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Lockwood & Co. The Phantom Boy

Агенція «Локвуд і Ко». Примарний хлопець

Джонатан Страуд

Jonathan Stroud

Lockwood & Co. The Phantom Boy

A powerful invasion of otherworldly visitors baffles the police and sparks protests across London. There are reports of new ghosts appearing, such as bloody footprints on the stairs or strange sounds and ghostly figures in a department store. Lockwood & Co. continues to demonstrate its skill in neutralizing spirits. At the same time, Lucy Carlisle is stressed when Lockwood and George introduce her to their new assistant, the overly tidy and diligent Holly Munro… Will the team be able to move past their personal experiences? Or will the bad feelings only cause them more trouble? Danger is looming, tension is rising, and the relationship between the characters is moving to a new level – all this in the eerie and interesting third installment of the Lockwood & Co.

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Buy "Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase" by Jonathan Stroud in Ukrainian

Are you searching for an intriguing book that combines adventure, mystery, and the supernatural? Look no further! "Агенція «Локвуд і Ко». Примарний хлопець," or "Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase," is a must-read. Here are some key reasons to buy this captivating book:

  • Engaging Storyline: The plot follows a group of young ghost hunters as they face terrifying spirits and unravel mysterious cases.
  • Memorable Characters: Meet Lucy, Lockwood, and their team who bring the adventure to life with their unique personalities and skills.
  • Supernatural Elements: Dive into a world filled with ghosts, hauntings, and thrilling escapades that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Richly Described Settings: Experience the eerie atmosphere of Victorian London as the characters navigate through haunted locations.
  • Perfect for Young Adults: This book is ideal for teens and adults alike, offering both excitement and thought-provoking themes.

Buy "Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase" in Ukrainian today! With its perfect blend of humor and horror, it makes for an unforgettable reading experience.

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    Andriy Storozhuk

    Before I started reading the Lockwood & Co. series, I had my doubts about whether I would like it, because it is actually teen literature and it has its limitations and clichés. But this series has managed to completely break the mold of young adult. It has the atmosphere of Ghostbusters, a fairly high level of stakes, so you feel for the characters and there is an interesting plot. This time, another factor is added – jealousy and friendship tests. Unexpected twists and turns seem less unexpected, and everything that can surprise you. There is also a request for further more global disclosure of the mystery. And it’s worth adding that it’s super easy to read. In fact, if you are a regular reader, you can take a break with this series.

    May 7, 2023
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    Anastasia Shevchenko

    An unexpected partner, jealousy, secrets, new dangers… When else can you have all this, if not in your teenage years?

    In short, it’s still the same Lockwood & Co. you know from the first two installments, except that I was hoping that the sequel would become much more mature and the stakes would be raised. This did happen to some extent, but still not to the point where the series would be exciting for older readers. However, I will still continue to read Lockwood’s adventures because I just have fun reading about it (and because there is a younger generation who might just find it cool).

    Also, we seem to be getting closer to solving the mystery of the ghosts’ appearance, and it may even be due to external interference. In principle, the motives of the thieves are already being drawn, but the author can still surprise me, so I won’t mention them in advance.

    There is also a rapprochement between Lockwood’s team and their competitors, which was also quite predictable.

    In general, my impression remains the same – if I had gotten my hands on this book when I was 14, I would have been wildly delighted.

    July 6, 2022
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    Finally, we have waited for the continuation of the adventures of our favorite agency Lockwood & Co. and I keep thinking what is the success of this series? Probably, everyone has a thirst for adventure, so despite the fact that this series is considered to be a teenage one, even adults like it so much.

    Lucy, George, and Lockwood continue to successfully fight ghosts, earning a good reputation, the agency is completely tied up in work, and to make their lives easier, they get an assistant, Holly. Mutual dislike arises between the two girls, will they be able to cope with their claims against each other and successfully complete a new big case, or will personal grievances ruin everything?

    This book is worth reading if:

    – You like dynamic plots. Indeed, there is a minimum of water and a maximum of action.

    – You want to tickle your nerves. The previous two parts didn’t scare me so much, but this ghost from the department store running on all fours scared my adult aunt a little.

    – have not lost their childlike nature and thirst for adventure. The series is as teenage as possible, but very exciting, written in a lively, interesting way that motivates you to read on. Dangerous adventures, the ability to find compromises and coexist in a team. Relevant in all areas.

    And now to the cons.


    And there are none.

    I recommend it to everyone.

    April 3, 2022
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    Probably everyone has had the experience of choosing a book for its cover, and that’s what happened to me. I chose the first part of the Lockwood & Co. series because of the very beautiful cover and now I am in constant anticipation of the sequel.

    I am very grateful to Jonathan Stroud for his works. After reading each of his books, I have a burning desire to read. Stroud skillfully combines fantasy with detective and adventure, which gives a very dynamic picture. There is no magic, no monsters, no magical creatures, only ghosts that threaten humanity.

    I would like to remind you that the story tells us about an alternative world where people have a Problem – an invasion of spirits that can kill a person just by touching them. And the only people who can see the ghosts are children, and they all have an important mission to destroy the otherworldly beings and save humanity. We learn all the events from the first person and her name is Lucy Carlisle. She works at an agency called Lockwood & Co. where she is joined by Anthony Lockwood (the head of the agency and Mr. “incredible smile”) and George Cabins (a sarcastic bookworm).

    This is the third book in the Lockwood & Co. series, and the atmosphere has changed significantly compared to the previous installments, everything has become even more secretive and dangerous. Everything changes, and most importantly, the main characters change. They grow up and gradually discover feelings that confuse them.

    Of course, the book is not without its drawbacks, but they are not significant. And to be honest, I’ve already forgotten about them, so it’s definitely 5 out of 5.

    October 29, 2021
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    Olga Draganchuk

    For me, for sure. And for fans of Stroud’s work and Lockwood’s agency, definitely, too.

    It often happens that the middle of the cycle can “sag”, but in this part there is even more tension, events are growing, and the main characters are revealed. After 20 pages of the book, you won’t want to put the story down for later, because the adventures of Anthony, Lucy, and George are so enthralling.

    Although there are plenty of agencies that deal with the destruction of otherworldly guests, the number of ghosts still continues to grow. The problem is getting more powerful, and in certain centers there is a real invasion of ghosts that is difficult to fight. It becomes clear that the problem is much deeper than we had imagined. And eventually, we will be able to find its true cause, and most importantly, to overcome it.

    Lockwood and his company now have even more work to do, so a new assistant, Holly Munro, joins the team. Not all of the fighters against otherworldly forces are happy with the new person: conflicts, misunderstandings, and omissions arise. You can feel how the relationships between the characters are changing and transforming.

    If in the previous installments there were no characters who annoyed me, this time everything is different. And yes, I was far from delighted with Lucy’s behavior. I understand that she is a teenager (and people of that age often behave like that), but sometimes her “jealousy”, pickiness, and self-hypnosis reached their peak. They significantly spoiled the atmosphere in the team. As an adult, I understand that Holly did not come to destroy the agency, but rather to simplify everyone’s life, organize work, and give the heroes a chance to rest sometimes. But I certainly wouldn’t have thought so at 16, would I?

    This is a series that is impossible to tear yourself away from.

    I’m looking forward to the sequel.

    And also: if I were asked who draws the most beautiful book covers, I would answer without hesitation that it is Ivan Sulyma.

    October 18, 2021
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