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Little Women. Book 2

Маленькі жінки. Книга 2

Луїза Мей Олкотт

Louise May Alcott

Little Women. Book 2

The second installment of Louisa May Alcott’s timeless Little Women plunges readers into the adult lives of the March sisters. Will Meg find the keys to happiness? What choice will the rebellious Jo make? How will Beth’s fate unfold? What will shake Amy’s seemingly established views? The girls have entered a unique period of life during which their personalities are formed and which at the same time is the time of the most emotional experiences: adolescence. The writer describes it primarily through an insightful portrayal of the inner world of the characters, their reactions to difficult and sometimes tragic challenges.

Купити "Маленькі жінки. Книга 2" українською мовою

"Маленькі жінки. Книга 2" — це продовження захоплюючої історії родини Марч, написане Луїзою Мей Олкотт. Ця книга вражає читачів своїми глибокими персонажами та емоційними поворотами сюжету. У Сполучених Штатах і Канаді ви можете купити "Маленькі жінки. Книга 2" українською мовою, щоб насолодитися цією класикою.

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Відкриття нових життєвих шляхів для сестер Марч.
  • Дослідження теми кохання, дружби та сімейних цінностей.
  • Взаємини між персонажами, які зазнають серйозних випробувань.
  • Розвиток кар'єри та самостійності героїнь.
  • Згадка про важливість допомоги іншим у складні часи.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Глибоке занурення у світ жінок XIX століття.
  • Надихаючий приклад прагнення до щастя та успіху.
  • Тема родинних цінностей, яка залишається актуальною й сьогодні.
  • Цікаві повороти сюжету, що підтримують інтерес від початку до кінця.
  • Чудово написані персонажі, з якими можна співпереживати.

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Discover "Little Women. Book 2" by Louisa May Alcott

Buy "Little Women. Book 2" in Ukrainian to experience the beloved continuation of this classic tale. This iconic book captures the warmth and trials of family life, making it a must-read for literature enthusiasts in the US and Canada.

Why You Should Buy and Read "Little Women. Book 2"

  • Rich Character Development: Each sister continues to grow and evolve, offering deep insights into human nature.
  • Timeless Themes: Explore themes of love, hardship, and the pursuit of dreams that resonate across generations.
  • Cultural Significance: Gain a unique perspective on 19th-century American society and values through the lens of a Ukrainian translation.
  • Engaging Story Milestones: Follow pivotal moments in the lives of the March sisters as they navigate adulthood and personal challenges.
  • Inspiring Messages: The book encourages readers to embrace their individuality and strive for personal growth.

How to Get Your Copy

If you’re ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Little Women. Book 2," buy "Little Women. Book 2" by Louisa May Alcott today. Enjoy the rich narrative available in Ukrainian, bringing new life to this treasured story.

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    Yulia Ivashchenko

    I’ve wanted to read it for a long time, ever since I saw the brilliant movie.

    It’s hard to believe that a novel that is timeless was written at the end of the 19th century. It’s as relevant as it was then (and looking at the popularity of feminism these days, I think it’s more relevant than ever).

    Such different sisters, but so equal to each other. They are different from each other, but they have the most important thing – support and love. And each of them will go her own way, her own life story.

    The sequel to Little Women reveals each of the sisters in a different way. They become real women, each of them changes their character, preferences, and it is very interesting to follow.

    Also, the ending of the book is somewhat different from the film adaptation, and this is a pleasure.

    April 25, 2021
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    Yulia Ivashchenko

    I’ve wanted to read it for a long time, ever since I saw the brilliant movie.

    It’s hard to believe that a novel that is timeless was written at the end of the 19th century. It is as relevant as it was then (and looking at the popularity of feminism these days, I think it is more relevant than ever).

    Such different sisters, but so equal to each other. They are different from each other, but they have the most important thing – support and love. And each of them will go her own way, her own life story.

    The second part tells the story of the Little Women who have grown up and whose vision of the world has changed.

    Also, the ending of the book is somewhat different from the film adaptation, and this is very pleasing.

    April 24, 2021
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    The second part of Louisa May Alcott’s novel Little Women tells of the adult life of the four March sisters.Three years have passed, the war is over, their father has fully recovered and is busy with his parish.Mrs. March is as vigorous and energetic as ever. Meg, the eldest, is married and facing the various difficulties of married life.Jo has devoted herself to writing and caring for the sickly Beth, who was the good angel of their family.Amy has grown up to become a beautiful young lady and has gone to Europe to study art with one of the best teachers. Each of the girls has a lot of emotional experiences, meeting her first love and even having children. Suddenly Laurie becomes the husband of little Amy, who became the first beauty among the sisters. The book will be interesting for those who have read the first part of Little Women and want to know how the sisters’ adult life developed. It will not leave anyone indifferent and will help young readers to look into the world of adult life, which is not easy.

    October 18, 2020
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    Of course, if you have read the first part of Little Women, you should definitely read the second part, otherwise you will not know the most interesting things. As for me, the second part is more interesting and is intended for an adult reader. What I liked is that each character finds her own purpose in this life: someone is honored to become a loving wife and mother, someone strives to be the best artist, and someone likes writing. I also liked the fact that the heroines met faithful and honest men and became happy with them. Even Jo, who is more like a boy in her behavior, was able to fall in love with a professor, albeit a poor one, but so sincere and kind!

    What I didn’t like was the tragic death of Beth. I liked this character so much! Also, apart from the girl’s death, there is no tragedy or tension in the plot, no pain from unrequited love, no suffering or internal struggle. The author seems to be teaching us by showing us perfect girls and perfect boys. It seems that this is a story/novel about real ladies who will certainly find their right path and a loving man. Too many sweets, as for me. Too much morality and characterization of the heroines, but not enough action. All these plot flaws were corrected in the 2019 movie with a brilliant cast. I must admit that I liked the movie better. Perhaps, after all, the book was more relevant to the second half of the 19th century and is not perceived by the reader in the same way now.

    And yet I advise you to read it. And not only because it is a classic.

    June 29, 2020
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    Kateryna Havryshchuk

    The book is about love. About naive, sincere and devoted love. About the one that is just a mirage and the real one.

    The March sisters (Amy, Jo, Meg, and Beth) are no longer little girls… They are facing adulthood, which each of them meets in their own way. Meg learns the basics of married life. Amy finds her path and begins the journey of becoming a real lady. Jo learns what it means to be a writer. But Beth is still sick and trying to fight for a place in the sun…

    Although this book is a continuation of the previous one, it has several distinctive features. In the second part of Little Women, the story seems to become more adult. Now there are much fewer mischievous games. Instead, there are many complex issues related to creating one’s own well-being and building a family. The book is also full of morality, which Louisa May Alcott loves so much! The characters of the novel are constantly trying to find out what love is in all its manifestations. It’s not just about passionate feelings. Amy, for example, begins to understand what “love of neighbor” is. And Beth learns what God’s love looks like.

    And yet, the book retains the same simplicity, kindness, and fun))

    So, is there anything I did NOT like about the book?

    In some places, the story was a bit long, and the moral digressions seemed difficult to understand. Although this drawback can be justified by the fact that the novel is autobiographical and it needed to be long and moral to make sense)

    What did I like the most?

    I like the author’s style. Indeed, the work is written very lively and fun. In some places, I even burst out laughing at funny phrases and awkward moments)) I also like the moral digressions. There is an undisguised kindness in them that puts you in the right mood, so to speak! And in general, the story is very light, and the characters are diverse and vivid.

    So, in my opinion, the book is worth the time) And if you’ve already read the first part and liked it, then you should definitely read the second!

    And the book will give you the maximum it can give!

    June 24, 2020
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