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Lina Kostenko (set of 3 books)

Ліна Костенко (комплект із 3 книг)

Ліна Костенко

Lina Kostenko

Lina Kostenko (set of 3 books)

Book 1: Notes of a Ukrainian hermit This is Lina Kostenko’s first new book after 20 years of silence and her first prose novel. The novel is written from the perspective of a 35-year-old computer programmer who, against the backdrop of personal drama, scans all the dislocations of our globalized time meticulously, deeply, and painfully. In a world of excessive (dis)information and total alienation, he is a hostage to the world’s absurdities, and he seeks to bridge the communication gap between a man and a woman, between family and profession, between Ukraine and the world. In terms of genre style, Notes of a Ukrainian Samashhed is a rich mix of fiction, internal diaries, contemporary chronicles, and journalism. Book 2. Three hundred poems The book by Lina Kostenko, a favorite Ukrainian poet of the late second and early third millennia, includes her most famous poems from different periods of her career-from early poetry to the present day, as well as excerpts from novels and poems. This is the most comprehensive selection of the poet’s works since Independence. Book 3. Marusya Churai The historical novel in verse “Marusya Churai” by the prominent Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko is one of the pinnacle works of Ukrainian literature, a kind of encyclopedia of the spiritual life of our people in the seventeenth century. The high drama of love rages against the backdrop of epic historical struggles, where the fate of the legendary Marusya Churai is closely intertwined with the fate of Ukraine. A gift edition with illustrations by Vladyslav Yerko printed in a special way – with bronze and metallized paint. The cover is covered with precious fabric with gold and blind stamping.

Чому варто купити "Ліна Костенко (комплект із 3 книг)"?

Якщо ви шукаєте цікавий та глибокий літературний досвід, то комплект із трьох книг Ліни Костенко — це ідеальний вибір для вас. Ця видатна українська поетеса подарує вам:

  • Неповторний стиль письма, який зачарує вашу уяву;
  • Глибинні й особисті роздуми про життя, любов і українську культуру;
  • Яскраві персонажі і сюжетні повороти, які залишать слід у вашій пам'яті.

Основні моменти книги

Кожна з книг у комплекті розкриває важливі теми:

  • Історія українського народу: Через призму особистісних переживань авторка освітлює історичні події.
  • Любов і втрата: Ліна Костенко майстерно передає емоції через свої вірші та прозу.
  • Соціальні проблеми: Книга піднімає актуальні питання, що також стосуються сучасності.

Купуючи "Ліна Костенко (комплект із 3 книг) українською мовою", ви отримуєте не просто книги, а справжній культурний спадок.

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Не пропустіть можливість знайти для себе і близьких чудовий подарунок — купити "Ліна Костенко (комплект із 3 книг)" сьогодні!

Discover the Beauty of "Lina Kostenko (Set of 3 Books)"

Buy "Lina Kostenko (Set of 3 Books)" in Ukrainian to immerse yourself in the profound artistic world created by the renowned poetess. This collection showcases the essence of Ukrainian literature and is essential for any book lover.

Why You Should Buy "Lina Kostenko (Set of 3 Books)"

  • Rich Literary Heritage: This set encapsulates the rich history and culture of Ukraine through the eyes of one of its most celebrated authors.
  • Deep Emotional Resonance: Lina Kostenko’s works evoke intense emotions, allowing readers to connect deeply with her themes of love, loss, and identity.
  • Captivating Storytelling: Her narratives are not only thought-provoking but also beautifully crafted, making them a joy to read.
  • Invaluable Insights: The books offer invaluable insights into the societal and cultural context of Ukraine, enriching your understanding of the region.
  • Perfect for Gift-Giving: This collection makes a thoughtful gift for friends and family who appreciate literature and cultural heritage.

How to Purchase

To buy "Lina Kostenko (Set of 3 Books) by Lina Kostenko", please visit our online store. We ensure seamless transactions and a robust selection of payment options, including:
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Shipping Convenience

We pride ourselves on providing fast shipping options directly from Kyiv and Lviv. Your order will be dispatched using reliable services such as:
  • Ukrpost
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Each purchase contributes to worthy causes, as a portion goes to support the Ukrainian army. Enjoy best prices and good discounts while having the opportunity to obtain rare reads. Don't miss out on this incredible literary treasure—buy "Lina Kostenko (Set of 3 Books)" today!


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Weight 1.4 kg


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Ліна Костенко (комплект із 3 книг)


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    Irina Pshenko

    This delightful set consists of three books by the wonderful Ukrainian writer Lina Kostenko. The first book is a fascinating novel that is sure to please all lovers of modern prose. The second work mainly consists of a huge number of stunning poems by one of the most talented writers. The third book is a novel in verse, which made the strongest impression of all the books in the set. The shocking story described in this work is filled with tragedy and the main character of this novel is not a fictional character, but a real person whose vivid image still remains in the memory of many people. In spite of the fact that all covers are made of absolutely different materials and do not harmonize with each other as a whole this literary set is simply beautiful. In fact each of the presented books has its own merits and now thanks to the publishing house “A-ba-ba-la-ma-ga” readers finally have the opportunity to buy a whole set of worthy works.

    April 15, 2020
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