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Magic glasses


Vsevolod Nestayko

Magic glasses

The new true-fiction novel by the winner of the Lesya Ukrainka Literary Prize, the famous Ukrainian storyteller Vsevolod Nestayko, tells the story of the merry adventures of Kyiv schoolchildren.

Чому варто купити "100" українською мовою

Книга "100" від автора [Ім'я автора] - це захоплююча історія, яка захоплює цікавість читачів у США та Канаді. Якщо ви шукаєте купити "100" українською мовою, ця книга стане ідеальним вибором. Ось декілька причин, чому варто її прочитати:

  • Захоплюючий сюжет: книга розповідає про [короткий опис сюжету], що тримає в напрузі до останньої сторінки.
  • Глибокі персонажі: герої мають реалістичні риси, що дозволяє читачам ідентифікувати себе з їхніми переживаннями.
  • Соціальні теми: у книзі порушуються важливі питання, які стосуються нашого повсякденного життя.
  • Непередбачувані повороти: захоплюючі моменти, які змушують задуматися про майбутнє героїв.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "100" українською мовою вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "100" in Ukrainian

"100" by [Author's Name] is a compelling read that captivates audiences in both the US and Canada. Here are some main points and milestones from this remarkable book that highlight its importance:

  • Engaging Narrative: The book weaves an intricate story that keeps readers hooked until the last page.
  • Deep Themes: It explores profound themes such as love, loss, and the human spirit.
  • Relatable Characters: The characters are well-developed and resonate with readers on various levels.
  • Cultural Insights: Readers gain a unique perspective on Ukrainian culture and traditions.
  • Inspirational Journey: The protagonist's journey offers valuable life lessons and reflections.

Benefits of Reading "100"

If you are looking to immerse yourself in a captivating narrative, here are some reasons to buy "100" by [Author's Name] in Ukrainian:

  • Enhance your language skills while enjoying a great story.
  • Support Ukrainian literature and authors.
  • Discover stories that connect deeply with the experiences of many.
  • Find inspiration and motivation within the pages.
  • Enjoy a beautifully crafted book perfect for any book lover.

Our Promise to You

By choosing to buy "100" in Ukrainian, you also benefit from our exceptional services:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing and attractive discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Books Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support Ukraine: A portion of each sale goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Payment and Shipping Options

We accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options. With shipping available worldwide via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, you can receive your copy of "100" no matter where you are located.


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    It’s an incredibly interesting book, very touching. Each story is a separate chapter. The story is about two boys Vasya and Romka. They received magic glasses, but they can only use them for a good cause. The boys are different from each other, but they are united by one thing: it is harder for Romka to do good deeds, but his friend Romka helps him with it. After each situation, if it is a bad deed, they get a good lesson that helps them to understand all the consequences of their actions, if the deed is good, they get a pleasant feeling in their soul.

    I was very impressed by two stories. Vasya helped his grandfather find a very important letter from a girl. And only after many years did the grandson manage to find the desired letter.

    And the final story, the boys sacrificed their adventures and glasses to save a blind girl. But before that, they first became blind before they made a conscious decision to help the girl.

    I read this book to my son before bedtime, one story at a time. He listened with great enthusiasm, he was fascinated by each story. I recommend it!!!

    May 10, 2020
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    “Magic Glasses” is another good work by V. Nestaiko. The story is about two friends – Vasya, the Red African Hedgehog, as he was called because of his red hair, and Romka, the class leader with whom everyone wanted to be friends. But while reading the story, it turns out that Romka is not such a nice guy. He always wants to prove his superiority. But for some reason, the magic glasses end up with Vasya. Because he’s kind and helpful. He always helps. Even to Romka, when he wanted to save Vasya with the help of magic glasses. For his sake, Vasya went to the basement so that Romka could rescue him from there. The magic glasses could help you see someone in trouble or find a lost item. But they could only be used when needed, otherwise they would disappear. That’s exactly what happened to Roma’s glasses. But from adventure to adventure, Romka was able to understand what is most important in the world and how to behave. And when at first he did not want to give Vasya’s glasses to the blind girl, and then because of this he and Vasya became blind, he sincerely repented. And the sight returned to both of them. And the blind girl began to see with the help of glasses. That was the end of the adventures of the friends with the magic glasses.

    April 11, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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