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My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique.

Моя перша мальована енциклопедія. Техніка

Сюзанне Генхойзер

Susanne Henheuser

My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique.

If your child loves technology and the best gift for him or her is a toy car, then this fascinating encyclopedia in pictures is created as if especially for him or her. The book reveals the world of technology in all its richness and diversity. Your child will learn how much an excavator can do and why heavy machinery is needed, what emergency vehicles are called and what happens at a gas station, who drives what and why you should take your car to a workshop. He will also learn to distinguish between tire prints and play with an interesting alphabet. And one day, you will realize that your child knows more about technology than you do.

Купити "Моя перша мальована енциклопедія. Техніка" українською мовою

Вас цікавить, де купити "Моя перша мальована енциклопедія. Техніка" від Сюзанне Генхойзер? Ця унікальна книга є справжнім скарбом для маленьких дослідників. Вона містить багато яскравих ілюстрацій та цікавих фактів про техніку.

Основні моменти книги

  • Поглиблене знайомство з різними видами техніки.
  • Яскраві ілюстрації, які захоплюють увагу дітей.
  • Легке та зрозуміле пояснення складних понять.
  • Інтерактивні елементи, що сприяють навчальному процесу.
  • Різноманітні завдання для закріплення знань.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

Купуючи "Моя перша мальована енциклопедія. Техніка", ви отримаєте:

  • Навчальний ресурс, що вчить дітей основам технологій.
  • Можливість розвивати креативність через малювання.
  • Позитивний вплив на формування технічного мислення.
  • Важливість взаємодії між батьками та дітьми під час читання.

Ця книга не лише підходить для вивчення, але й сприяє розвитку спілкування між дорослими та дітьми. Вона буде цікавою для всіх, хто прагне пізнати світ техніки.

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  • Найкращі ціни на книги українською мовою.
  • Гарні знижки та акції.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку рідкісних книг.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Discover the Magic of "My First Illustrated Encyclopedia. Technique" by Suzanne Genhoyzer

If you're looking to buy My First Illustrated Encyclopedia. Technique in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place! This beautifully illustrated book captivates young minds and introduces them to various artistic techniques. Below, we outline key reasons why you should consider purchasing this exceptional encyclopedia.

Why You Should Buy This Book

  • Engaging Illustrations: The vivid artwork makes learning enjoyable and appealing for children.
  • Educational Value: It provides foundational knowledge about different art techniques.
  • Promotes Creativity: Encourages kids to explore their artistic skills and creativity.
  • Language Development: Reading in Ukrainian helps enhance language skills among young readers.
  • Cultural Significance: Supports the Ukrainian language and culture through educational resources.

Key Features of the Book

  • Comprehensive Content: Covers a variety of art techniques from painting to crafting.
  • Interactive Learning: Includes activities that engage children beyond just reading.
  • Durable Design: High-quality materials ensure the book lasts for years of enjoyment.
  • Perfect Gift: An ideal gift for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions.
  • Support the Arts: Each purchase contributes to promoting arts education.

In summary, buy My First Illustrated Encyclopedia. Technique by Suzanne Genhoyzer today to foster creativity and learning in young readers. Our strong sides include:

  • Best prices and attractive discounts
  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv
  • Assistance in searching for and purchasing rare books in Ukraine
  • Donations to the Ukrainian army from each purchase

We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy reliable worldwide shipping with Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your child's artistic journey!


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Weight 0.32 kg


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Моя перша мальована енциклопедія. Техніка


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    Alina Krugletskaya

    As a grandmother of a small, restless three-year-old boy, I’m already tired of inventing fairy tales for my grandson in which cars are the main characters. Dogs and bunnies are allowed, but only as secondary characters that fade into the background of such heroes as a police car, taxi, jeep, truck… So I’m delighted with the pictorial encyclopedia of technique by Susanne Henheuser. Wonderful drawings not only give adults the opportunity to introduce kids to a variety of cars, but also to discuss interesting stories and adventures from the world of technology together. For example, let’s take fire trucks – a small reader, or rather, a listener and a viewer, will learn how a fire brigade works, what types of fire trucks are available, and a large two-page picture will allow them to model a fascinating story about rescuing victims of a fire. The encyclopedia encourages kids to think and analyze, and the tasks they are asked to complete and the questions they need to answer will help them develop logical thinking and the ability to express themselves on a given topic. So, my recommendation for family and friends of little tech lovers is definitely to buy it!

    July 7, 2020
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    I was looking for a suitable encyclopedia for a very long time, and then I saw this series of encyclopedias from publishing house “Ranok”. We have books from this series and I can say with confidence that they are very interesting for a child of any age. We started to read together and look at the pictures from the age of 2 years, then the child is able to read the book himself. The book is a large format, there is not a lot of text, but it is interestingly written and explains the situations or just the pictures that are drawn on the pages of the encyclopedia. The drawings are very bright, large and high quality. The details are well drawn, which makes the pictures very realistic. It’s great that the pictures of the machines and cars are very similar to what we see in the street, and the child is already naming all the things he sees. This book is especially appealing to mothers of young boys because it contains just a huge number of pictures and different situations about cars and equipment. On the pages of the encyclopedia you can see the airport, train station, construction site. Also separately presented all kinds of machinery and signed each car, which is very interesting to study. This encyclopedia we definitely recommend to buy and read.

    January 2, 2020
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    The book “My First Picture Encyclopedia. Technique” is one of our child’s favorite books, which we look through almost every day, and it never gets boring. If your child loves different equipment, cars, is interested in all the transport that he sees through the window, in the yard, then the book “My First Pictorial Encyclopedia. Technology” will surely appeal to you. This book was published by a very good publishing house “Ranok”, whose books we read quite often. The book “My First Pictorial Encyclopedia. Technique” is not the only one, there is a whole series of books called “My First Pictorial Encyclopedia”, which is created for the youngest readers.

    A big advantage of this book is that it contains a lot of pictures of vehicles, all of them are very bright, beautiful, and most importantly, they are large, so the child can see them in detail, and for real curious children it is a great joy. All the vehicles in the book are signed, and there is also a brief description of the equipment, so the child not only learns about the equipment, but also finds out what it is for.

    “My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique” is a real encyclopedia for young readers, and I recommend it to all fans of technology.

    October 7, 2019
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    Galina Urumyan

    “My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique” by Ranok Publishing House is our first book in this series and I think it will not be the last. This book contains very interesting material for both adults and children. It looks like a wimmelbuch, but believe me, it’s a bit better (moms will understand:).

    There are a lot of illustrations and not a lot of text, but enough to tell a child what equipment is intended for what. My son and I bought it when he was 2.5 years old. He liked the book very much. After reading this book, he began to show and name different equipment that he saw on the streets of the city. And when he saw a garbage truck picking up garbage from containers on the street, his emotions were overwhelming))) After this book, my son began to look more closely at various vehicles on the street.

    “My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique” is a modern illustrated book about modern technology for preschool children that will open up the world of technology with all its richness and diversity for your child. The book also contains several tasks that teach your child to be more observant and attentive.


    May 21, 2019
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    “My first pictorial encyclopedia. Technique” by Ranok Publishing House made my little car enthusiast very happy.

    The book is published in hardcover. The print quality is good.

    As for the content. This book caused a storm of emotions in my child at one time. It is not a “dry” encyclopedia, it is almost a wimmelbuch. It is a pleasure to look through it and flip through it. To be honest, immediately after buying this encyclopedia, I did not interfere with my son’s “reading” of the book. I had at least half an hour of silence in the apartment, my son was carefully looking at the book, and I could go about my business. Of course, the reading was not delayed. Thanks to this particular book, I personally learned that a grader and a bulldozer are not the same thing, and I also discovered an incredible amount of other equipment. Now, as the boy’s mother, I am “savvy” in this topic.

    Illustrations: there are a lot of them, they are realistic and vivid.

    The text is written in a language understandable to children, unencumbered by specific terminology.

    In general, we liked the book very much. We are satisfied with the purchase. We recommend it for preschool boys.

    March 18, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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