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Lazy and gentle

Ліниві і ніжні

Юрій Іздрик

Yuriy Izdryk

Lazy and gentle

The book by the cult Ukrainian author Yuriy Izdryk includes the best poems from all his previous collections, as well as his newest poems.

Купити "Ліниві і ніжні" Юрія Іздрика

Вас цікавить купити "Ліниві і ніжні" українською мовою? Ця книга стала справжнім бестселером, що завоювала серця читачів не лише в Україні, а й у США та Канаді. Читайте далі, щоб дізнатися про основні моменти сюжету та чому варто придбати цей шедевр.

Основні моменти книги

  • Глибока емоційність: Книга пронизана почуттями, які торкаються до самого серця.
  • Незвичний стиль: Автор використовує оригінальний підхід до оповіді, що робить читання захоплюючим.
  • Чудовий опис персонажів: Кожен герой має свою унікальну історію та мотивацію.
  • Соціальні теми: Книга порушує важливі питання стосунків і особистісного розвитку.
  • Неочікувані повороти сюжету: Читачі будуть здивовані розвитком подій та фіналом.

Чому варто купити "Ліниві і ніжні"?

Ця книга стане чудовим доповненням до вашої бібліотеки з кількох причин:

  • Вона відкриває нові горизонти розуміння людських стосунків.
  • Завдяки художньому стилю ви зануритесь у світ емоцій та переживань.
  • Книга рекомендована для всіх, хто цінує сучасну українську літературу.
  • Можливість підтримати український культурний контекст за межами країни.

Наші сильні сторони

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  • Найкращі ціни та приємні знижки на всі книги.
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Не втрачайте можливість насолодитися цією чудовою книгою! Купуйте "Ліниві і ніжні" вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "Lazy and Tender" by Yuriy Izdryk

"Lazy and Tender" is a captivating novel that captures the essence of contemporary Ukrainian literature. Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

  • Unique Narrative Style: Yuriy Izdryk employs a distinctive voice, blending poetry and prose.
  • Rich Character Development: The characters are multi-dimensional, providing an insightful glimpse into their lives.
  • Themes of Love and Identity: Explore profound themes that resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds.
  • Literary Acclaim: "Lazy and Tender" has received critical praise, making it a must-read for literature enthusiasts.
  • Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of Ukrainian culture and the human experience.

How to Purchase "Lazy and Tender" in the US and Canada

Searching for the right place to buy "Lazy and Tender" in Ukrainian? Look no further! We offer:

  • Competitive Prices: Enjoy the best prices for "Lazy and Tender by Yuriy Izdryk."
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Your purchase contributes to a great cause as we donate a portion of every sale to support the Ukrainian army.

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Ліниві і ніжні


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    Daria Toding

    Yuriy Izdryk, who calls himself Yurko, is a prominent representative of Ukrainian postmodern poetry, and not only. The book “Lazy and Tender” contains individual poems by the poet, as if they were written for someone, but certainly about someone, about such a close person from whom you do not want to hide anything: neither feelings for him or her, nor your fears or desires, nor despair or exhaustion. As for me, the poems in the collection are imbued with a light sadness and leave a kind of bittersweet aftertaste, bringing relief. Ordinary words are arranged in an extraordinary way into unconceived phrases, real and also light.

    I have not read Izdryk’s prose at all, not a single page. However, the level and quality of the Ukrainian language in his poetry tells me that I should have done so long ago. Many writers start with prose and move on to poetry. Izdryk manages to be interesting, intelligent, and outstanding, but not to strain himself too much. In person (I once attended one of his book presentations), he gives the impression of a person tired of life experience, if not a misanthrope. In the book, there are sometimes “rhymes for rhymes’ sake,” which in my mind are associated with jokes that you make in order not to show sadness or regret. But if you read the poem further, to the end, you see the point, and it will not disappoint you.

    Ivan Malkovych’s publishing house is known for its high-quality printing. The Ukrainian Poetry Anthology series is notable for the fact that it will appeal to both visual and kinesthetic people, and the format is very convenient. And inside this volume you will find a treasure trove of three-syllable feet. I love it and recommend it!

    November 3, 2020
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    I was not familiar with Yuriy Izdryk’s work at all until I saw his collection of poems Lazy and Tender in the local library. I picked it up at random because I wanted to read poetry, and I don’t like poetry by other writers besides Lina Kostenko. In addition, I read a lot of positive reviews of Yuriy Izdryk’s poetry in the Ukrainian bookstagram. I finally decided to buy his collection.

    From the beginning of reading his poems, I was not hooked, not at all. They seemed strange and, as they say, out of place. But then I realized that to read his collection you need a special mood. As well as for all poetry, most likely.

    I will say that I did not like all the poems in this collection. There were a few that sank into my heart and I wanted to share them on social media because they touched my heart.

    There were also poems that I did not understand at all. At least I will be able to visit the local library again and take the collection and read Izdryk’s poems again.

    I also want to read his other collections. Who knows, maybe over time I will love his poems, just like the poetry of Lina Kostenko.

    September 6, 2019
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    I don’t know how to talk about poetry collections. But I can say that Izdryk’s poetry is like potatoes with mushroom gravy and sausage. Not “something”, but on the contrary, – simple, tasty, nutritious and very much at home, close.

    Poetry of Yury Izdryk is for me a vivid example of how on the background of love for a person can come a creative epiphany, a muse, entailing a lot of good literary works. In this case, poems. And ta-da: his poetry gets to the heart! Regardless of whether you’re young or fairly mature. As the author himself said: “Obviously, it was the result of my feelings, painful and hopeless, and writing appeared to be the only way to somehow express their feelings, define, convey … “.

    The collection “Linivi i nizhni” includes the best poems of the genius poet, as well as new works – about love, life and God, which do not leave indifferent. Only 50 works, each of which has a special tenderness and warmth. You read, and immediately feel that this is Izdryk – unique, mysterious. His poems blow you away, leave a mark in the soul, plunge into the depths of subconsciousness. In some ways, they are philosophical, at the same time, light and relaxed. Each individual verse is a labyrinth you can run in your imagination. And when you do, you feel it literally materialize. But you have to be careful not to get lost. For you will have to start all over again.

    I don’t need to write much about this book; all the depth, wordplay, and mood are conveyed by the titles of the poems. Here, for example: “We are specks of mercury on an even field…”, “The lively light of the astronomers of the month…”, etc. This is something much more than an attempt to denote the urgent, the vital in poetic realization. I’m impressed with what I’ve read! This collection is the best gift for myself, I’ve been reading it with pleasure for two months now. And I recommend it to you as well.

    And, yes: I can’t get past the publishers. “A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ga, thank you for your work! Now this is really cool literature: hardcover, covered in precious cloth, with silver embossing, white heavy paper, optimal font for reading. There are no illustrations here, but I don’t think poetry selections should have any. Since you can imagine somewhat different pictures in your head as you read, and the visual component can only get in the way. Well, that’s a matter of opinion. All in all, the book is a must, both in content and execution.

    April 1, 2019
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