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Buy "Isadora Moon (set of 3 books)" in Ukrainian

Айседора Мун (комплект із 3 книг)

Гаррієт Мункастер

Harriet Muncaster

Isadora Moon (set of 3 books)

Book 1: Isadora Moon Has a Birthday Party

Who doesn’t love birthdays? The same goes for the extraordinary girl Isadora, who is eagerly awaiting her celebration, organized by her parents — a fairy mother and a vampire father. There is no doubt that it will be an incredible event.
Isadora enjoys human parties, to which her friends invite her. But she is both excited and anxious about her own: what will her crazy family come up with?

Book 2: Isadora Moon Goes to School

Isadora’s mother is a fairy, her father is a vampire, and she resembles both of them.
The girl likes the night, bats, and her black ballet tutu, but she also loves sunlight, her magic wand, and Pink Rabbit.
When the time came to go to school, Isadora hesitated about where to go — to vampire school or fairy school? Which will she choose?

Book 3: Isadora Moon Goes to the Beach

The summer holidays have ended, and finally, after a break, it’s time to meet friends at school. And surely someone will ask about the summer adventures…
Isadora, along with her vampire father and fairy mother, went to the beach, but a strange incident happened there… Human children don’t experience such things on vacation.

Чому варто купити "Айседора Мун (комплект із 3 книг)" від Гаррієт Мункастер?

"Айседора Мун" — це захоплююча серія книг, що сподобається дітям та підліткам. Якщо ви хочете купити "Айседора Мун (комплект із 3 книг) українською мовою", ця серія стане чудовим доповненням до вашої бібліотеки.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Головна героїня — чарівна і таємнича Айседора, яка живе в світі магії та пригод.
  • Кожна книга відкриває нові грані її захопливого життя та зустрічі з незвичайними персонажами.
  • Дослідження теми дружби, сміливості та самовизначення через надзвичайні ситуації.
  • Яскраві ілюстрації, які роблять читання ще більш привабливим для дітей.
  • Унікальне поєднання магії та реальності, що захопить читачів усіх вікових категорій.

Ця серія книг — це не просто розвага. Вона допомагає дітям зрозуміти важливість емоційної грамоти та соціальних навичок. Ідеально підходить для спільного читання батьків з дітьми!

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Discover "Isadora Moon (Set of 3 Books)" by Harriet Muncaster

If you're looking to buy "Isadora Moon (Set of 3 Books) in Ukrainian", you've come to the right place! This enchanting series combines magic and adventure, making it a must-read for children and parents alike. Immerse yourself in the world of Isadora as she navigates her unique identity.
  • Unique Character: Isadora is a half-vampire, half-fairy, which adds an intriguing twist to her adventures.
  • Engaging Stories: Each book is filled with magical adventures that will captivate young readers.
  • Illustrations: Beautifully illustrated pages enhance the storytelling experience, making it visually appealing.
  • Life Lessons: The series imparts valuable lessons on friendship, acceptance, and individuality.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Suitable for both young readers and adults who enjoy whimsical tales.

Why You Should Buy "Isadora Moon (Set of 3 Books) by Harriet Muncaster"

Here are some compelling reasons to add this series to your collection:
  • Language Enrichment: Reading this book in Ukrainian helps promote language skills and cultural understanding.
  • Gift Idea: Perfect for birthdays or special occasions, making it an ideal gift for young readers.
  • Collectible Series: Owning the complete set makes for a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
  • Community Support: Your purchase contributes to donations supporting the Ukrainian army.
We pride ourselves on offering the best prices and good discounts for our readers. Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. We provide assistance in searching and purchasing rare books in Ukraine, ensuring you find exactly what you need. We accept multiple payment options, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and various banking cards. Our shipping services include Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, so you can expect reliable worldwide delivery. Don't miss the chance to buy "Isadora Moon (Set of 3 Books)" today and embark on a magical journey!


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Pages count


Page size

130×190 mm

Original title

Айседора Мун (комплект із 3 книг)

Original Publisher



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