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Стівен Кінг

Stephen King


– The novel is among the “100 Significant Books of the Year” – A movie adaptation from the director of Big Little Lies is planned That night, the nightmare began. Luke’s parents were killed, and the boy himself was thrown into an SUV and driven away in an unknown direction. He woke up in a place called the Institute. It’s a kind of ghetto for somewhat… unusual children. They are kidnapped and kept here like experimental rats. The director, Mrs. Sigsby, and the staff of this sinister institution ruthlessly drain the children of their telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Luke’s new friend says there is no way to escape. But he has to try…

Купити "Інститут" українською мовою від Стівена Кінга

Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Інститут" українською мовою, ви потрапили за адресою! Це книга, яка захоплює з перших сторінок і не відпускає до самого кінця. У ній містяться незабутні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету, які варто знати. Ось кілька причин, чому варто прочитати цю книгу:

  • Захоплюючий сюжет: Історія про дітей з екстраординарними здібностями, які потрапляють до таємного інституту.
  • Емоційна напруга: Напружені моменти та несподівані повороти сюжету тримають вас у напрузі.
  • Глибокі теми: Книга порушує важливі питання про владу, контроль і дружбу.
  • Сильні персонажі: Відвага і стійкість героїв вражають та надихають.
  • Непередбачувані фінали: Кожна глава приносить щось нове і несподіване.

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Discover "The Institute" by Stephen King - A Must-Read!

If you're searching for an engaging and thrilling read, look no further! Buy "The Institute" in Ukrainian and immerse yourself in a world of suspense and mystery crafted by the master storyteller, Stephen King.

Why You Should Buy "The Institute" by Stephen King

  • Captivating Storyline: Dive into a chilling tale about gifted children trapped in a sinister institution.
  • Rich Character Development: Experience the emotions and struggles of the characters as they fight against overwhelming odds.
  • Exploration of Human Nature: King's work delves into the complexities of morality and the human experience.
  • Thrilling Suspense: The tension builds throughout, making it hard to put down this gripping novel.
  • Perfect for Fans of Horror and Mystery: If you love King's style, this book is a must-have in your collection.

Main Points and Milestones of "The Institute"

  • Introduction of young protagonists with extraordinary abilities.
  • The dark secrets of the institution where they are held captive.
  • Building friendships and alliances among the kids.
  • The ultimate plan to escape and expose the truth.
  • A compelling conclusion that will leave you breathless.

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Explore the world of literature and entertainment by purchasing "The Institute" today! Experience all these benefits while enjoying an incredible reading adventure.


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    Hanna Kanavets

    In general, I love King’s books and lately I’ve been happy to read everything the author has written, but I found this book a bit boring.

    The first 50 pages didn’t interest me at all, but I kept reading, simply because I realized that a book with 600 pages must eventually turn into something interesting. In the end, when the plot turned to the right path, I thought that King had simply started from the wrong place. If he had written about the kidnapping right away and then moved on to the story of Tim, it would have been a livelier read, because I would have been thinking about the boy and what happened to him all the time. And so while I was reading 200 pages about the guy at the institute, I honestly forgot what happened at the beginning with Tim.

    Okay, in general, sometimes a bunch of descriptions of the institute were also a bit boring, repetitive and sometimes not believable. On the one hand, this kind of super-secret organization that didn’t see the guy who got out so easily? It’s kind of bizarre, really. I thought from the description of the book that the kids would get out using their powers, which would be more like the truth, like all these people were putting themselves in danger by enhancing their powers, but this is… unbelievable.

    In the end, the book became really interesting to me at the end, when the chase for the kid began and his fate became interesting to me.

    I probably would have given it 3 stars, but it’s King and the language is good – it’s interesting to read, but the plot was a bit of a letdown.

    November 2, 2020
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    It is impossible to read King’s books without being enthralled, this is the author when you turn the pages one by one and cannot put them down.

    Somewhere in the middle of the forest there is a building, a so-called institute, where terrible things are happening – kidnapped children with extraordinary abilities are being held to perform experiments on them, but for what?

    One day, Luke enters the institute, and he not only has telekinetic powers, but he is also a very smart boy. Luke meets other children and finds out that there is no way out of this place. But is it really so? Will the boy be able to save himself and his friends?

    I think this will become my favorite book by Stephen King, because I haven’t had such an exciting book for a long time. It’s a great book to start getting to know the author with, because you’ll definitely want more.

    There are no monsters, no brain damage in the book, but the book is scary when you start thinking about what is done to children, how ruthless people kidnap children, tear them away from their families just because they need to.

    If you like this genre or have been dreaming of trying it for a long time, I highly recommend it! This is an extraordinary book.

    October 14, 2020
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    Marina Primak

    The book is interesting to read, but the story is not new. Very often we come across stories about children with supernatural abilities, and Stephen King decided to write us something like this.

    The story begins with the kidnapping of a 12-year-old prodigy to a secret institute where children with supernatural abilities are taken to “save humanity”. They have an exact replica of their rooms, have time to socialize with their peers, have normal meals, and generally live a normal life in a boarding school, except that their life force is drained from them.

    The protagonist is very smart and he realizes that he has to get out in any way he can, because they will all die, and he starts looking for the slightest gaps in this system.

    It feels like the book was written in a hurry. If this secret organization wanted to save the whole world with the help of children, why kidnap them and kill their parents if they could set up forced schools for them and teach them how to properly control their powers and what to do?

    If the children had such cool powers, why couldn’t they have secretly united from the beginning and destroyed them all?

    And why didn’t that little prodigy with a laptop hack into all the necessary systems to tell the whole world where they were?

    And the most important absurdity in the plot

    The idea of saving the world by killing someone because scientists have calculated it is ridiculous.

    Even the little boy told us why it was absurd and proved it, but the others couldn’t?

    He can’t be the smartest person on the planet and the only one who knows the theory of probability.

    Of course, it’s interesting to read, but I have a lot of questions about the plot and characters.

    October 5, 2020
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    Alina Krugletskaya

    The Institute is one of those novels by Stephen King in which children are the main characters and the main driving force of the plot. This time, these are children with paranormal powers, such as telekinesis and telepathy. An unknown organization kidnaps these children and conducts cruel experiments on them in a secret institute hidden in the middle of the forest, which result in complete loss of intelligence and death for the little subjects. But when twelve-year-old Luke, who not only knows the basics of telekinesis, but is also a gifted and extremely mentally developed prodigy, enters the institute, everything changes. The boy has accomplished the impossible: he manages to escape, and now he is being chased across the country by a squad of armed and dangerous thugs – obedient executors of the criminal orders of the institute’s management. And a lot depends on whether the police of a small, unremarkable town will believe Luke’s fantastic story. Moreover, under the influence of Luke’s escape, a real uprising of small prisoners unfolds in the institute itself…

    September 19, 2020
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    Anastasia Voloshina

    The latest, long-awaited novel from the King of Horrors. His name has long been a classic, and you can safely buy the novel, without reading the synopsis and reviews. And by the way, I don’t recommend reading the synopsis, if you don’t know anything about the book, it’s even more interesting to read.

    The first section of the novel is dedicated to getting acquainted with the former police officer Tim, and it seems – what does this have to do with the institute? Next comes the institute itself and our main character – prodigy Luke. But there are no more questions, there is intrigue – what is the connection between Luke and Tim?) Dynamic intrigue is on every page here. We, like the protagonist, understand little at first, are informed piecemeal and horrified by the magnitude

    of what’s going on… Experiments on children with the rudiments of superpowers – telepathy and telekinesis. But that’s just a side part of the Institute’s activities, it has a more important mission and purpose of existence, it’s not for nothing that the director says that children are here to serve the motherland…

    The novel reads in one breath. There are few descriptions and no side plot lines, the suspense holds from beginning to end. A gripping action-thriller, with conspiracy and, chases and shootings. The only downside, most of what happens seems too “cinematic” and not very believable (although on the other hand, that’s a good thing, in reality it’s better not)). But as an entertaining, light read for the evening, for me this is one of the best books I’ve read in a while.

    September 16, 2020
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