountain" by Kristia Vengrynuk

Looking to buy "My Mom is a Mountain" in Ukrainian? This captivating story by Kristia Vengrynuk will take you on an unforgettable journey. Here are key reasons to read this remarkable book:

  • Emotional Depth: Experience the profound bond between a mother and child.
  • Ukrainian Culture: Immerse yourself in rich cultural themes that resonate with readers.
  • Life Lessons: Discover valuable lessons about love, resilience, and family.
  • Beautiful Prose: Enjoy the lyrical writing style that brings each character to life.
  • Inspiring Journey: Follow the transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
  • Perfect for All Ages: A heartwarming tale suitable for both young and adult readers.

Why Should You Purchase This Book?

When you buy "My Mom is a Mountain" by Kristia Vengrynuk, you are not just purchasing a book; you are supporting a greater cause. Below are some benefits you receive with your order:

  • Best Prices: We ensure competitive pricing for all our books.
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  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Books Assistance: We're here to help you find hard-to-get titles from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: Each purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army.

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We accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our shipping is reliable, with worldwide delivery options available through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss the chance to enrich your collection with "My Mom is a Mountain" by Kristia Vengrynuk. Order today!


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Pages count


Page size

197×245 mm

Original title

Моя мама — гора

Original Publisher



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