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grandfather and tomatoes

Любов, дідусь і помідори

Наталя Ясіновська

Natalia Yasinovska

Love, grandfather and tomatoes

Thirteen-year-old Olesia lives with her grandparents and lives a normal teenage life: going to school, spending time with her best friends Inna and Alina, looking at boys… Until one day everything changes. A young student comes to replace her favorite literature teacher, and the girl’s grandfather suddenly falls ill. Olesia is left alone with her feelings. Until the new teacher suggests that the students write a school blog, where she checks her feelings. So, step by step, her life takes on new and completely unexpected colors.

Купити "Любов, дідусь і помідори" українською мовою

"Любов, дідусь і помідори" - це чудова книга авторства Наталії Ясіновської, яка завойувала серця читачів в Україні та за її межами. Ця книга доступна для покупки в США і Канаді, і вона підходить для всіх, хто хоче зануритися в світ української літератури.

Основні моменти книги

  • Життя в селі: Книга розкриває красу і простоту сільського життя.
  • Сімейні цінності: Основна тема - любов і родинні зв’язки, що сплітають історії персонажів.
  • Взаємодія поколінь: Дідусь є центральним персонажем, який передає свої знання та досвід молодшому поколінню.
  • Кулінарні рецепти: Читачі знайдуть традиційні українські рецепти, які додають особливого колориту сюжету.
  • Цікаві повороти: Захоплююча інтрига та несподівані події роблять книгу ще більш цікавою.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

  • Занурення у українську культуру.
  • Емоційно насичений сюжет, що залишає слід у серці.
  • Можливість практикувати українську мову.
  • Книга підходить для усієї родини, її легко читати.
  • Доступність в США і Канаді робить її ще більш привабливою.

Наші переваги

  • Найкращі ціни: Ми пропонуємо конкурентоспроможні ціни на всі книги.
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  • Доставка з України: Ми здійснюємо доставку безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку рідкісних книг: Знайдемо те, що ви шукаєте.
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Why You Should Buy "Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes" by Natalia Yasinovska

If you are looking to buy "Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes" in Ukrainian, then you are in the right place! This captivating book takes readers on a journey through emotions, family ties, and the simple joys of life. Here’s why you should consider adding it to your collection:

  • Heartfelt Storytelling: The narrative captures the essence of love and family, making it a must-read for everyone.
  • Relatable Characters: Readers will connect with the characters, especially the charming grandfather, who brings wisdom and warmth.
  • Cultural Richness: The book immerses readers in Ukrainian culture, providing insights into traditions and values.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Accompanied by stunning visuals, the book is not only a joy to read but also to behold.
  • Inspiration and Positivity: The themes encourage readers to appreciate life’s little moments and cherish family bonds.

How to Purchase "Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes"

To take home this unique piece of literature, simply click on our purchase link. We proudly offer the best prices and good discounts. Don't miss out on the chance to own "Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes by Natalia Yasinovska!”

  • Buy Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes in Ukrainian.
  • Buy Love, Grandpa and Tomatoes by Natalia Yasinovska.
  • Order your copy today and embrace this beautiful story.

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Weight 0.3 kg


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Original title

Любов, дідусь і помідори


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    Olesya is an ordinary thirteen-year-old girl. She lives with her grandparents, goes to school, and spends her time with her friends Inna and Alina.

    But one day everything changes…

    Their favorite literature teacher goes abroad, and a young student takes his place. The grandfather suddenly becomes very ill.

    And the girl is left alone with her feelings. Until the new teacher suggests that she write a school blog, where she writes about everything that bothers her and talks about her feelings. And that’s how the girl’s life gradually changes.

    I want to say that the book really impressed me. It was as if I was going through everything Olesya was going through.

    September 26, 2021
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    Glukhova Evgeniya

    I bought the book for my twelve-year-old daughter. The protagonist is an eighth-grader named Olesya, and of course her life is full of teenage joys and worries, but there are also plenty of adult moments. On the advice of my daughter, who was impressed by the book and asked if there was a sequel, I also read this work. The book touches on such important topics as people with cancer, harassment and intimidation of minors, healthy eating and the benefits of a proper diet. These seem to be important topics, but they are presented in a very unobtrusive and understandable way. The whole book is full of hope for the best, and also love: love for family, friends, pets, and even plants.

    I highly recommend this wonderful book for teens aged 12+.

    July 21, 2021
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    A wonderful and heartfelt book that highlights what is most important in our lives, namely family, relatives, friends, and like-minded people.

    The main character Olesya will be close (like a friend) to any girl in her early teens, because we are all very similar at this time: we have similar anxieties and experiences, worries, desires, and dreams.

    But in addition to these (first likes and dates), worries about school grades, and misunderstandings with friends, Olesya, unfortunately, has other problems.

    Her grandfather is ill, and her mother has been abroad for five years, so Olesya certainly lacks moral support.

    But do not think that this is a very, very sad or cruel book, no. On the contrary, it has a very good “literary aftertaste”. And the teenagers, their characters in the book, are very sane.

    There are friendships, pranks familiar to teenagers, and teachers-friends who are really on the same page with their students.

    And if you like to read teen literature, you will definitely find references to your favorite books in the book!

    It was very interesting and enjoyable to read, so parents and teenagers, pay attention to this high-quality new Ukrainian literature!!!

    June 17, 2021
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