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Buy "Mavka. The Forest Song" in Ukrainian

Мавка. Лісова пісня

Леся Українка

Lesya Ukrainka

Mavka. A forest song

Years and decades pass, but we keep coming back to some literary works… Today, when interest in our history and culture is growing, we invite you to re-read the drama-enchantment by the famous Ukrainian writer and poetess Lesya Ukrainka. This work tells about the connection between man and nature, about the immortality of eternal human values, good and evil; about the search for harmony, love and betrayal; about the material and spiritual in life. It is a hymn to true love. Thanks to the beautiful illustrations of the wonderful land from the upcoming animated film Mavka. The Forest Song” immerse yourself in this fantastic world and enjoy the colorful melodic Ukrainian language. Today, with the help of modern technologies, we have the opportunity to delve even deeper into the drama extravaganza. With the help of a QR code, you can listen to the amazing folk Volyn melodies that the poetess appreciated so much.

Чому варто купити "Мавка. Лісова пісня" від Лесі Українки?

"Мавка. Лісова пісня" - це не просто книга, а шедевр української літератури, який відображає глибокі переживання та філософські ідеї. Ця драматична поема привертає увагу читача своїм захоплюючим сюжетом та чарівними персонажами. Ось кілька основних моментів, чому ви повинні придбати цю книгу українською мовою:
  • Глибока символіка: Мавка символізує вічність любові та гармонії з природою.
  • Напружений сюжет: Конфлікт між світом людей та лісу створює інтригу.
  • Краса мови: Літературний стиль Лесі Українки вражає своїми метафорами та поетичністю.
  • Неперевершені персонажі: Мавка, Лукаш, та інші герої залишають слід у серці кожного читача.
  • Актуальні теми: Питання кохання, свободи та природи завжди залишаються актуальними.

Де купити "Мавка. Лісова пісня"?

Не втрачайте можливість купити "Мавка. Лісова пісня" українською мовою зі зручністю у США та Канаді! Ви можете легко знайти цю книгу в нашому інтернет-магазині. Ми пропонуємо:
  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Хороші знижки на популярні видання.
  • Швидка доставка з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг з України.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Вам доступні різні способи оплати: PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка здійснюється по всьому світу за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS та DHL. Не пропустіть шанс відкрити для себе незабутній світ "Мавка. Лісова пісня". Ця книга варта вашої уваги та стане справжнім скарбом у вашій бібліотеці!

Why You Should Buy The Forest Song by Lesya Ukrainka

If you're looking to purchase a profound literary masterpiece, consider buying The Forest Song in Ukrainian. This work by the esteemed Ukrainian author Lesya Ukrainka is celebrated for its rich themes and cultural significance. Here are key reasons you shouldn't miss out on this captivating book:

  • Enchanting Storytelling: The play intricately weaves fantasy and reality, showcasing the beauty of nature alongside human emotions.
  • Deep Cultural Roots: It embodies Ukrainian folklore, making it a significant piece of cultural heritage.
  • Complex Characters: The characters, including Mavka, represent various facets of love, sacrifice, and the struggle between duty and desire.
  • Timeless Themes: The exploration of love, loss, and the power of nature resonates with readers across generations.
  • Inspirational Legacy: Lesya Ukrainka's work continues to inspire countless artists and writers, making it essential reading for enthusiasts of Ukrainian literature.

Where to Buy The Forest Song by Lesya Ukrainka

Looking for a place to buy The Forest Song in Ukrainian? Our platform offers a seamless shopping experience for this timeless classic. Enjoy:

  • Best Prices: We provide competitive pricing on all our books.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of promotions and save more on your purchases.
  • Fast Shipping: Get your order delivered directly from Kyiv and Lviv quickly.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare books from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every sale goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. With options like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, we ensure that shipping is reliable and worldwide.

Don't miss out on owning a piece of literary history – buy The Forest Song by Lesya Ukrainka today!


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    “To be equal to yourself with your life”

    “The Forest Song” is a famous drama extravaganza by an incredible Ukrainian poet, translator, writer, cultural activist, co-founder of the Pleiades literary circle and the Ukrainian Social Democracy group.

    The images of Mavka and Lukash do not conceal symbolism; the color and mythology of the Volyn forests swallow the reader from the very first lines and push him or her into the cruel reality only at the end.

    It’s a wonderful publication: thick paper, vivid illustrations, they perfectly immerse you in the atmosphere of Polissya.

    To whom can I recommend it? To everyone: adults, teenagers, skeptics and book lovers, and anyone who is ready to let the story of Mavka into their hearts.

    March 29, 2023
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    Ivan Ganchenko

    I’m pre-ordering it because it’s an incredible work by the outstanding Lesya Ukrainka, and now with wonderful illustrations. The work captivates with its magic, feelings that take on different shades. I have always been impressed by the skill with which Ukrainian mythology is intertwined with a tragic love story and the theme of social inequality. The story is very multilayered and imbued with morals that are still relevant today. I disagree that the work will only interest teenagers. School-age children cannot cover all the content and fully live it. Rather, the drama is perceived differently at different ages. Through the prism of experience.

    March 5, 2023
    Verified Purchase


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